Hekayat 10 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 19, 2024 by @hamed 42 1

English Translation for Hekayat

Do not share every secret you hold with a friend, for who knows if they may one day become an enemy. Similarly, do not harm your enemy unnecessarily, for they might one day become a friend.

A secret you wish to keep should not be shared with anyone, even a loyal friend, for that friend also has loyal friends, and so it continues in a chain.

It is better to stay silent than to reveal the heart's secrets
To someone who might later say, "Do not tell."

O wise one, block the stream at its source,
For when it overflows, it cannot be contained.

Do not utter words in private
That cannot be spoken openly in a gathering.

متن حکایت

هر آن سری که در سر داری با دوست در میان منه چه دانی که وقتی دشمن گردد و هر گزندی که توانی، به دشمن مرسان که باشد که وقتی دوست شود.

رازی که نهان خواهی، با کس در میان منه وگرچه دوست مخلص باشد که مر آن دوست را نیز دوستان مخلص باشد، همچنین مسلسل.

خامشی به که ضمیر دل خویش

با کسی گفتن و گفتن که مگوی

ای سلیم آب ز سرچشمه ببند

که چو پر شد نتوان بستن جوی

سخنی در نهان نباید گفت

که بر انجمن نشاید گفت

@hamed Nov. 19, 2024, 7:25 p.m.

This passage emphasizes discretion, the impermanence of relationships, and the importance of guarding one's secrets.