Humans and fairies are all dependent on the existence of love, Ghazal 452 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 36 1

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n this ghazāl, Hafez explores themes of love, loss, and the spiritual journey. The poet addresses a beloved, expressing his longing and frustration while also offering spiritual advice.

Key Themes:

Love and longing: The poet expresses a deep longing for his beloved and the pain of separation.
Spiritual journey: The poem alludes to Sufi concepts of love, divine union, and the journey of the soul.
The transience of worldly pleasures: The poet warns against the fleeting nature of worldly pleasures and the importance of spiritual pursuits.

English Translation for Ghazal

Humans and fairies are all dependent on the existence of love
Show devotion so that you may achieve happiness

Strive, O master, and do not be deprived of love
For no one will buy a slave with a defective skill

Morning wine and morning sleep, how long?
For the sake of half a night, strive and weep at dawn

What a plaything you are, O sweet-hearted knight
You are before my eyes and absent from my sight

A thousand sacred souls have burned with this jealousy
That every morning and evening there is a new candle in the assembly

From me to the presence of Asif, who carries the message
Learn two couplets from me in Persian verse

Come, for I have seen the state of the world in such a way
If you test it, you will eat and not worry

May your crown of sovereignty never be crooked on the brow of beauty
For it is befitting your fortune and worthy of a kingdom and crown

The breeze goes and comes with the scent of your locks and robe
The nightingale sings and the rose shows off

Since you are not prepared to look, do not seek union
For the Jamshid's cup will not benefit you at a time of blindness

The prayer of the recluses will turn away calamity
Why don't you look at us with the corner of your eye?

Come and buy the kingdom from us for the price of beauty
And do not be negligent in this transaction, for you will regret it

The path of love is a dangerous path
God forbid if you do not reach your destination

With the blessing of Hafez's effort, there is hope that again
You will find the nights of Layla, the night of the moon

متن غزل

طفیل هستی عشقند آدمی و پری

ارادتی بنما تا سعادتی ببری


بکوش خواجه و از عشق بی‌نصیب مباش

که بنده را نخرد کس به عیب بی‌هنری


می صبوح و شکرخواب صبحدم تا چند

به عذر نیم شبی کوش و گریه سحری


تو خود چه لعبتی ای شهسوار شیرین کار

که در برابر چشمی و غایب از نظری


هزار جان مقدس بسوخت زین غیرت

که هر صباح و مسا شمع مجلس دگری


ز من به حضرت آصف که می‌برد پیغام

که یاد گیر دو مصرع ز من به نظم دری


بیا که وضع جهان را چنان که من دیدم

گر امتحان بکنی می خوری و غم نخوری


کلاه سروریت کج مباد بر سر حسن

که زیب بخت و سزاوار ملک و تاج سری


به بوی زلف و رخت می‌روند و می‌آیند

صبا به غالیه سایی و گل به جلوه گری


چو مستعد نظر نیستی وصال مجوی

که جام جم نکند سود وقت بی‌بصری


دعای گوشه نشینان بلا بگرداند

چرا به گوشه چشمی به ما نمی‌نگری


بیا و سلطنت از ما بخر به مایه حسن

و از این معامله غافل مشو که حیف خوری


طریق عشق طریقی عجب خطرناک است

نعوذبالله اگر ره به مقصدی نبری


به یمن همت حافظ امید هست که باز

اری اسامر لیلای لیلة القمر

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 1:56 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

آصف: Asif was a wise counselor to King Solomon, often used as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.
جام جم: The Jamshid's cup, a legendary cup in Persian mythology that was said to grant immortality.
لیلی و مجنون: Layla and Majnun, legendary lovers in Persian literature, symbolizing passionate and unrequited love.

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.