In a village at the foot of a tall mountain, a farmer lived. Every morning, he would ride his donkey to his field and orchard, where he would work until sunset.
One morning, he decided to visit his friend in the neighboring village. He put on his new clothes, mounted the donkey, and set off. At the beginning of the journey, he fell asleep on the donkey. As usual, the donkey took him to his orchard. When the man woke up after a while, he realized that instead of arriving at his friend’s house in the neighboring village, he was in his own orchard.
He got off the donkey and started beating it with his stick.
"You foolish donkey! Today, I wanted to visit my friend, and you brought me to the orchard?"
This tale illustrates that sometimes being obedient, providing, and serving selflessly can lead others to feel entitled. If one day you don’t act according to their wishes, they may feel justified in hurting you or disregarding your feelings.
P.S.: Thousands of years before self-driving cars were invented, donkeys had an innate autopilot system. A donkey only needs to pass along a path once. From then on, as soon as it starts down that path, it will go to the end automatically.
People in the past took great advantage of this self-driving capability. Even today, some smugglers misuse this ability.