Quatrain 168 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

By hamed @hamed | 86 4

امشب شب آنست که جان شبهاست
امشب شب آنست که حاجات رواست

امشب شب بخشایش و انعام و عطاست
امشب شب آنست که همراز خداست


English Translation:

Tonight is the very soul of all nights,
Tonight is when desires find their fulfillment,

Tonight is a night of forgiveness, blessings, and gifts,
Tonight is a night of intimate communion with God.

@hamed Dec. 22, 2024, 3:54 p.m.

امشب شب آنست که جان شبهاست (Emshab shab-e ān ast ke jān-e shabhāst): Tonight is the night that is the soul of nights.
امشب شب آنست که حاجات رواست (Emshab shab-e ān ast ke hājāt ravāst): Tonight is the night that needs/desires are fulfilled.
امشب شب بخشایش و انعام و عطاست (Emshab shab-e bakhshāyesh o en'ām o 'atāst): Tonight is the night of forgiveness and bestowal and gifts.
امشب شب آنست که همراز خداست (Emshab shab-e ān ast ke hamrāz-e Khodāst): Tonight is the night that is the confidant of God.

@hamed Dec. 22, 2024, 3:55 p.m.

The Soul of Nights (جان شبهاست - Jān-e shabhāst): This powerful metaphor elevates this particular night above all others. It suggests that this night embodies the essence, the deepest meaning, and the spiritual heart of all nights. It's not just a period of darkness but a time of profound spiritual potential.
Desires Find Their Fulfillment (حاجات رواست - Hājāt ravāst): This line speaks to the possibility of prayers being answered and wishes being granted. It suggests that this night is particularly auspicious for seeking divine intervention and receiving blessings. "Hajat" (حاجت) means need, desire, or request. "Rava" (روا) means fulfilled, granted, or permissible.

@hamed Dec. 22, 2024, 3:55 p.m.

Forgiveness, Blessings, and Gifts (بخشایش و انعام و عطاست - Bakhshāyesh o en'ām o 'atāst): This line emphasizes the divine generosity present on this night. "Bakhshayesh" (بخشایش) means forgiveness or pardon. "En'am" (انعام) means bestowal, favor, or grace. "'Ata" (عطا) means gift or present. Together, these words convey a sense of divine mercy, generosity, and abundant blessings.
Intimate Communion with God (همراز خداست - Hamrāz-e Khodāst): "Hamraz" (همراز) means confidant, intimate companion, or someone who shares secrets. This line suggests that this night is a time of close connection and intimate communication with God. It implies a sense of divine nearness and accessibility.

@hamed Dec. 22, 2024, 3:55 p.m.

This quatrain beautifully portrays a night of exceptional spiritual power and significance. It's a night when the divine presence is particularly close, prayers are answered, blessings are bestowed, and intimate communion with God is possible. The imagery used creates a sense of awe, reverence, and hope. It invites the listener or reader to contemplate the potential for spiritual growth and connection during this special time. It suggests that this night is an opportunity for deep reflection, prayer, and the seeking of divine grace.