A true king is one whose company is sweet delight, Ghazal 129 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 66 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi celebrates the sweetness of companionship, the unparalleled beauty of the beloved, and the poet's unwavering devotion. Saadi contrasts worldly pleasures and idols with the divine charm of his beloved, whose presence surpasses all. He reflects on the transformative power of love, which elevates the humble to greatness, and asserts that love transcends religious or cultural bounds, tying each soul to its unique devotion. The poem glorifies love and beauty as virtues central to Saadi's worldview and poetry.

*Note: "Veisi" refers to Veis, a character from Persian folklore known for undying love and loyalty.

English Translation for Ghazal

A true king is one whose company is sweet delight,
And paradise is where the houris share the night.

True fortune lies in the chance to find peace of mind,
Leaning without a friend is no true rest to find.

The whole world praises a Chinese idol’s fame,
But our beloved’s every curl outshines the same.

If she unveils, with silver earrings bright and fine,
All would claim this moon and that star align.

If I love her not, the world loves her, I see,
For what Veisi* could command such loyalty?

Oh, show a glance of kindness, a thread of grace,
For at every strand of your hair rests a poor heart’s trace.

Save for your sight, my eyes will never open wide,
As if your love has set me against the world to bide.

Those who call you a moon of Khutan or a cypress tall,
Still see only your form, not your grace at all.

Call me your slave, and I’ll ascend to majesty,
For even a fly, by your will, can soar as a falcon free.

Saadi’s name is famed for his love of beauty, true,
And in our creed, this is not shame, but virtue too.

Infidel, faith, prayer, love, and I—each apart,
Every soul you see is devoted to its own heart.

متن غزل

خسرو آنست که در صحبت او شیرینی‌ست

در بهشت است که هم‌خوابه حورالعینی‌ست


دولت آنست که امکان فراغت باشد

تکیه بر بالش بی‌دوست نه بس تمکینی‌ست


همه عالم صنم چین به حکایت گویند

صنم ماست که در هر خم زلفش چینی‌ست


روی اگر باز کند حلقه سیمین در گوش

همه گویند که این ماهی و آن پروینی‌ست


گر منش دوست ندارم همه کس دارد دوست

تا چه ویسی‌ست که در هر طرفش رامینی‌ست


سر مویی نظر آخر به کرم با ما کن

ای که در هر بن موییت دل مسکینی‌ست


جز به دیدار توام دیده نمی‌باشد باز

گویی از مهر تو با هر‌که جهانم کینی‌ست


هر که ماه ختن و سرو روانت گوید

او هنوز از قد و بالای تو صورت‌بینی‌ست


بنده خویشتنم خوان که به شاهی برسم

مگسی را که تو پرواز دهی شاهینی‌ست


نام سعدی همه جا رفت به شاهدبازی

وین نه عیب است که در ملت ما تحسینی‌ست


کافر و کفر و مسلمان و نماز و من و عشق

هر کسی را که تو بینی به‌سر خود دینی‌ست