Rise, let us cast aside this blue robe of hypocrisy, Ghazal 15 from Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 66 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi Shirazi calls for a rejection of hypocrisy and shallow displays of piety. He contrasts false devotion with a longing for true unity, inviting a dismantling of symbolic idols that lead people astray. Saadi reflects on his own desires, including wine and companionship, and humorously touches on his age while still chasing youthful pleasures. His heart yearns for open fields and the purity of love, even if it leaves him bereft of peace and reason. Saadi embraces his vulnerability and passion, insisting that true devotion transcends social judgment or Sufi restraint.

English Translation for Ghazal


Rise, let us cast aside this blue robe of hypocrisy,
And scatter to the winds the pretense called piety.

Each moment, a new idol drags people to worship it—
Reveal to us true oneness, so we may shatter these idols.

Wine with the young calls to me as a desire—
Even as children chase this old drinker of bitter dregs.

From the depths of nothingness, a speck can become a human,
And the delusion of greatness can turn a man into a beast.

In this confined space of solitude, my heart longs for the open fields,
Where the morning breeze brings fragrant messages from the garden.

Be mindful, if you are wise, understand if you are a lover—
For such days as these may never return again.

Where the cypress of the garden strides on wooden feet,
We too shall bring that silver-bodied cypress to the dance.

My beloved, faithless though dear to my soul and calming to my heart—
No, do not call her my peace, for she has stolen my peace away.

For her, I’ve lost the world, my faith, patience, and reason—
Where the sovereign sets camp, there is no space for the common.

Rains of tears pour from me, and fire leaps from my clouds—
Speak these words to the seasoned, for such fire does not touch the unripe.

Saadi hears no blame, even if his life is at stake for this love—
Bring the cup, O Cupbearer, and end the Sufi’s weariness.

متن غزل

برخیز تا یک سو نهیم این دلق ازرق‌فام را
بر باد قلاشی دهیم این شرک تقوا نام را

هر ساعت از نو قبله‌ای با بت‌پرستی می‌رود
توحید بر ما عرضه کن تا بشکنیم اصنام را

مِی با جوانان خوردنم باری تمنا می‌کند
تا کودکان در پی فتند این پیر دُردآشام را

از مایهٔ بیچارگی، قطمیر، مردم می‌شود
ماخولیای مهتری، سگ می‌کند بلعام را

زین تنگنای خلوتم خاطر به صحرا می‌کشد
کز بوستان باد سحر خوش می‌دهد پیغام را

غافل مباش ار عاقلی، دریاب اگر صاحب‌دلی
باشد که نتوان یافتن دیگر چنین ایام را

جایی که سرو بوستان با پای چوبین می‌چمد
ما نیز در رقص آوریم آن سرو سیم‌اندام را

دلبندم آن پیمان‌گُسل، منظورِ چشم آرامِ دل
نِی، نِی، دلآرامش مخوان کز دل ببُرد آرام را

دنیا و دین و صبر و عقل از من برفت اندر غمش
جایی که سلطان خیمه زد غوغا نماند عام را

باران اَشکم می‌رود، وز اَبرم آتش می‌جهد
با پختگان گوی این سخن سوزش نباشد خام را

سعدی ملامت نشنود ور جان در این سر می‌رود
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