Hekayat 17 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 22, 2024 by @hamed 52 1

English Translation for Hekayat

It is a mistake to accept advice from an enemy, but listening is permissible so that you can act contrary to it, which is the right course.

Beware of what the enemy says and do the opposite,
Lest you regret it and strike your knee in regret.

If they show you a path as straight as an arrow,
Turn from it and take the path to the left.

متن حکایت

نصیحت از دشمن پذیرفتن خطاست ولیکن شنیدن رواست تا به خلاف آن کار کنی که آن عین صواب است.

حذر کن زآنچه دشمن گوید آن کن

که بر زانو زنی دست تغابن

گرت راهی نماید راست چون تیر

از او برگرد و راه دست چپ گیر

@hamed Nov. 22, 2024, 6:51 p.m.

Saadi’s wisdom encourages skepticism towards the counsel of adversaries, underscoring the importance of discernment and critical thinking.