No beloved compares to my Turk in charm and grace, Ghazal 128 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 68 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi is a vivid portrayal of love's intensity and the beloved's unmatched beauty and charm. Saadi paints the beloved as a captivating figure with curls like rings and glances sharp enough to defeat armies. He laments lost opportunities for union, blaming fate rather than lack of effort. The poem also reflects Saadi's unwavering devotion to his beloved, emphasizing the beloved's uniqueness and the poet's enduring admiration. It is a celebration of love’s allure and the emotional highs and lows it brings.

English Translation for Ghazal

No beloved compares to my Turk in charm and grace,
And no curls match her hair’s twists, like a ring of lace.

Though her mouth is hidden except when she speaks,
If you look closely, it is as boundless as my heart seeks.

With the blade of her bloodthirsty glance, she strikes armies down;
Strike on! For in her fight, no man of war can be found.

Once, the robe of union fell into my grasp, strong and tight,
But alas, fortune is not won by forceful might.

It’s no wonder she shows no kindness to another,
For one like Saadi is forever her devoted lover.

متن غزل

چو تُرک دل‌بر من شاهدی به شنگی نیست

چو زلف پرشکنش حلقهٔ فرنگی نیست


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