New Ghazal Posted: I have smelled the spirit of love and been struck by the lightning of reunion, Ghazal 303 by Hafez
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I have smelled the spirit of love and been struck by the lightning of reunion, Ghazal 303 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
I have smelled the spirit of love and been struck by the lightning of reunion
Come, for I smell your scent, O northern breeze
Alone, with the beauty of the beloved, stand still and descend
For my patience cannot endure the longing for beauty.
Let us forget the story of the night of separation
And be thankful that the curtain of the day of reunion has been lifted.
Come, for we have drawn the curtain of the rose garden of the seven houses of the eye
On the canvas of imagination.
Since the beloved is seeking peace and apologizing
We can forgive the enemy's cruelty in all situations.
Except for the thought of your mouth, there is nothing in my narrow heart
May no one be like me, in pursuit of an impossible dream.
Hafez, the stranger, has become a victim of love
But come to my grave, for the blood of a martyr is lawful.
New Ghazal Posted: O welcome northern breeze, bring good tidings, Ghzal 302 by Hafez
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O welcome northern breeze, bring good tidings, Ghzal 302 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
O welcome northern breeze, bring good tidings
That the time of our reunion is near.
The story of love has no separation
Though the tongue of the speaker has been cut.
I am well and she is well, how are we?
Where is our neighbor and how is she?
The house has been abandoned after prosperity
So ask about its condition from the ruins.
In the beauty of perfection, you have found me
May God bless you with perfect vision.
O swift messenger, may God protect you
Welcome, welcome, come, come.
The arena of the feast has become empty
Of companions and filled cups.
The night of separation has cast its shadow
To see what the night guards of imagination will reveal.
Our Turk looks at no one else
Alas, this arrogance, pride, and majesty.
Hafez, how long can love and patience last?
The lament of lovers is beautiful, so lament.
New Ghazal Posted: O my wounded heart, with your lips, fulfill your salt covenant, Ghazal 301 by Hafez
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O my wounded heart, with your lips, fulfill your salt covenant, Ghazal 301 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
O my wounded heart, with your lips, fulfill your salt covenant
Remember me as I go, may God be with you.
You are that pure gem in the sacred realm
The mention of your goodness is the result of the angels’ prayer beads.
If there is doubt in the purity of my intentions, test me
No one knows the purity of gold like the touchstone.
You said I would become drunk and you would give me two kisses
Your promise exceeded the limit, and we saw neither two nor one.
Open your laughing pistachio and pour out honey
Do not make the people doubt you with your mouth.
I will overturn the sky if it does not fulfill my desire
I am not one who will cower before the celestial sphere.
Since you do not place a burden on your own Hafez
O rival, step a few paces away from him.
New Video Posted: With a rose in hand, Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 046
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With a rose in hand, Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 046
Description: Ghazal 046 from Divan of Hafez
With a rose in hand, wine in cup, and a beloved to delight,
In such a day, the world's Sultan, is a slave to me.
Say, why bring a candle to this gathering, tonight,
When in our assembly, the moon of my love’s face is complete?
In our religion, wine is lawful, yet,
Without your face, O cypress-shaped beauty, it is forbidden.
My ear is all for the reed’s words and the lute’s melody,
My eye is all for the ruby of your lip and the wine cup’s turning.
Don’t mix any perfume in our gathering, for us,
Every moment we smell the sweet fragrance of your tresses.
Speak not of the sweetness of sugar or honey,
For I am satiated by the sweetness of your lips.
As long as the treasure of your grief resides in my ruined heart,
The tavern will always be my dwelling place.
Why speak of shame, when my name is shame itself,
And why ask of my name, when shame is my name?
I am a wine-drinker, bewildered, a rogue, and a gazer,
And who, in this city, is not like me?
Don’t speak ill of me to the moral police, for he too,
Is constantly, like me, in search of eternal pleasure.
Hafez, do not sit without wine and beloved even a moment,
When it is the time of roses, jasmine, and the Eid of Ramadan.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 85 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 85 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
A face I desired no one else to see,
But only me, night and day.
It has joined others and been taken from me.
