O King of beauties, grant relief from this loneliness, Ghazal 493 by Hafez

O King of beauties, grant relief from this loneliness, Ghazal 493 by Hafez

By @hamed on October 12, 2024

O King of beauties, grant relief from this loneliness, Ghazal 493 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

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In this ghazāl, Hafez expresses deep longing for a beloved and explores themes of love, loss, and the impermanence of earthly pleasures. He uses vivid imagery and Sufi symbolism to convey his message.

Key Themes:

Love and longing: The poet expresses an intense longing for a beloved and the pain of separation.
The impermanence of life: The theme of the transience of life and beauty is explored through the image of the fading rose.
Spiritual journey: The poet uses Sufi symbolism to convey his spiritual quest and longing for divine union.

English Translation for Ghazal

O King of beauties, grant relief from this loneliness
My heart, without you, has come to its end; it's time for you to return

This garden's rose will not remain fresh forever
So help the weak during your time of power

Last night I complained about her curls to the wind
It said, "You're mistaken, forget this foolish thought"

A hundred east winds dance here with chains
This is your rival, dear heart, until the wind stops

Longing and separation from you have made me so
That my feet wish to become the pathway of patience

O Lord, who could say this truth in the world
That that all-pervading witness never showed their face to anyone?

O cupbearer of the rose garden, without your face, the garden has no color
Dance like a cypress tree to beautify the garden

O my pain, you are my cure in this bed of failure
And your memory is my companion in this corner of solitude

In the circle of destiny, we are a point of submission
Your kindness is what we seek, your command is what we obey

In the world of the worldly, there is no place for one's own thoughts or opinions
Selfishness and egotism are heresy in this religion

From this cup of ruby, give me wine, so that my heart is bloody
So that I may solve this problem in the crystal cup

Hafez, on the night of separation, the sweet scent of union arrived
Congratulations on your joy, O ecstatic lover.

Ghazal in Persian

ای پادشه خوبان داد از غم تنهایی

دل بی‌ تو به جان آمد وقت است که بازآیی


دایم گل این بُستان شاداب نمی‌ماند

دریاب ضعیفان را در وقتِ توانایی


دیشب گِله‌ی زلفش با باد همی‌کردم

گفتا غلطی بُگذر زین فکرتِ سودایی


صد بادِ صبا اینجا با سلسله می‌رقصند

این است حریف ای دل تا باد نپیمایی


مشتاقی و مَهجوری دور از تو چنانم کرد

کز دست بخواهد شد پایابِ شکیبایی


یا رب به‌ که شاید گفت این نکته که در عالم

رخساره به کس ننمود آن شاهدِ هرجایی


ساقی چمن گل را بی‌ رویِ تو رنگی نیست

شمشاد خرامان کن تا باغ بیارایی


ای دردِ توام درمان در بستر ناکامی

وِی یادِ توام مونس در گوشه‌ی تنهایی


در دایره‌ی قسمت ما نقطه‌ی تسلیمیم

لطف آنچه تو اندیشی حکم آنچه تو فرمایی


فکرِ خود و رایِ خود در عالم رندی نیست

کُفر است در این مذهب خودبینی و خودرایی


زین دایره‌ی مینا خونین جگرم، مِی ده

تا حل کنم این مشکل در ساغرِ مینایی


حافظ، شبِ هجران شد بوی خوشِ وصل آمد

شادیت مبارک باد ای عاشقِ شیدایی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 9:42 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

ساقی: cupbearer, often used as a symbol of divine love
باد صبا: east wind, often associated with love and messages

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.