Do not think sweet words from honeyed lips, Ghazal 37 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 54 0

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This ghazal by Saadi reflects on the complexities of love and devotion. He warns that true sweetness comes with bitterness, just as love involves separation and sacrifice. Saadi marvels at the overwhelming power of beauty and its ability to render all others insignificant. He uses vivid imagery to depict the consuming nature of love, suggesting it has the power to burn yet leave no visible trace. The poet concludes with a humble acknowledgment of his smallness under the towering majesty of the beloved. This work highlights themes of longing, spiritual devotion, and the awe-inspiring effect of beauty.

English Translation for Ghazal

Do not think sweet words from honeyed lips
Will bring joy without bitter sips.

Separation arises among dear friends,
As gains and losses come in trades to their ends.

When you see one slain by a beloved's charm,
Bring glad tidings to others, calm their alarm.

I know none in your era of beauty's reign
Who loves with sighted heart — all are blind in vain.

That corner of your alluring glance,
Seems to beckon me to death’s dance.

If that sweetness falls to a dervish’s hand,
Piety may falter at the plunder’s demand.

I marvel at the hearts of those in love’s glow,
How their garments remain unburnt by the fire they know.

The beauty of the beloved casts such a shadow,
That Saadi is lost, diminished, in awe’s meadow.

متن غزل

مپندار از لب شیرین عبارت

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