What can the servant do but submit to the master's command? Ghazal 17 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 93 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi explores themes of devotion, helplessness in love, and surrender to the beloved. He presents love as a master-servant relationship where the lover is bound to follow the beloved’s will, unable to resist or escape. Saadi emphasizes a true lover's willingness to endure pain and submission, even if it means placing himself in harm's way. The poem concludes with a declaration that those truly committed to the path of love must bow humbly, embracing all its challenges. Through vivid imagery and metaphors, Saadi portrays the inevitability and intensity of deep, devoted love.

English Translation for Ghazal

What can the servant do but submit to the master's command?
What can the ball do but yield to the polo stick's strike?

If the tall cypress with arched brows should shoot an arrow,
The true lover would place the arrow on his own eyes.

Take my hand, for my helplessness has reached its peak;
Hold my head, so I may lay down my life at your feet.

If only the veil would lift from that face of beauty,
So all people could witness your gallery of grace.

All eyes would be struck silent, captivated by your charm,
So no one would criticize me, lost in wonder.

Yet the vision I behold in your face,
Is not granted to everyone’s sight.

I revealed my weeping state to the physician,
Who said, “Once, just kiss those laughing lips.”

I replied, “I may die of this pain, for it’s hopeless
That I could ever reach that cure.”

To struggle against that arm of silver—how could I dare?
It’s pure folly to strike a fist against an anvil.

Saadi fears not the reproach of others, indeed;
The one drowned in indigo has no fear of rain.

Bow your head if you seek to enter the field of devotion,
For it’s certain that you must call this arena of love your own.

متن غزل

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