I have no heart left that is not a ball for the curve of your mallet, Ghazal 127 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 49 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi captures the essence of a lover's complete surrender to the beloved. The poet portrays the beloved as possessing unparalleled beauty, grace, and divine qualities, leaving the lover utterly captivated and powerless. Saadi describes the beloved's mesmerizing attributes, comparing them to divine mercy and the water of life itself. The poem also reflects the deep pain of longing and the joy of being bound by the beloved's love, highlighting themes of devotion, helplessness, and admiration.

English Translation for Ghazal

I have no heart left that is not a ball for the curve of your mallet,
And no enemy can flee the arena where your dominance prevails.

Since the day your disheveled locks entered the gathering,
No assembly remains that is not captivated by your disorder.

I am lost in you and the countless qualities you possess,
And amazed at anyone with sight who is not bewildered by you.

What flaw exists in the beauty of your visage,
And what magic is there that your enchanting glances do not hold?

One cannot call the water of life eternal if it exists,
Yet is not found in the dimple of your chin.

You are a sign of mercy sent from God to His creation,
And there is no token of grace that is absent from your being.

If you have patience for me and the ability to part,
By your union, I swear I cannot endure separation from you.

Why do you lament the thorn that pricks my foot?
Why do you concern yourself with the pain that torments my soul?

I suffer from the longing to see you—a pain so deep
That even physicians are helpless to find a cure for me.

Oh ultimate goal of my desires, where have you vanished?
For no boundary in this desert seems to mark your presence.

If you cast me away, what can your servant do but obey?
And if you call me, it is no wonder, for your kindness is boundless.

Will Saadi ever escape the bonds of your captivity? Never!
Indeed, it is a loss for anyone who is not imprisoned by you.

متن غزل

دل نمانده‌ست که گوی خم چوگان تو نیست

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تا سر زلف پریشان تو در جمع آمد

هیچ مجموع ندانم که پریشان تو نیست


در تو حیرانم و اوصاف معانی که تو راست

و اندر آن کس که بصر دارد و حیران تو نیست


آن چه عیب‌ست که در صورت زیبای تو هست

وان چه سحر‌ست که در غمزهٔ فتان تو نیست


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گر چنانست که در چاه زنخدان تو نیست


از خدا آمده‌ای آیت رحمت بر خلق

وان کدام آیت لطف‌ست که در شأن تو نیست


گر تو را هست شکیب از من و امکان فراغ

به وصالت که مرا طاقت هجران تو نیست


تو کجا نالی از این خار که در پای منست

یا چه غم داری از این درد که بر جان تو نیست


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