New Ghazal Posted: You can only gaze upon the secret of the Jamshid's cup, Ghazal 144 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: You can only gaze upon the secret of the Jamshid's cup, Ghazal 144 by Hafez Description: English Translation: You can only gaze upon the secret of the Jamshid's cup When you can make the dust of the tavern the kohl for your eyes. Don't be without wine and a musician, for under the celestial dome You can drive away sorrow from your heart with this melody. The flower of your desire will only unveil its face When you can serve it like the morning breeze. Begging at the tavern door is a strange elixir; If you do this, you can turn dust into gold. Take a step forward on the journey of love, For you can gain great benefits if you can make this journey. You cannot go beyond the realm of nature, Where can you pass through the street of the spiritual path? The beauty of the beloved has no veil or curtain, But show the dust of the path to be able to see. Come, for the solution to the joy of presence and the order of things You can find in the grace-bestowing of the people of insight. But as long as you desire the lips of the beloved and the cup of wine, Don't expect to be able to do anything else. O heart, if you become aware of the light of guidance, Like a candle, you can joyfully leave this world. If you heed this royal advice, O Hafez, You can pass through the highway of truth.
New Ghazal Posted: For years, my heart sought the Jamshid's cup from me, Ghazal 143 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: For years, my heart sought the Jamshid's cup from me, Ghazal 143 by Hafez Description: English Translation: For years, my heart sought the Jamshid's cup from me, And what it had within itself, it sought from strangers. A jewel that is from the oyster of the universe and space, It sought from those lost at the lip of the sea. I took my problem to the old magician last night, For he used to solve riddles with the confirmation of his gaze. I saw him joyful and smiling, with a cup of wine in his hand, And in that mirror, he was watching a hundred different spectacles. I said, “When did the sage give you this world-seeing cup?” He said, “On the day he created this blue dome.” Without a heart, in all circumstances, God was with him, He didn’t see Him and from afar, he was making God. All these magic tricks that he was doing here, Samari was doing in front of his staff and miraculous hand. He said, “That friend, because of whom the gallows became high, His crime was that he revealed the secrets.” If the grace of the Holy Spirit helps again, Others will also do what the Messiah did. I said to him, “What is the purpose of the chain of the idols’ curls?” Hafez said, “It was a complaint from a lovesick heart.”
New Ghazal Posted: The beloved rose-cheeked maiden has renounced seclusion, Ghazal 142 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: The beloved rose-cheeked maiden has renounced seclusion, Ghazal 142 by Hafez Description: English Translation: The beloved rose-cheeked maiden has renounced seclusion, She went to the morality police and acted according to their orders. She came out from behind the curtain to the party, saying "cleanse my sweat," So that her rivals would not say, "Why did she stay away?" Give the heart good tidings, for the musician of love Has struck up a drunken tune and found a cure for drunkenness. Not with seven waters, but with a hundred fires, her color cannot be washed away, Whatever she did with the ascetic's wine-stained robe. The bud of the rose of our union blossomed from his breeze, The sweet-singing bird made a melody from the red rose leaf. Hafez, do not let go of humility, for the envious one Has set his heart on pride, wealth, and religion.
New Ghazal Posted: Have you seen, O heart, what the sorrow of love has done again? Ghazal 141 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: Have you seen, O heart, what the sorrow of love has done again? Ghazal 141 by Hafez Description: English Translation: Have you seen, O heart, what the sorrow of love has done again? What it has done to the beloved and the faithful friend? Alas for that magical narcissus that has stirred up such a game, Alas for that intoxicated one who has done such things to the sober. My tears took the color of twilight from my beloved's unkindness, See what an unkind fate has done in this affair. A flash of lightning shone from Layla's house at dawn, Alas, what it did to Majnun's heartbroken heart. O cupbearer, give me the cup of wine, for the knower of the unseen Does not know what has happened behind the veil of secrets. The one who so finely painted this circle of enamel, No one knows what he did with the compass in its rotation. The thought of love kindled the fire of sorrow in Hafez's heart and burned it, See what the long-time friend has done to his friend.
