Hekayat 20 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 22, 2024 by @hamed 43 1

English Translation for Hekayat

A king should not drive his anger towards enemies to such an extent that friends lose trust. The fire of anger first falls upon the one who is angry and then may or may not reach the enemy.

It is not fitting for a son of Adam, born of dust,
To act with arrogance, harshness, and pride.

With such warmth and rebellion,
I do not think you are of dust, but of fire.

In the soil of Bilan, I came across a worshipper,
I said, "Cleanse me of ignorance through training."

He said, "Endure like dust, O scholar,
Or bury everything you have learned in the earth."

متن حکایت

پادشه باید که تا به حدی خشم بر دشمنان نراند که دوستان را اعتماد نماند. آتش خشم اول در خداوند خشم اوفتد پس آنگه زبانه به خصم رسد یا نرسد.

نشاید بنی‌آدم خاکزاد

که در سر کند کبر و تندی و باد

تو را با چنین گرمی و سرکشی

نپندارم از خاکی از آتشی

در خاک بیلقان برسیدم به عابدی

گفتم: مرا به تربیت از جهل پاک کن

گفتا: برو چو خاک تحمل کن ای فقیه

یا هر چه خوانده‌ای همه در زیر خاک کن

@hamed Nov. 22, 2024, 7 p.m.

Saadi's wisdom once again reflects the virtues of humility, patience, and moderation. His teachings urge us to act with balance and understanding, avoiding the extremes of anger and arrogance.