
Hekayat, a distinctive genre of Persian literature, typically consists of a concise narrative or a nugget of wisdom, often embellished with poetic verses. These short tales, rich in symbolism and moral lessons, have played a significant role in shaping Persian culture and storytelling traditions.

Hekayat 9 from Golestan of Saadi

by @hamed

17 0

One of the Arab kings was ill in his old age and had lost hope of living. A rider came in and brought the news that a certain fortress had been conquered by the grace of the king, the enemies were captured, and the army and people of that region …


Hekayat 8 from Golestan of Saadi

by @hamed

19 0

They asked Hormoz, “What fault did you find in your father’s ministers that you ordered them to be imprisoned?” He replied, "I found no specific fault, but I saw that their fear of me was immense, and they did not fully trust my reign. I feared that out of concern …


Hekayat 7 from Golestan of Saadi

by @hamed

21 0

A king boarded a ship with a Persian slave who had never seen the sea and had not experienced the hardship of a ship. The slave began to cry and tremble uncontrollably. Despite their efforts to calm him, he would not be soothed, and the king’s enjoyment was spoiled. They …


Hekayat 6 from Golestan of Saadi

by @hamed

22 0

They tell a story about a king of Persia who extended his hand in oppression over the wealth of his subjects and began to inflict tyranny and harm. To the point that people fled from his deceitful actions and sought refuge from his oppression in distant lands. As the population …


Hekayat 5 from Golestan of Saadi

by @hamed

20 0

I saw the son of a colonel at the door of Ughlumush’s house. He had extraordinary intelligence, wisdom, and insight. Even from his childhood, signs of greatness were evident on his forehead.

Above his head, due to his wisdom, A star of high fortune shone.

In short, he became favored …


Hekayat 4 from Golestan of Saadi

by @hamed

24 0

A group of Arab thieves had taken a position on a mountain, blocking the caravan route, and the people of the region were terrified by their tricks, and the Sultan’s army was defeated. They had taken a stronghold on the peak of the mountain and made it their refuge and …


Hekayat 3 from Golestan of Saadi

by @hamed

18 0

I heard of a prince who was short and insignificant, while his other brothers were tall and handsome. The father looked at him with disdain and contempt. The son, with wisdom and insight, said, “O father, a wise short man is better than a tall ignorant one. Not everything that …


Hekayat 2 from Golestan of Saadi

by @hamed

24 0

One of the kings of Khorasan saw Mahmud of Ghazni in a dream, where his entire body had disintegrated into dust except for his eyes, which continued to move and observe. The other wise men were baffled by the interpretation of this dream, except for a dervish who explained, “He …


Hekayat 1 from Golestan of Saadi

by @hamed

23 0

I heard a king ordered the execution of a prisoner. In that state of despair, the poor man began to insult the king and utter profanities, for it is said: “When a man gives up hope of life, he speaks whatever is in his heart.”

When there is no escape …


Bitterness and sweetness, ugliness and beauty have all passed

by @hamed

34 0

A king commanded the execution of an innocent man. The innocent one said, 'O king, because of the anger you have towards me, do not seek to harm yourself, for this punishment will end for me in a moment, but the sin of it will remain with you forever.'

Time, …
