Quatrain 166 from Rubaiyat of Rumi
امشب آمد خیال آن دلبر چست
در خانهٔ تن مقام دل را میجست
دل را چو بیافت زود خنجر بکشید
زد بر دل من که دست و بازوش درست
English Translation:
Tonight, the image of that swift beloved arrived,
Searching within the body for the heart's dwelling place.
Upon finding the heart, it swiftly drew a dagger,
And struck my heart, for its hand and arm were strong.

The Image of that Swift Beloved (خیال آن دلبر چست - Khayāl-e ān delbar-e chost): "Khayal" (خیال) means image, thought, or imagination. It refers to the memory or mental presence of the beloved. "Chost" (چست) means agile, skillful, or swift. This suggests that the beloved is not only beautiful but also possesses a captivating and dynamic presence that quickly occupies the mind.
Searching within the Body for the Heart's Dwelling Place (در خانهٔ تن مقام دل را میجست - Dar khāneh-ye tan maqām-e del rā mi-jost): The body is described as a "house," and the image of the beloved is searching within it for the heart. This emphasizes the intimate and internal nature of love's impact. It’s not just a superficial feeling but something that penetrates deep within.

Swiftly Drew a Dagger (زود خنجر بکشید - Zud khanjar be-keshid): The image of drawing a dagger is a powerful metaphor for the sharp pain of love, particularly when it's unrequited, lost, or marked by separation. It suggests a sudden and piercing emotional wound.
Struck My Heart, for its Hand and Arm Were Strong (زد بر دل من که دست و بازوش درست - Zad bar del-e man ke dast o bāzūsh dorost): This reinforces the idea of the intense and forceful nature of love's impact. The strength of the hand and arm implies that the blow was deliberate and powerful. This emphasizes the lover’s vulnerability and the overwhelming power of love.

This quatrain describes the sudden and painful arrival of the memory or thought of a beloved. The image of the beloved, like a skilled warrior, searches within the body and, upon finding the heart, strikes it with a dagger. This symbolizes the sharp pain of love, the emotional wounds it can inflict, and the vulnerability of the lover. The quatrain captures the intensity and often bittersweet nature of love, where even the memory of the beloved can cause deep emotional pain. It emphasizes the power of love to penetrate deep within and leave a lasting impact.

امشب آمد خیال آن دلبر چست (Emshab āmad khayāl-e ān delbar-e chost): Tonight came the image/thought of that agile/skillful beloved.
در خانهٔ تن مقام دل را میجست (Dar khāneh-ye tan maqām-e del rā mi-jost): In the house of the body, it was seeking the place of the heart.
دل را چو بیافت زود خنجر بکشید (Del rā cho biyāft zud khanjar be-keshid): When it found the heart, it quickly drew a dagger.
زد بر دل من که دست و بازوش درست (Zad bar del-e man ke dast o bāzūsh dorost): It struck my heart, for its hand and arm were strong/firm.