New Ghazal Posted: The beloved departed and did not inform the lovelorn, Ghazal 140 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: The beloved departed and did not inform the lovelorn, Ghazal 140 by Hafez Description: English Translation: The beloved departed and did not inform the lovelorn, Nor did he remember the friend of the city and the companion of the journey. Either my fortune neglected the path of generosity, Or he did not pass through the highway of the spiritual path. I said perhaps I could soften his heart with tears, But my tears had no effect on his stony heart. Don’t jest, for the restless bird of my heart Has not abandoned the dream of the lover's snare. Whoever saw your face kissed my eye, A deed that my sight could not ignore. I stood ready to sacrifice my life for him like a candle, But he passed by us like the morning breeze.
New Ghazal Posted: I turned my face towards his path, but he did not pass by me, Ghazal 139 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: I turned my face towards his path, but he did not pass by me, Ghazal 139 by Hafez Description: English Translation: I turned my face towards his path, but he did not pass by me, I had a hundred kind looks in my eyes, but he gave me not one glance. The flood of our tears could not wash away the malice from his heart, Like raindrops on a hard stone, my tears left no trace. O Lord, protect that brave young man, Who did not fear the arrow of the hermit's sigh. Last night, neither fish nor bird slept from my wailing, And yet that playful-eyed one did not lift his head from sleep. I wanted to melt like a candle at his feet, But he passed by us like the morning breeze. My dear, what heartless and incompetent person is this, Who did not shield his life from the wound of your sharp sword? Hafez's tongue-tied pen in the gathering, Did not tell anyone your secret until it was broken.
New Ghazal Posted: Blessed is the memory of one who, at the time of departure, Ghazal 138 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: Blessed is the memory of one who, at the time of departure, Ghazal 138 by Hafez Description: Blessed is the memory of one who, at the time of departure, Did not remember us, nor gladdened our grieving hearts. That fortunate young man, who wrote the script of good fortune and acceptance, Did not free this old servant, I do not know why. I would wash my paper-thin garment in blood, If the sky had not guided me to the banner of justice. My heart cried out in this mountain, more than Farhad, In hope of a sound that might reach you. When the shadow of the morning bird retreated from the meadow, It did not make a nest in the tangle of the cypress's tresses. Perhaps if the messenger of the breeze learned from you, It would move faster than this wind has. The coiffeur's pen cannot draw the picture of my desire, Whoever did not confess to this God-given beauty. O musician, turn the page and play the melody of Iraq, For on this path, my beloved has gone and did not remember me. Hafez's song is an Iraqi ode, Who heard this sorrowful path, and did not cry out?
New Video Posted: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 007 Check out the latest video from hamed: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 007 Description: Ghazal 007 from Divan of Hafez O Sufi, come, for the wine cup is a clear mirror, So that you may see the purity of the ruby-colored wine. Ask the secrets of the heart from the intoxicated revelers, For this state is not for the high-ranking ascetic. The simurgh cannot be caught in a falconer's snare, For there the wind always holds the snare. In this gathering, take a couple of cups and go, Meaning, do not desire lasting union. O heart, youth is gone and you haven't plucked a flower from pleasure, Don't disgrace yourself in old age. Strive for the pleasures of the moment, for they won't last, Just like the Adam of Paradise, abandoned the garden of peace. We have only the right to serve at your threshold, O master, look upon your servant with compassion. Hafez is a disciple of the wine cup, O breeze, go, And convey my servitude to the master of the cup.
New Video Posted: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 006 Check out the latest video from admin: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 006 Description: Ghazal 006 from Divan of Hafez Who will carry this prayer to the sultan's servants? That in gratitude for his kingship, he might not ignore the beggar. I seek refuge in God from my evil-hearted rival. Perhaps that piercing comet will send help from God! If your dark eyelashes hint at our blood, Beware of their deceit, my love, and do not err. You burn the hearts of a world with your snow-white cheeks. What good does it do you to show no mercy? All night I hope that the morning breeze, Will bring tidings of my beloved to my beloved. What a doomsday it is, my dear, that you have created for lovers! My heart and soul are sacrificed to your face, reveal your face to us. By God, give a sip to the early-rising Hafez, So that his morning prayer may have an effect on you.
