Ask for wine and scatter roses, what more do you seek from time? Ghazal 495 by Hafez

Ask for wine and scatter roses, what more do you seek from time? Ghazal 495 by Hafez

By @hamed on October 12, 2024

Ask for wine and scatter roses, what more do you seek from time? Ghazal 495 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

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In this ghazāl, Hafez celebrates the beauty of nature and the pleasures of life. He uses vivid imagery and poetic devices to create a sense of joy and exuberance.

Key Themes:

The beauty of nature: Hafez praises the beauty of roses, gardens, and the natural world.
Carpe diem: The poet encourages readers to seize the moment and enjoy life's pleasures.
Love and beauty: The ghazāl is filled with references to beauty, love, and the beloved.

English Translation for Ghazal

Ask for wine and scatter roses, what more do you seek from time?
Thus, at morn, the rose spoke to the nightingale, what do you say?

Sit on the rose garden throne, so that you may kiss the beloved's lips and face
Drink wine and smell the roses

Cypress, sway gracefully and set the rhythm of the rose garden
So that the cypress may learn to seek solace from your stature

Who will give your smiling bud fortune?
O beautiful branch of the rose, for whose sake do you grow?

Today, when your market is bustling with buyers
Seize the opportunity and store up a treasure of goodness

Like a careless candle in the path of the wind
Close the door to the arts of a careless candle

That curl of hair, each strand of which is worth a hundred braided tresses
How good it would be if its scent was from good character

Every bird has come to the king's rose garden with a gift
The nightingale sings, and Hafez composes a ghazal

Ghazal in Persian

مِی خواه و گُل اَفْشان کن، از دَهْر چه می‌جویی؟

این گفت سَحَرْگَه گُل، بُلبُل تو چه می‌گویی؟


مَسْنَد به گُلِسْتان بر، تا شاهِد و ساقی را

لَب گیری و رُخ بوسی، مِی نوشی و گُل بویی


شمشاد، خُرامان کن وآهنگِ گُلِسْتان کُن

تا سَرْو بیاموزد از قَدِّ تو، دل‌جویی


تا غنچهٔ خندانت، دولت، به که خواهد داد

ای شاخِ گُلِ رَعنا، از بهرِ که می‌رویی؟


امروز که بازارت، پرجوش خریدار است

دریاب و بِنِه گنجی از مایهٔ نیکویی


چون شمعِ نکورویی، در رهگذرِ باد است

طَرْفِ هنری بَرْبَنْد از شمعِ نکورویی


آن طُرِّه که هر جَعدش، صد نافهٔ چین ارزد

خوش بودی اگر بودی بوییش ز خوش‌خویی


هر مرغ به دستانی در گلشنِ شاه آمد

بلبل به نواسازی، حافظ به غزل‌گویی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 9:47 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

ساقی: cupbearer, often used as a symbol of divine love
باد صبا: east wind, often associated with love and messages

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.