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Saraye Sokhan Blog offers a treasure trove of insights into the rich tapestry of Persian literature. Discover thought-provoking articles on both classic and contemporary works, from the timeless epics of Ferdowsi to the innovative prose of modern Iranian authors. Immerse yourself in the world of Persian poetry, fiction, and non-fiction, exploring themes of love, loss, philosophy, and social commentary.

Quatrain 1 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 1 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin on July 21, 2024

A poem from Khayyam when he says:

در گوشِ دلم گفت فَلَک پنهانی

حُکمی که قضا بود زِ من میدانی

در گردشِ خویش اگر مرا دست بُدی

خود را بِرَهاندَمی زِ سَرگردانی

In the ear of my heart, the cosmos whispered stealthily, The fate that is written, you take as …

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Quatrain 56 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 56 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin on July 21, 2024

Rubaei number 56, from Khayyam:

آنها که کهن شدند و اینها که نو اند

هر کس به مراد خویش یک یک بدوند

این کهنه جهان به کس نماند باقی

رفتند و رویم دیگر آیند و روند


Those who have aged, and those who are still young, …

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Quatrain 47 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 47 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin on July 21, 2024

A poem from Khayyam, a Rubaei where he says

می نوش که عمر جاودانی این است


Drink wine, for this is life eternal;

This is all that youth will give you.


It is the season for wine, roses and drunken friends;

Be happy for this moment, this moment …

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Quatrain 3 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 3 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin on July 21, 2024

Robaei number 5 from Khayyam. First its original poem in Persian and then its translation to English:


هر چند که رنگ و بوی زیباست مرا

چون لاله رخ و چو سرو بالاست مرا


معلوم نشد که در طربخانه خاک

نقاش ازل بهر چه آراست مرا



Though …

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Quatrain 2 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 2 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin on July 21, 2024

Robaei number 2 from Khayyam. First its original poem in Persian and then its translation to English:

چون عهده نمی شود کسی فردا را

حالی خوش دار این دل پر سودا را


می نوش بماهتاب ای ماه که ماه

بسیار بتابد و نیابد ما را


Since no one …

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Quatrain 169 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 169 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin on July 21, 2024

Hey Everyone

If an angle is sitting next to you, you are already in paradise even if you are living on earth. Today we explore Quatrain 169 form Rubaeiat of Omar Khayyam. I first read the original Persian poem and then its translation to English and a brief analysis.


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Quatrain 147 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 147 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin on July 21, 2024

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, particularly Quatrain 147, challenges the idea of achieving paradise solely through a life of self-denial. The poem suggests that if indulging in earthly pleasures like wine and companionship leads to damnation, then true paradise might be elusive for all. Let's explore this concept further by …

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Quatrain 145 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 145 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin on July 21, 2024

Oh, if it were possible to demolish this wretched world, brimming with pain and sorrow, and in its place, construct a new world where every free-spirited individual could effortlessly achieve their noble and beautiful aspirations. The world envisioned by the wise Khayyam is one brimming with passion, love, and intoxication, …

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