New Ghazal Posted: My heart she stole, and hid her face from me, Ghazal 137 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: My heart she stole, and hid her face from me, Ghazal 137 by Hafez Description: English Translation: My heart he stole, and hid his face from me, Oh God, with whom can one play such a game? My lonely nights were intent on killing me, But his thought showered me with boundless kindness. Why should I not be as blood-red as a tulip? For his narcissus has held his head high towards us. To whom shall I say, with this heart-burning pain? My physician has aimed at my weak life. I burned like a candle in such a way that upon me, A jug wept and a lute wailed. O gentle breeze, if you have a remedy, now is the time, For the pain of my longing is intent on killing me. Amongst kind people, how can one say? That our beloved spoke thus and acted so. An enemy did not do to Hafez's life what The arrow of that eyebrow-bow has done.
New Video Posted: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 005 Check out the latest video from admin: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 005 Description: Ghazal 005 from Divan of Hafez My heart is slipping from my grasp, O pious ones, for God's sake! Alas, what secret can remain hidden forever? We are shipwrecked sailors, O stormy wind, arise! Perhaps I shall see the face of a familiar friend. The ten-day love of fortune is but a tale and a spell, Count yourself lucky for the kindness of friends, O beloved. Last night the nightingale sang sweetly in the circle of flowers and beauty, “Bring the wine, bring the wine,” it called to the drunkards. O generous one, as thanks for your well-being, Grant a visit to this poor dervish. The comfort of both worlds is summed up in these two words: Kindness to friends, tolerance to enemies. They have not allowed us passage on the road to a good reputation, If you disapprove, change the decree. That bitter wine, which the Sufi called “the mother of all vices,” Is more delicious to us than the kiss of a virgin. In times of poverty, seek pleasure and intoxication, For this is the alchemy that can turn a beggar into a Croesus. Do not be rebellious, for like a candle, you will burn from your zeal, The beloved, in whose hand is wax, can turn stone hard. Look at the mirror of Alexander, the cup of wine, So that it may show you the state of the world's ruler. Persian-speaking beauties are givers of life, O wine-server, give tidings of joy to the pious revelers. Hafez has not put on this wine-stained robe of his own accord, O pure-hearted sheikh, please excuse us.
New Ghazal Posted: One cannot put a hand in the ring of those twin curls, Ghazal 136 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: One cannot put a hand in the ring of those twin curls, Ghazal 136 by Hafez Description: English Translation: One cannot put a hand in the ring of those twin curls, One cannot rely on your promise and the morning breeze. I will do all I can in my pursuit of you, But this much is certain, I cannot change fate. My heart's skirt has fallen into a hundred pools of blood, I cannot release it from the accusations of the enemy. One cannot compare her face to the moon in the sky, One cannot compare a friend to anyone without a head or foot. When my cypress-like beloved begins to dance, What place is there for the garment of the soul, that it cannot be a robe? Only a pure gaze can see the beloved's face, For in the mirror of the heart, one cannot but see purity. The difficulty of love is not within the capacity of our knowledge, This riddle cannot be solved with this faulty thinking. My jealousy has killed me, for you are a beloved of the world, But one cannot make a nightly disturbance with the people of God. What shall I say? Your delicate and refined nature Is such that one cannot even pray softly. Besides your eyebrows, there is no prayer niche in Hafez's heart, We cannot worship anyone else in our religion.
New Blog Post: Exploring Ghazal 121 from Divan of Hafez Check out the latest blog post from hamed: Exploring Ghazal 121 from Divan of Hafez In this post, we explore the exquisite poetry of Hafez through a close examination of Ghazal 121 from the Divan. We will embark on a verse-by-verse journey, exploring the original Persian text, its English translation, and a detailed analysis of each line. This deep dive aims to uncover the rich…
New Video Posted: The universe is indifferent to humans desire: Quatrain 26 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Check out the latest video from admin: The universe is indifferent to humans desire: Quatrain 26 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Description: This world is not run according to the wise, so it is not that important what the true nature of life is. Because ultimately we have to abandon many dreams and lie within earth, what is the worrying for? This is the message of quatrain 26 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Here is the original Persian poem, its translations and a brief analysis.
