I have written the story of my longing and my fearless tears, Ghazal 461 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 37 1

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In this ghazāl, Hafez expresses a deep and passionate love for his beloved. He uses vivid imagery and poetic devices to convey the intensity of his feelings.

Key themes:

Love and longing: The poet expresses an intense longing for his beloved.
The beauty of the beloved: The poet describes the beauty of his beloved in vivid detail.
The power of love: The poet explores the overwhelming power of love and its impact on the heart.

English Translation for Ghazal

I have written the story of my longing and my fearless tears

Come, for without you, I am consumed by sorrow

Many times I have spoken of my love with my two eyes

O mansions of Salma, where is Salma?

A strange event and a strange incident

I have endured as the slain, and the killer is complaining

Who is there who can find fault with your pure skirt?

As pure as a drop of dew on a rose petal

From the dust of your feet, the water of the tulip and rose has life

As the pen of creation has written on water and earth

The morning breeze has become perfumed,

O cupbearer, arise And bring a fragrant cup of generosity

Abandon laziness, seize the opportunity, for the proverb says

That the provision for travelers is speed and agility

Without your image, nothing remains of me, truly

Indeed, the traces of my life are from your life

How can Hafiz speak of your beauty?

It is like the creation of God, beyond comprehension

متن غزل

کَتَبتُ قِصَّةَ شَوقی و مَدمَعی باکی

بیا که بی تو به جان آمدم ز غمناکی


بسا که گفته‌ام از شوق با دو دیده خود

أیا مَنازِلَ سَلمیٰ فَأینَ سَلماکِ؟


عجیب واقعه‌ای و غریب حادثه‌ای

أنَا اصْطَبَرتُ قَتیلاً و قاتِلی شاکی


که را رسد که کند عیب دامن پاکت؟

که همچو قطره که بر برگ گل چکد پاکی


ز خاک پای تو داد آب، روی لاله و گل

چو کِلک صُنع رقم زد به آبی و خاکی


صبا عبیرفشان گشت ساقیا برخیز

و هاتِ شَمسَةَ کَرْمٍ مُطَیَّبٍ زاکی


دَعِ التَّکاسُلَ تَغْنَمْ فَقَد جَری مَثَلٌ

که زاد راهروان چستی است و چالاکی


اثر نماند ز من بی شمایلت آری

أرَی مَآثِرَ مَحیایَ مِن مُحَیّاکِ


ز وصف حسن تو حافظ چگونه نطق زند؟

که همچو صنع خدایی ورای ادراکی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 2:44 p.m.

Key Persian and Arabic terms and nuances:

Salma: This is a name often used in Persian poetry to symbolize a beautiful beloved.
Qatil: killer
Shaki: complaining
Sabā: the morning breeze, often used as a symbol of love or a messenger

Some of the challenges in translating Hafez:

Multiple meanings: Many words in Persian, especially in poetry, have multiple layers of meaning and can be interpreted in different ways.
Cultural references: The poem may contain references to Persian history, mythology, or Islamic beliefs, which can be difficult to convey directly in English.
Poetic devices: Hafez uses a variety of poetic devices, such as metaphors, similes, and allusions, which can be challenging to translate without losing their impact.
Arabic phrases: The inclusion of Arabic phrases adds another layer of complexity, as the exact meaning and nuances of these phrases can vary depending on the context.