Quatrain 134 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

By hamed @hamed | 41 1

آن روی ترش نیست چنینش فعل است
می‌گوید و می‌خورد در اینش فعل است

آنکس که بر این چرخ برینش فعل است
این نیست عجب که در زمینش فعل است


English Translation of the Quatrain

That sour face is not what it seems; it's merely an act.
He speaks and eats; these are his actions.

He who acts in this celestial sphere,
It is no wonder that he acts in this earthly realm.

Analysis of the Quatrains

The Hidden Reality: The quatrain suggests that appearances can be deceiving. The person with a sour face may be hiding their true feelings or intentions.
Divine Actions: The "he" in the quatrain can be interpreted as God or a divine being. The poet suggests that divine actions manifest in both the celestial and earthly realms.
The Unity of Being: The quatrain hints at the interconnectedness of all things, suggesting that what happens in the heavens is reflected on Earth.

@hamed Dec. 15, 2024, 6:51 p.m.

Deeper Meanings

This quatrain, like much of Rumi's poetry, can be interpreted on multiple levels:

Sufi Mysticism: The quatrain reflects the Sufi concept of the unity of being and the interconnectedness of all things.
Human Nature: The poet suggests that human behavior is often complex and motivated by hidden factors.
Divine Providence: The quatrain hints at the idea of divine providence and the role of God in human affairs.