New Ghazal Posted: Like the wind, I will set my heart on the beloved's path, Ghazal 135 by Hafez Shirazi Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: Like the wind, I will set my heart on the beloved's path, Ghazal 135 by Hafez Shirazi Description: English Translation: Like the wind, I will set my heart on the beloved's path, I will fill my breath with the sweet scent of musk. My life is passing in vain without wine and a lover, From today, I will start working. Whatever reputation I gained from knowledge and religion, I will offer as a gift to the dust of that beloved's path. Like a morning candle, I have become illuminated by his love, That I will spend my life in this work and endeavor. For the sake of your eyes, I will ruin myself, I will make the foundation of our old covenant firm. Where is the gentle breeze? For this blood-soaked life of mine, like a flower, I will sacrifice to the scent of my beloved's hair. Hypocrisy and ostentation do not bring peace to Hafez's heart, I will choose the path of revelry and love.
New Ghazal Posted: A nightingale suffered heartache and gained a rose, Ghazal 134 by Hafez Shirazi Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: A nightingale suffered heartache and gained a rose, Ghazal 134 by Hafez Shirazi Description: English Translation: A nightingale suffered heartache and gained a rose, The wind of jealousy scattered a hundred thorns into its heart. A parrot was happy with the thought of sugar, Suddenly, the flood of annihilation annulled the image of its hope. May the apple of my eye, that fruit of my heart, be remembered, For it became so easily lost and made my situation difficult. The carriers of my burden have fallen, God help me, For my hope of kindness accompanied this convoy. Don't scorn my earthly face and the moisture of my eyes, The turquoise sky of joy made a dunghill of this clay. Alas and alack that the envious moon of the sky Made my arched eyebrow's moon dwell in the tomb. I didn't approach Shahrukh and the opportunity for Hafez was lost, What can I do? The play of time made me careless.
New Video Posted: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 003 Check out the latest video from admin: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 003 Description: Ghazal three from Divan of Hafez If that Shirazian Turk were to capture my heart, I would gladly give Samarkand and Bukhara for her Indian mole. O wine-server, bring the eternal wine that you won't find in paradise, Beside the waters of Ruknabad and the garden of Musalla. Alas, these playful, sweet-natured, city-disturbing rogues, Have stolen my patience like the Turkmen plunder the battlefield. My beloved's beauty is quite independent of our incomplete love, What need has a beautiful face for water, color, mole, or line? From Yusuf's ever-increasing beauty, I learned,That love can draw Zuleikha out from behind the veil of chastity. If you insult me, or even curse me, I will still pray for you, A bitter reply befits a sweet-lipped ruby. Listen to advice, my dear, for the fortunate youth, Cherish the counsel of the wise old man. Speak of music and wine, and seek less the secret of time, For no one has solved, nor will solve, this riddle with wisdom. You've composed a ghazal and scattered pearls, come and sing joyfully, Hafez,For the heavens will shower the Pleiades upon your verse.
New Ghazal Posted: The Sufi set a trap and opened his hookah pipe, Ghazal 133 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: The Sufi set a trap and opened his hookah pipe, Ghazal 133 by Hafez Description: English Translation: The Sufi set a trap and opened his hookah pipe, He laid the foundation of deceit with the cheating sky. May the wheel of fortune break his egg in the hat, For he displayed his trickery to the people of secrets. O wine-server, come, for the beautiful witness of the Sufis Has appeared again and begun to play coy. Where did this musician come from who made an Iraqi instrument? And began a melody of return to the path of Hijaz? O heart, come let us seek refuge in God, From the one who had short sleeves and a long hand. Don't be crafty, for whoever didn't win true love Raised the door of meaning on the face of his heart. Tomorrow, when the court of truth becomes apparent, The hypocrite will be ashamed, for he acted upon appearances. O beautiful partridge, where are you going? Stop. Don't be deceived that the cat of the ascetic said his prayers. Hafez, don't blame the revelers, for from eternity God made us free from hypocritical asceticism.
New Video Posted: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 002 Check out the latest video from admin: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 002 Description: Ghazal two from Divan of Hafez Shirazi Where is the path of righteousness and where am I, so lost and astray?See the vast difference between the wrong path and the right way.My heart grew weary of the monastery and the hypocrite's patched robe,Where is the tavern of the mystics and the pure wine, where?What connection is there between piety and the ways of a carefree soul?Where is the sermon and where is the melody of the lute?How can the heart of the enemy understand the face of the beloved?Where is the dead lamp and where is the candle of the sun?Since the kohl for our eyes is the dust of your threshold,Where should we go? Command us, from this lowly place, where?Do not look at the beauty of the beloved's dimples and forget the pitfall ahead,Where are you rushing, O heart, where?It is over!May the memory of that beautiful time of union be blessed,Where is that coquetry now, and where is that reproach?Do not expect peace and sleep from Hafez, my friend,What is peace? Where is patience and neglect it.