O Lord, please come to the aid of your poor servant.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 84 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 84 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
Either turn your face to the corner of solitude night and day,
Or kindle the fire of love and burn down the house.
Secrecy and love do not agree,
If you don't want the curtain of pain to pierce your eyes.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 83 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 83 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
O moon, illuminator of the night, brightener of the nights,
Blessed is the body that is with you night and day.
You yourself are adorned with the perfection of creation,
Do not adorn yourself, do not sweat, do not burn incense.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 82 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 82 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
If I turn my face away from your love, I'd be unworthy,
Whether you torment me with separation or cherish me.
And if I flee from your grasp, O my charming one,
Wherever I go, I'll return to you again.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 81 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 81 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
Till I lay my head upon your lap, O my darling, so coy,
I'll not shorten my needy hand from your skirt.
Though the path to you is long and far,
I'll die on the way and never turn back from you.
New Ghazal Posted: If a thousand enemies intend to kill me, Ghazal 300 by Hafez
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If a thousand enemies intend to kill me, Ghazal 300 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
If a thousand enemies intend to kill me
I care not for enemies as long as I have your friendship.
The hope of your reunion keeps me alive
Otherwise, every moment I fear death from separation.
If I do not smell your scent with every breath
Moment by moment, like a flower, I will tear my garment in sorrow.
Can my eyes sleep, dreaming of you? Never!
Can my heart be patient in your separation? Impossible!
If you wound me, it is better than another’s healing
And if you give me poison, it is better than another’s antidote.
By the strike of your sword, kill me forever
For my soul is ready to be sacrificed for you.
Do not rein in your horse, even if you strike me with your sword
I will shield your head and hands, I have no fear of arrows.
Whoever sees you as you are, sees you uniquely
Each person understands according to their own knowledge.
Hafez will become precious in the eyes of the world
For he has placed his head at your door as a dwelling.
New Ghazal Posted: If you drink wine and spill a drop on the ground, Ghazal 299 by Hafez
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If you drink wine and spill a drop on the ground, Ghazal 299 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
If you drink wine and spill a drop on the ground
What harm is there in a sin that benefits no one else?
Go and eat whatever you have, do not be stingy
For time will strike the fatal blow without hesitation.
To the dust of your feet, O my slender cypress
May I never lift my head from the dust on the day of judgment.
What hell, what heaven, what human, what fairy?
Abstinence is the heresy of every religion.
The celestial engineer has built the path of the six-sided monastery
In such a way that there is no way under the monastery's abyss.
The deceit of the beautiful rose deceives the path of reason
May the tavern never be destroyed until the Day of Judgment.
Hafez, you have happily left for the tavern
May the prayers of the people of heart be your companion, O pure heart.
New Ghazal Posted: A safe place, pure wine, and a loyal friend, Ghazal 298 by Hafez
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A safe place, pure wine, and a loyal friend, Ghazal 298 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
A safe place, pure wine, and a loyal friend
If you constantly have these, what a blessing!
The world and its affairs are all nothing
I have investigated this point a thousand times.
Alas, and what a pity, that until now I did not know
That the elixir of happiness is a true friend.
Seek refuge and consider time a precious opportunity
For the cutters of the path are in ambush in the life span.
Come, let us repent from the ruby lip and the laughter of the cup
It is a story that reason does not approve of.
Even if your hair does not turn gray like mine
I am happy with this precise thought.
The sweetness that you have in the well of your beauty
A thousand deep thoughts cannot reach the depth of it.
If my tears turned the color of agate, what is surprising?
For the seal of your ruby lip is like agate.
He laughed and said, "Hafez, I am your humble servant"
See to what extent he mocks me.
New Ghazal Posted: My pen lacks the power to express the tale of separation, Ghazal 297 by Hafez
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My pen lacks the power to express the tale of separation, Ghazal 297 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
My pen lacks the power to express the tale of separation
Or else I would describe to you the story of parting.
Alas, the duration of my life has ended on the hope of reunion
And the time of separation has arrived.
The head that I held high in pride against the heavens
I have now placed on the threshold of separation.
How can I spread my wings in the sky of reunion?
For the bird of my heart has lost its feathers in the nest of separation.
