Hekayat 9 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 06, 2024 by @hamed 33 0

English Translation for Hekayat

One of the Arab kings was ill in his old age and had lost hope of living. A rider came in and brought the news that a certain fortress had been conquered by the grace of the king, the enemies were captured, and the army and people of that region had all become obedient to his command. The king sighed deeply and said, “This news is not for me but for my enemies, meaning the heirs to the kingdom.”

With this hope, my precious life passed away, That what is in my heart will come to fruition. The hope was fulfilled, but what use is it, When there is no hope that the past life will return?

The drum of departure was struck by the hand of fate, O my eyes, bid farewell to the head. O palms, forearms, and arms, All bid farewell to one another.

To me, who has fallen and is at the mercy of enemies, Finally, O friends, pass by. My days have passed in ignorance, I did not take heed, you take heed.


متن حکایت

یکی از ملوکِ عرب رنجور بود در حالتِ پیری و امیدِ زندگانی قطع کرده، که سواری از در درآمد و بشارت داد که فلان قلعه را به دولتِ خداوند گشادیم و دشمنان اسیر آمدند و سپاه و رعیّتِ آن طرف بجملگی مطیعِ فرمان گشتند؛ ملک نفسی سرد بر آورد و گفت: این مژده مرا نیست دشمنانم راست یعنی وارثانِ مملکت.

بدین امید به سر شد، دریغ، عمرِ عزیز

که آنچه در دلم است از دَرَم فراز آید

امیدِ بسته بر آمد ولی چه فایده زانک

امید نیست که عمرِ گذشته باز آید

کوسِ رحلت بکوفت دستِ اجل

ای دو چشمم وداعِ سر بکنید

ای کفِ دست و ساعد و بازو

همهْ تودیعِ یکدگر بکنید

بر منِ اوفتاده دشمن‌کام

آخر ای دوستان گذر بکنید

روزگارم بشد به نادانی

من نکردم، شما حذر بکنید