If you grew weary of our company, we shall depart, Ghazal 23 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 65 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi reflects themes of unrequited love, devotion, and introspection. The poet gracefully accepts rejection, offering unwavering service and expressing how deeply the beloved's presence is ingrained in their spirit. Saadi uses metaphors of brokenness and drunkenness to convey the depth of his surrender and emotional vulnerability. The ghazal closes with a note of hope, suggesting that even faithless hearts might one day find the path to redemption, subtly alluding to the transformative power of love.

English Translation for Ghazal

If you grew weary of our company, we shall depart,
Command a service that may ease your heart.

We rise, yet your image dwells within our soul,
Wherever we go, your absence takes its toll.

Engage with your equals if you wish to contest,
We are already broken—what harm is a new test?

No crime have I committed to warrant your disdain,
But who holds the law to account for a drunkard’s pain?

Praise be to God that faithless idol stayed untrue,
Perhaps our idol-worshipper may repentance pursue.

متن غزل

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