Now what can I do, as I am caught in a whirlpool in the sea of sorrow?
The boat of my patience has capsized from the wind of separation.
It will not be long before the ship of my life is drowned
By the wave of my longing for you in the boundless sea of separation.
If separation falls into my hands, I will kill it
For the day of separation is black, and so is its house and belongings.
I am the companion of the caravan of imagination and the companion of patience
The companion of the fire of separation and the equal of separation.
How can I claim reunion with my soul, when?
My body has become the attorney of fate, and my heart the guarantor of separation.
From the burning of longing, my heart has become like charcoal, far from my beloved
I constantly eat the liver from the table of separation.
When the sky saw my head captive in the snare of love
It tied the neck of my patience with the rope of separation.
If I complete this path of longing, O Hafez,
Let no one give the reins of separation into the hand of separation.
New Ghazal Posted: If fate lends a hand, I will grasp its skirt, Ghazal 296 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
If fate lends a hand, I will grasp its skirt, Ghazal 296 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
If fate lends a hand, I will grasp its skirt
Whether it brings me joy or death, what glory!
My hopeful heart has not tied itself to anyone's kindness
Though my story is told everywhere.
From the bend of your eyebrow, I've found no relief
Alas, in this crooked thought, my precious life has been wasted.
When will my beloved's eyebrow become the target of my imagination?
No one has hit the target with an arrow from this bow.
How long will I nurture the love of these heartless idols?
These ungrateful sons do not remember their father.
I, in the guise of a pious man, sit in a corner, strangely enough
Playing the tambourine from every side.
The pious are unaware, read the inscription and don't say a word
The drunkard magistrate, give me wine and don't be afraid.
See the city's Sufi, how he eats a morsel of doubt
May his tail be long, that well-fed animal.
Hafez, if you step sincerely on the path of the family
The governor of Najaf will accompany you on your journey.
New Novel Description Posted: The Persian Girl
Check out the latest Novel Description from hamed:
The Persian Girl
"The Persian Girl" by Maryam Zaree: This coming-of-age story offers a glimpse into the lives of young women in contemporary Iran, grappling with issues of identity, tradition, and the pursuit of dreams. “The Persian Girl” by Maryam Zaree is a poignant coming-of-age novel that offers a vivid glimpse into the…
New Novel Description Posted: The Kite Runner
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The Kite Runner
"The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini: A global bestseller, this novel follows the life of a young boy in Afghanistan, exploring themes of friendship, loyalty, and the enduring impact of childhood trauma. “The Kite Runner” is a global bestseller by Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini. The novel follows the life of…
New Novel Description Posted: The Persian Betrayal
Check out the latest Novel Description from hamed:
The Persian Betrayal
"The Persian Betrayal" by Alireza Afshar: A gripping historical thriller set during the Iranian Revolution, delving into themes of espionage, betrayal, and the complexities of political upheaval. “The Persian Betrayal” by Alireza Afshar is a gripping historical thriller set against the tumultuous backdrop of the Iranian Revolution. The novel delves…
New Novel Description Posted: The Salt Mountains
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The Salt Mountains
“The Salt Mountains” by Marjan Kamali is a compelling historical novel that delves into the lives of women in Iran during the Qajar dynasty. Through a rich tapestry of personal narratives and historical events, Kamali paints a vivid picture of the challenges and triumphs faced by women in this era.…
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 80 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 80 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
O hand of injustice, as long as your hair,
And without reason, you’ve withdrawn your foot from me.
O hand that emerged from the sleeve in covenant,
And today, has withdrawn your foot into your skirt.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 79 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 79 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
Any remedy for the first wound is better than any other,
Pleasing people, no matter how much, is always better.
O friend, do not entrust me to the hands of my enemies,
Even if we suffer at our own hands, it is better.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 78 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 78 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
Your face, a garden, will bear fruit,
Your union, eternal life will bring.
Drop a tear from your ruby lips on the dust,
To give life to the earth and the age.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 77 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 77 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
Though the world is full of beauties,
Shirazis, Kazerunis, Dashtis, and Lurs,
My master is that free-born Arab,
Who calls bitter what is sweet at the end.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 76 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 76 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
This beard of yours grows so quickly,
Though it brings no desire.
