Hekayat 16 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 22, 2024 by @hamed 51 1

English Translation for Hekayat

Whoever eliminates an evil saves people from its calamity and that person from the torment of God Almighty.

Forgiveness is praiseworthy, but do not
apply a remedy to the wound of a tormentor.

He who shows mercy to a snake does not realize
that it is an injustice to the children of Adam.

متن حکایت

هر که بدی را بکشد خلق را از بلای او برهاند و او را از عذاب خدای عزَّ و جَلَّ.

پسندیده‌ست بخشایش ولیکن

منه بر ریش خلق‌آزار مرهم

ندانست آن که رحمت کرد بر مار

که آن ظلم است بر فرزند آدم

@hamed Nov. 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.

This Hekayat beautifully explores the balance between forgiveness and justice, urging us to be mindful of the consequences of our compassion. Saadi's words offer deep reflections on the nature of mercy and its impact on society.