URL: https://www.youtube.com/embed/y7IWp60wwT0?wmode=opaque
Thumbnail: https://img.youtube.com/vi/y7IWp60wwT0/maxresdefault.jpg
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In the path of mysticism there is no place for anguish
By @admin on July 31, 2024| 17 0
In the path of mysticism there is no place for anguish of the heart, bring wine,
For any cloudiness you see, once it has cleared, it has passed, it has ended.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/embed/TznxNebkbw0?wmode=opaque
Thumbnail: https://img.youtube.com/vi/TznxNebkbw0/maxresdefault.jpg
Backend: YoutubeBackend
Khayyam Rubaei number 4
By @admin on July 30, 2024| 22 0
Khayyam Robaei number 4:
گر می نخوری طعنه مزن مستان را
بنیاد مکن تو حیله و دستان را
تو غره بدان مشو که می مینخوری
صد لقمه خوری که می غلام است آن را
If you don’t drink wine, don’t judge the drunkards, Nor lay traps when they’ve done no harm.
Don’t be …
URL: https://www.youtube.com/embed/yJkhCdtSAAc?wmode=opaque
Thumbnail: https://img.youtube.com/vi/yJkhCdtSAAc/maxresdefault.jpg
Backend: YoutubeBackend