On the fire of your cheek, hearts burn,
And from so much burning, smoke arises.
New Ghazal Posted: At dawn, I went to the garden to breathe the scent of the rose garden, Ghazal 295 by Hafez
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At dawn, I went to the garden to breathe the scent of the rose garden, Ghazal 295 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
At dawn, I went to the garden to breathe the scent of the rose garden
So that like a lovelorn nightingale, I could cure my heartache.
I gazed at the radiant beauty of the red rose
Which shone like a lamp in the dark night.
So proud of its beauty and youth
That it had forgotten the heart of the nightingale entirely.
The beautiful narcissus opened its eye with sorrow, tears in its eye
The tulip placed a hundred wounds on its heart and soul with melancholy.
The lily spoke like a sharp sword, reproaching the hyacinth
The poppy opened its mouth like a deceitful person.
One, like a wine drinker, held a flask in its hand
Another, like a wine server, held a goblet in its hand.
Consider youth, joy, and life as precious as a flower
For, Hafez, there is no messenger other than a message.
New Ghazal Posted: I’m known among the beautiful for my loyalty in love, like a candle, Ghazal 294 by Hafez
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I’m known among the beautiful for my loyalty in love, like a candle, Ghazal 294 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
I’m known among the beautiful for my loyalty in love, like a candle
A night-dweller in the alley of the soldiers and the outlaws, like a candle
Day and night, sleep does not come to my sorrowful eyes
For I weep so much in the sickness of your separation, like a candle
The thread of my patience has been severed by the scissors of your sorrow
I burn constantly in the fire of your love, like a candle
If it weren’t for the warmth of your rosy cheek and the little drops of my tears
How would the secret hidden within me ever be revealed to the world, like a candle?
Amidst water and fire, I remain preoccupied with you
This weak, tearful heart of mine, like a candle
Send me a moth of reunion on this night of separation
Or else, I will burn the whole world with your pain, like a candle
Without your world-illuminating beauty, my day is like night
With the fullness of my love for you, I am diminished, like a candle
The mountain of my patience has softened like wax in your hand of sorrow
So that I may melt in the fire and water of your love, like a candle
Like the morning, only one breath remains until I see you
Show your face, beloved, so that I may extinguish my life, like a candle
Exalt my head one night with your union, O beautiful one
So that my hall may be illuminated by your sight, like a candle
Hafez has taken an incredible fire of love in his heart
How can I extinguish the fire of my heart with the water of my tears, like a candle?
New Ghazal Posted: At dawn, when the eastern lamp shines its rays on all sides, Ghazal 293 by Hafez
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At dawn, when the eastern lamp shines its rays on all sides, Ghazal 293 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
At dawn, when the eastern lamp shines its rays on all sides
From the secluded palace of creation,
A mirror rises from the pocket of the celestial sphere,
And shows the face of the universe in a thousand forms.
In the corners of Jamshid's celestial tavern,
Venus plays the organ with a musical sound.
The lute cries out, "Where is the denier?"
The cup laughs, "Where is the miser?"
Look at the state of the world, take the cup of pleasure,
For in any case, this is the best situation.
The lock of the world's beloved is all a trick and deceit,
The wise do not argue over this thread.
If you seek the life of Khusrow and the benefits of the world,
Then seek a generous and bountiful existence.
The manifestation of eternal grace, the light of hope,
The embodiment of knowledge and action, the life of the world, King Shoja.
New Ghazal Posted: I swear by the majesty, power, and glory of King Shoja, Ghazal 292 by Hafez
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I swear by the majesty, power, and glory of King Shoja, Ghazal 292 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
I swear by the majesty, power, and glory of King Shoja
That I have no quarrel with anyone for wealth or status.
Bring me the wine of my home, the wine of the Magi,
O companion of repentance and farewell, the time for wine has come.
For God's sake, wash and purify my robe with wine,
For I hear no good scent from this situation.
See how someone is dancing to the sound of the lute,
Someone who has not been given permission to listen to music.
Look upon the lovers with gratitude for this blessing,
For I am a submissive servant, and you are the obeyed king.
