Last night I saw in a dream a moon rise, Ghazal 439 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 38 1

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In this ghazāl, Hafez expresses a deep longing for his beloved and the joy of their anticipated return. He uses vivid imagery and metaphors to convey his emotions.

Key Themes:

Love and longing: The poet expresses a deep longing for his beloved and the joy of their anticipated return.
Dreams and visions: The poem explores the significance of dreams and the messages they convey.
Spiritual journey: The poem suggests a journey towards spiritual enlightenment and union with the divine.

English Translation for Ghazal

Last night I saw in a dream a moon rise
Whose reflection ended the night of separation

The interpretation went, my traveling friend is coming
O cypress, come through the door as soon as possible

Blessed is the fortune of my wine-server
Who always came to me with a cup and goblet

It would have been good if you had seen your homeland in a dream
So that the memory of your companionship would guide you to us

If divine grace had come to you through force or gold
The water of life would have been the portion of Alexander

I remember that time when from the roof and door
Your message and your beloved’s letter would come to me every moment

When did you find a rival, you who have been oppressed so much?
If you had come to the door of the judge one night, you would have been vindicated

The inexperienced traveler does not know the taste of love
Seek a courageous heart, a heart that has surpassed all others

The one who guided you with a stony heart
I wish that you had stumbled upon a stone

If another had written a verse in the style of Hafez
It would have been accepted by the taste of the art-loving king

متن غزل

دیدم به خواب دوش که ماهی برآمدی

کز عکس روی او شب هجران سر آمدی


تعبیر رفت یار سفرکرده می‌رسد

ای کاج هر چه زودتر از در درآمدی


ذکرش به خیر ساقی فرخنده فال من

کز در مدام با قدح و ساغر آمدی


خوش بودی ار به خواب بدیدی دیار خویش

تا یاد صحبتش سوی ما رهبر آمدی


فیض ازل به زور و زر ار آمدی به دست

آب خضر نصیبه اسکندر آمدی


آن عهد یاد باد که از بام و در مرا

هر دم پیام یار و خط دلبر آمدی


کی یافتی رقیب تو چندین مجال ظلم

مظلومی ار شبی به در داور آمدی


خامان ره نرفته چه دانند ذوق عشق

دریادلی بجوی دلیری سرآمدی


آن کو تو را به سنگ دلی کرد رهنمون

ای کاشکی که پاش به سنگی برآمدی


گر دیگری به شیوه حافظ زدی رقم

مقبول طبع شاه هنرپرور آمدی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 8:07 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

کاج: cypress (often used as a metaphor for a beloved)
خضر: a prophetic figure in Islamic tradition, associated with immortality and knowledge
اسکندر: Alexander the Great

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.