Quatrain 153 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

By hamed @hamed | 38 1

از حلقهٔ گوش از دلم باخبر است
در حلقهٔ او دل از همه حلقه‌تر است

زیر و زبر چرخ پر است از غم او
هر ذره چو آفتاب زیر و زبر است


English Translation of the Quatrain

The earring in my ear knows more of my heart
Than my heart knows of all other rings.

The heavens above and below are full of his sorrow,
Every atom, like the sun, is above and below.

Analysis of the Quatrains

The Knowing Earring: This is a striking metaphor. The earring, a seemingly inanimate object, is imbued with a sense of awareness and understanding.
Universal Sorrow: The quatrain suggests that the beloved's sorrow is so pervasive that it permeates the entire cosmos.
Paradox of the Sun: The image of the sun being both above and below is a paradox that hints at the limitless and all-encompassing nature of the beloved's presence.

@hamed Dec. 19, 2024, 7:02 p.m.

Deeper Meanings

This quatrain, like much of Rumi's poetry, can be interpreted on multiple levels:

Mystical Union: The earring can symbolize a spiritual connection or union with the beloved.
Cosmic Love: The sorrow of the beloved is not just personal, but cosmic. It reflects a universal longing for unity.
Paradox of Existence: The final line suggests that reality is often paradoxical and defies simple explanations.