We are thirsty for the grace of your cup, but
We do not dare, we do not cause headaches.
May God not separate Hafez's forehead and face
From the dust of the threshold of the majesty of King Shoja.
New Ghazal Posted: We have tested our fortune in this city, Ghazal 291 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
We have tested our fortune in this city, Ghazal 291 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
We have tested our fortune in this city,
We must pull our garments out of this whirlpool.
From biting my lips and sighing so much,
I've set myself on fire, piece by piece, like a flower.
Last night, a nightingale sang so sweetly,
With its ears wide open, from its branch.
O heart, be happy, for that quick-tempered beloved,
Will soon sit down from her own bad luck.
If you want the world to pass over you easily,
Pass over your weak promises and harsh words.
It is time that I set fire to all my clothes and belongings,
From the separation from you and the burning within.
O Hafez, if your wish is fulfilled, always,
Even Jamshid did not remain on his throne forever.
New Novel Description Posted: The House of the Edrisis
Check out the latest Novel Description from hamed:
The House of the Edrisis
“The House of the Edrisis” is a captivating novel by celebrated Iranian author Ghazaleh Alizadeh. The story is set against the backdrop of Iran’s tumultuous history and revolves around the once-affluent Edrisi family. Their majestic house, now decaying, serves as a poignant symbol of the family’s decline and the societal…
New Video Posted: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 045
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Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 045
Description: Ghazal 045 from Divan of Hafez
In this age, a friend free from defect
Is a jug of pure wine and a ship of poetry.
Turn the page slowly, for the path of safety is narrow,
Take up the cup, for precious life is priceless.
I am not only weary of the world due to inaction,
The weariness of scholars is also from knowledge without action.
In the eye of reason, in this tumultuous passage,
The world and the world’s affairs are unstable and insignificant.
Grab the tresses of a moon-faced beauty and tell no tales,
For good fortune and bad fortune are the effects of Venus and Saturn.
My heart had great hope in union with your face,
But death is a robber of hope on the path of life.
The vigilant will not find him anywhere,
For our Hafez is drunk on the wine of eternity.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 75 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 75 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
This beard of yours grows so quickly,
Though it brings no desire.
On the fire of your cheek, hearts burn,
And from so much burning, smoke arises.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 74 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 74 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
I am the servant of one who can steal a heart,
Or give their heart to another to soothe their soul.
That person who is neither lover nor beloved,
Perhaps does not exist in God's kingdom.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 73 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 73 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
If the arrows of your enemies’ cruelty come,
Do not let your heart grow weary, for your friend commands,
"Every reproach is tolerable for a beloved friend,
Since perhaps your dear friend will approve."
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 72 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 72 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
When he saw his own face in the mirror,
And those sweet lips, teeth, and tongue so dear,
He said, as loudly as he could,
"Oh, how I've longed to kiss those lips!"
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 71 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 71 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
What harm if I were but a dog of your household?
A thorn in your rose garden, what would that be?
The lions of the world bow at your door,
So what if I were your doorkeeper's dog?
New Ghazal Posted: My heart has wandered, and I, the poor one, am oblivious, Ghazal 290 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
My heart has wandered, and I, the poor one, am oblivious, Ghazal 290 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
My heart has wandered, and I, the poor one, am oblivious,
What has become of that bewildered hunter?
I tremble like a willow over my faith,
For my heart is in the hands of the bow of a faithless eyebrow.
My imagination cooks up the patience of the sea, alas!
What thoughts are in the head of this drop that thinks the impossible!
I praise that playful, life-taking eyelash,
Whose wave of sweet water splashes on the tip.
Let a thousand drops of blood fall from the sleeves of the physicians,
If they dare to put their hands on my wounded heart.
I go to the tavern weeping and with head bowed,
For I am ashamed of my own achievements.
Neither Khidr's life will last, nor Alexander's kingdom,
Do not quarrel over this lowly world, O dervish.
Know that the hand of every beggar cannot reach that waist,
Acquire a treasure greater than the treasure of Qarun.
