I went to the morning garden to pluck a rose, Ghazal 465 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 33 0

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In this ghazāl, Hafez uses the imagery of a garden, a rose, and a nightingale to explore themes of love, loss, and the impermanence of earthly pleasures.

Key Themes:

Love and longing: The poet expresses a deep longing for his beloved, comparing himself to the nightingale longing for the rose.
The pain of love: The poet explores the pain and suffering that can accompany love.
The impermanence of earthly pleasures: The poet suggests that even the most beautiful things in life come with their own challenges.

English Translation for Ghazal

I went to the morning garden to pluck a rose And suddenly,
the song of a nightingale reached my ears

Poor thing, like me, it was afflicted with love for a rose
And was causing a great uproar in the meadow

I wandered through that garden and meadow moment by moment
Contemplating that rose and nightingale

The rose has become the beloved of beauty,
and the nightingale the companion of love
One has been favored, and the other has undergone transformation

When the nightingale’s song made an impact on my heart
I became so distraught that I could bear no more

Many a rose blooms in this garden But no one has plucked a rose without the thorn’s affliction

Hafez, do not hope for relief from the sphere of the heavens It has a thousand flaws and no favor

متن غزل

رفتم به باغ صبحدمی تا چنم گلی

آمد به گوش ناگهم آواز بلبلی


مسکین چو من به عشق گلی گشته مبتلا

و اندر چمن فکنده ز فریاد غلغلی


می‌گشتم اندر آن چمن و باغ دم به دم

می‌کردم اندر آن گل و بلبل تاملی


گل یار حسن گشته و بلبل قرین عشق

آن را تفضلی نه و این را تبدلی


چون کرد در دلم اثر آواز عندلیب

گشتم چنان که هیچ نماندم تحملی


بس گل شکفته می‌شود این باغ را ولی

کس بی بلای خار نچیده‌ست از او گلی


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