Hekayat 23 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 25, 2024 by @hamed 45 1

English Translation for Hekayat

When the enemy exhausts all schemes, they will shake the chain of friendship, and through friendship, they will achieve what no enemy can.

متن حکایت

دشمن چو از همه حیلتی فرو مانَد، سلسلهٔ دوستی بجنبانَد، پس آنگه به دوستی کارهایی کند که هیچ دشمن نتواند.

@hamed Nov. 25, 2024, 4:03 p.m.

This wisdom from Saadi reminds us that sometimes, adversaries might use friendship as a strategy to achieve their goals, highlighting the importance of being cautious and discerning in our relationships. Saadi's words are timeless, offering deep insights into human nature and interactions.