New Ghazal Posted: Her face is a gathering of beauty and grace, like the moon, Ghazal 289 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
Her face is a gathering of beauty and grace, like the moon, Ghazal 289 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
Her face is a gathering of beauty and grace, like the moon,
But alas, she has no love or loyalty, O God, give it to her.
My beloved is a witness and a child, and she plays with me daily,
She kills me, yet there is no sin in the eyes of religion.
It is better for me to guard my heart from her,
For she has seen neither good nor evil, and has no regard.
The scent of milk comes from her lips like sugar,
Although blood drips from the manner of her black eyes.
I have a fourteen-year-old, agile, sweet idol,
Whose fourteenth night is a ring around my heart.
O my God, where has that newborn flower of our hearts gone?
Why haven’t we seen her in all these days?
If my beloved’s heart breaks mine like this,
May the king take her to himself in his royal domain.
I will gladly sacrifice my life for that pearl of a grain,
If the oyster of Hafez's heart can be its resting place.
New Ghazal Posted: Beside the water, beneath the willow tree, with poetry and a pleasant companion, Ghazal 288 by Hafez
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Beside the water, beneath the willow tree, with poetry and a pleasant companion, Ghazal 288 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
Beside the water, beneath the willow tree, with poetry and a pleasant companion,
A circle of sweet lovers and a wine-serving rosebud are delightful.
O fortunate fortune, who knows the value of time,
May you enjoy this pleasure that you have for a lifetime.
Whoever has a heart burdened with love for a beloved,
Do not cast them into the fire like a moth, for they have a good job.
I adorn the bride of poetry with the ornament of virgin thoughts,
Hoping that a beautiful vision will fall into my hands from the hands of time.
Treasure the night of conversation and the gift of the garden's joy,
For the moonlight is heart-enticing and the side of the tulip bed is pleasant.
The wine is in the cup of the eye, call for the wine server,
For it intoxicates the mind and gives a pleasant drunkenness.
Hafez has wasted his life in neglect, come with us to the tavern,
For the happy revelers will teach you a pleasant way.
New Ghazal Posted: Every aspect of you is pleasing, every part of you is delightful, Ghazal 287 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
Every aspect of you is pleasing, every part of you is delightful, Ghazal 287 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
Every aspect of you is pleasing, every part of you is delightful,
My heart is happy with the sweet coquetry of your sugar-sweet lips.
Your existence is as delicate as a rose petal,
Your entire form is as graceful as a cypress in the garden of paradise.
Your manner and charm are sweet, your moles and beauty marks are exquisite,
Your eyes and eyebrows are beautiful, your stature and height are pleasing.
The garden of my imagination is filled with your image,
And my heart is filled with the fragrance of your musk-scented hair.
On the path of love, which is flooded with calamities,
I have made my heart content with longing for you.
What can I say about the blessing of your eyes? That they cause my sickness
And make my pain pleasurable with your beautiful face.
In the desert of longing, though there is danger from every side,
Heartless Hafez travels happily in your devotion.
New Ghazal Posted: Last night, a wise and cunning confidant told me, Ghazal 286 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
Last night, a wise and cunning confidant told me, Ghazal 286 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
Last night, a wise and cunning confidant told me,
"You cannot hide the secret of the wine seller from me."
He said, "Take things easy, for the world becomes difficult
For those who work hard."
And then he handed me a cup, whose radiance caused Venus
To dance in the sky and play the lute, singing, "Drink!"
With a bleeding heart, bring a smiling face like a cup,
Or if you are wounded, roar like a lute.
Until you become familiar with this curtain, do not hear this secret,
The ears of the uninitiated are not a place for the message of the divine messenger.
Listen, my son, and don't worry about the world,
I've told you a pearl of wisdom, if you can understand.
In the realm of love, you cannot speak or listen,
For there, all limbs must be eyes and ears.
Self-promotion is not necessary at the gathering of the wise,
Either speak wisely, O wise man, or be silent.
O wine server, bring wine, for Hafez has understood the ways of the worldly,
The assistant of the victorious king, the forgiver of sins.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 70 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
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Quatrain 70 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
Your image won't leave my mind,
Your form fades not from my sight.
