We’ve never witnessed such turmoil arise, Ghazal 46 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 43 0

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This ghazal by Saadi captures the overwhelming power of the beloved's beauty and charm, likened to a divine manifestation. Saadi describes the beloved as a source of chaos and fascination, whose presence disrupts the normal order of life. The poet’s devotion is complete; he sees the beloved’s beauty as evidence of divine artistry, which compels both awe and surrender. Saadi reflects on the paradox of enduring torment yet finding sweetness in the pain, and he submits fully, acknowledging that resisting such love is impossible. The poem intertwines themes of divine love, human longing, and the helplessness of the lover before the beloved.

English Translation for Ghazal

We’ve never witnessed such turmoil arise,
When you stepped out and adorned the marketplace with your guise.

Unimaginable how charming and sweet you appear,
Indescribable how delightful and beautiful, my dear.

Patience, heart, faith, strength, and peace depart,
It’s clear from the wounds that your arms are powerful art.

For the sake of God, do not hide your face from all,
Let men and women admire His creation’s call.

A gaze that beholds you and denies divine might,
If left undazed, cannot claim proper sight.

What use is the world, or even Paradise above?
No request could surpass the blessing of your love.

My cries from your torment are no shame,
This pain, I’m sure, is not only my claim.

What choice do we have but to endure your cruelty?
For resistance to your power is beyond our ability.

Patience before your face is not patience—it’s poison,
And from your hand, poison tastes sweet, like ambrosian.

Those lips, teeth, and mouth you so proudly own,
Are pleasures, but for whom are they shown?

Even if you spill my blood and that of the world entire,
We’d admit the fault is ours, not that you conspire.

Saadi cannot but submit to your reign,
Whether he bows or not, your hand holds the chain.

متن غزل

دیگر نشنیدیم چنین فتنه که برخاست

از خانه برون آمد و بازار بیاراست


در وهم نگنجد که چه دلبند و چه شیرین

در وصف نیاید که چه مطبوع و چه زیباست


صبر و دل و دین می‌رود و طاقت و آرام

از زخم پدید است که بازوش تواناست


از بهر خدا روی مپوش از زن و از مرد

تا صنع خدا می‌نگرند از چپ و از راست


چشمی که تو را بیند و در قدرت بی چون

مدهوش نماند نتوان گفت که بیناست


دنیا به چه کار آید و فردوس چه باشد

از بارخدا به ز تو حاجت نتوان خواست


فریاد من از دست غمت عیب نباشد

کاین درد نپندارم از آن من تنهاست


با جور و جفای تو نسازیم چه سازیم

چون زهره و یارا نبود چاره مداراست


از روی شما صبر نه صبر است که زهر است

وز دست شما زهر نه زهر است که حلواست


آن کام و دهان و لب و دندان که تو داری

عیش است ولی تا ز برای که مهیاست


گر خون من و جمله عالم تو بریزی

اقرار بیاریم که جرم از طرف ماست


تسلیم تو سعدی نتواند که نباشد

گر سر بنهد ور ننهد دست تو بالاست