The value of a king remains unchanged, Ghazal 21 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 54 0

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In this heartfelt ghazal, Saadi Shirazi speaks to the enduring power of loyalty and devotion. The poet contrasts the king’s unchanging worth with his own unwavering commitment to the beloved, even in the face of hardship. Saadi celebrates love's resilience and the soul's yearning for the beloved’s presence, above all other places. Through rich imagery, he expresses the humility and dedication of a true lover who treasures even the smallest glimmer of kindness, all the while knowing that such love is rare and irreplaceable. Saadi’s prayer closes the ghazal, suggesting the transformative potential of devotion.

English Translation for Ghazal

The value of a king remains unchanged,
Whether he shows kindness to the humblest estranged.

By the friend’s life, even a foe would not consent
To close the door on an old friend’s lament.

Is it forbidden that the servants of the mighty
Turn away a poor soul from their company?

And though you may deal harshly, our loyalty will not change;
For every cruelty, we offer thanks in exchange.

Most people seek peace and safety in life,
But I embrace suffering, even sorrow and strife.

No one knows love’s story without, sometime,
Knocking on the beloved’s door, seeking a sign.

My heart has traveled the world and returned,
Finding no place like your presence, deeply yearned.

Bow your head to the lowly and broken, so they may
Feel honored to kiss the dust along your way.

Is there a cloak more beautiful than this you wear?
There’s no form that could bear a garment more fair.

If you keep your beauty unveiled, so rare,
None in Persia would see a saint anywhere.

For the sake of your soul, don’t let separation weigh
On a heart that bears wounds it cannot allay.

You will not find another as loyal as me,
Who will not forsake this bond of fidelity.

If you heed Saadi’s prayer, you’ll suffer no loss,
For perhaps his plea will find a divine cause.

متن غزل

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