Alas, for your sake, oh graceful cypress,
My head spins and I cannot live without you.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 69 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Check out the latest rubaei from hamed:
Quatrain 69 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
Give me the joy of life while it lasts,
Until the moon rises and the Pleiades pass.
And if a heavy sleep should overtake us till morning,
Let us sleep until the morning prayer is past.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 68 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Check out the latest rubaei from hamed:
Quatrain 68 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
Yesterday, fate was my friend and destiny my support,
The bitterness of your smile was clasped in my grasp.
I saw how your sweet lips moved and stirred,
But when I awoke, it was only my finger I'd stirred.
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 67 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Check out the latest rubaei from hamed:
Quatrain 67 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: English Translation:
With a friend, I found solitude in the bathhouse,
Its flower-strewn floor was stained with bathwater.
He asked, "Does anyone else have such a friend?"
I replied, "One cannot coat a flower with sunlight."
New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 66 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Check out the latest rubaei from hamed:
Quatrain 66 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi
Description: Here's a possible English translation of the quatrain:
Though they speak ill of me behind my back,
Slander, lies, and insults they attack.
One cannot sever the tale of foe from friend,
You know what? Let them say, and we'll transcend.
New Ghazal Posted: In the reign of the king who pardons offenses, Ghazal 285 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
In the reign of the king who pardons offenses, Ghazal 285 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
In the reign of the king who pardons offenses,
Hafez became a wine server and the mufti a wine drinker.
The Sufi left the corner of his monastery with a wine jug,
Until the censor saw him carrying a wine flask.
I asked the old wine seller at dawn about the state
of the sheikh, the judge, and their drinking of forbidden wine,
He said, "Though you are a confidant, it’s not something to be spoken of,
Understand with your heart and keep your eyes veiled, and drink wine."
The wine seller said, "Spring is coming, and the price of wine will not remain the same,
Think about it, for the blood of my heart has boiled from grief."
It is love, poverty, youth, and spring,
Forgive my excuse, and cover my crime with your grace.
How long will you, like a candle, keep speaking?
The moth of your desire has arrived, O silent lover.
O king of form and essence, like you,
No eye has seen, no ear has heard.
May you live long enough to accept the blue robe,
And may your youthful fortune be renewed by the aged sky.
New Ghazal Posted: A voice whispered from the corner of the tavern last night, Ghazal 284 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
A voice whispered from the corner of the tavern last night, Ghazal 284 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
A voice whispered from the corner of the tavern last night,
"Sins will be forgiven, drink wine."
Divine grace will do its work,
The messenger will bring tidings of mercy.
Bring this raw intellect to the tavern,
So that the ruby wine can bring his blood to a boil.
Though union with her is not easily attained,
Strive as much as you can, O heart.
God's grace is greater than our sin,
What secret meaning do you know? Be silent.
My ear and the curl of my beloved's hair,
My face and the dust of the wine seller's door.
Hafez's roguery is not a grave sin,
With the king's grace, faults are covered.
The judge of religion, the brave king, he who has made
The Holy Spirit listen to his command.
O King of the Universe, grant him his desire,
And protect him from the evil eye.
New Ghazal Posted: At dawn, a message reached my ear from the unseen voice, Ghazal 283 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
At dawn, a message reached my ear from the unseen voice, Ghazal 283 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
At dawn, a message reached my ear from the unseen voice,
"The reign of the brave king is near, drink bold wine."
Those who were people of contemplation and kept to the sidelines,
Now speak a thousand kinds of words with silent lips.
Let us sing those tales to the sound of the lute,
Which were boiling in the cauldron of our hearts, unable to be hidden.
Let us drink the homemade wine that the censor fears,
With our beloved, and cry out, "Drink, drink!"
Yesterday, they carried the imam of the city, shoulder to shoulder,
From the winehouse, while he carried his prayer mat on his shoulder.
O heart, I will guide you on the path of salvation,
Do not boast of sin or sell your piety.
The mind of the enlightened king is the place of divine manifestation,
If you seek his proximity, strive for purity of intention.
Make no other invocation in your heart except praise of His majesty,
For his heart is a confidant of the messages of the divine messenger.
The secrets of the king's realm are known to those in power,
So do not be a disgruntled beggar in a corner, O Hafez.