
Posted on November 14, 2024 by @hamed | 73 0


Singer: Siavash Ghomayshi

Album: Havaayeh Khaaneh

Genre: Persian Pop

Band: None

Publication Year: 1996

A Heartbroken Ballad: A Tale of Lost Love

This poignant song delves into the depths of heartbreak and longing. The singer, once a carefree island, finds their world shattered upon the arrival of love. They become captivated by the beloved, only to be left behind as they depart. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of despair, loneliness, and the enduring hope for a love that has slipped away.

Listen to this Taraneh on:

English Lyric

I was that island
Earthy, sincere, and warm
A soft bed for the playful waves
My stature, a gentle form
I was a precious jewel
Before the wet eyes of the waves
A pure green gem
On the sea's finger
Until you arrived one day
And stepped into my heart
You left the sorrows of love
Within me
Under the downpour of your gaze
My heart seemed to turn upside down
To have your love
My whole life became a wish
With every breath you took
It felt like my breath was cut short
The clouds, wind, and sea said
This is what love feels like
You came into my destiny
Stepped in without a reason
But as soon as a boat came
You left me and my heart
You left with your love's boat
Towards the brightness of tomorrow
But I and my heart remained seated
Waiting for you by the sea
There are no longer flowers or trees
On the soil of my being
The moments without you
Pass by but with difficulty
My lonely and strange heart
Is dying here in this corner
But even at the time of death
It will still seek you
The day will come when
The bottom of the sea becomes my home
But in the sea of your love
I will remain in a corner


من همون جزیره بودم
خاکی و صمیمی و گرم
واسه عشق بازی موجا
قامتم یه بستر نرم
یه عزیز دردونه بودم
پیش چشم خیس موجا
یه نگین سبز خالص
روی انگشتر دریا
تا که یک روز تو رسیدی
توی قلبم پا گذاشتی
غصه های عاشقی رو
تو وجودم جا گذاشتی
زیر رگبار نگاهت
دلم انگار زیر و رو شد
برای داشتن عشقت
همه جونم آرزو شد
تا نفس کشیدی انگار
نفسم برید تو سینه
ابر و باد و دریا گفتن
حس عاشقی همینه
اومدی تو سرنوشتم
بی بهونه پا گذاشتی
اما تا قایقی اومد
از من و دلم گذشتی
رفتی با قایق عشقت
سوی روشنی فردا
من و دل اما نشستیم
چشم به راهت لبه دریا
دیگه رو خاک وجودم
نه گلی هست نه درختی
لحظه های بی تو بودن
می گذره اما به سختی
دل تنها و غریبم
داره این گوشه می میره
ولی حتی وقت مردن
باز سراغتو می گیره
می رسه روزی که دیگه
قعر دریا می شه خونم
اما تو دریای عشقت
باز یه گوشه ای میمونم