New Ghazal Posted: With the clear water of wine, a mystic performed ablutions, Ghazal 132 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from hamed: With the clear water of wine, a mystic performed ablutions, Ghazal 132 by Hafez Description: English Translation: With the clear water of wine, a mystic performed ablutions, At dawn, when he visited the tavern. As soon as the golden cup of the sun was hidden, The crescent moon beckoned to the goblet. Blessed is the prayer and supplication of one who, out of pain, Performed ablutions with tears and the blood of his liver. The Imam, the master, whose prayers were long, Shortened his robe with the blood of his daughter, the rose. My heart bought turmoil from the ring of her curls, I don't know what profit I gained from this trade. If the Imam of the congregation asks today, Tell him that Hafez purified himself with wine.
New Video Posted: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 001 Check out the latest video from admin: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 001 Description: Ghazal one from Divan of Hafez Shirazi O wine-server, bring a cup and pass it round, For love seemed easy at first, but now troubles abound. The scent of musk that the breeze steals from her curls, Has caused much bloodshed in hearts. What peace can I find in my beloved's abode, When the bell cries out every moment, "Seal up the palanquins!" If the old Sufi tells you to stain your prayer mat with wine, Know that the traveler is not unaware of the path and customs of the destination. In this dark night, with fear of the waves and such a mighty whirlpool, How can the carefree ones on the shore know our state? All my actions, due to self-will, ended in disgrace, Can a secret remain hidden when it becomes the topic of gatherings? If you desire her presence, do not be absent from her, Hafez, When have we ever found what we desired? Let go of the world and neglect it.
New Blog Post: World is Not Run Wisely, Quatrain 26 from Omar Khayyam Check out the latest blog post from hamed: World is Not Run Wisely, Quatrain 26 from Omar Khayyam This world is not run according to the wise, so it is not that important what the true nature of life is. Because ultimately we have to abandon many dreams and lie within earth, what is the worrying for? This is the message of quatrain 26 by from Rubaiyat of…
New Video Posted: Divan e Hafez Episode 16 Check out the latest video from admin: Divan e Hafez Episode 16 Description: This post discusses Ghazal 120 from the renowned Divan of Hafez. We will embark on a verse-by-verse exploration of this exquisite poem, examining each couplet in its original Persian form, followed by an English translation. To enrich our understanding, we will also engage in a line-by-line analysis, unraveling the depths of meaning and imagery woven into Hafez's poetic tapestry.
New Blog Post: Ghazal 120 by Hafez, Beloved’s Gaze Check out the latest blog post from hamed: Ghazal 120 by Hafez, Beloved’s Gaze Introduction This post goes into Ghazal 120 from the renowned Divan of Hafez. We will embark on a verse-by-verse exploration of this exquisite poem, examining each couplet in its original Persian form, followed by an English translation. To enrich our understanding, we will then engage in a line-by-line analysis, unraveling…
New Video Posted: A ruby tinted paradise: deciphering Omar Khayyam's quatrain 161 Check out the latest video from admin: A ruby tinted paradise: deciphering Omar Khayyam's quatrain 161 Description: Omar Khayyam, the renowned Persian poet and philosopher, has captivated readers for centuries with his profound and often enigmatic quatrains. One such verse, number 161 from the Rubaiyat, invites us into a world of contemplation on life, pleasure, and the pursuit of meaning.
New Blog Post: A Ruby-Tinted Paradise: Deciphering Omar Khayyam's Quatrain 161 Check out the latest blog post from hamed: A Ruby-Tinted Paradise: Deciphering Omar Khayyam's Quatrain 161 Omar Khayyam, the renowned Persian poet and philosopher, has captivated readers for centuries with his profound and often enigmatic quatrains. One such verse, number 161 from the Rubaiyat, invites us into a world of contemplation on life, pleasure, and the pursuit of meaning. ایدل تو به اسرار معما نرسی در…
New Video Posted: Divan e Hafez Episode 15, Ghazal 115 Check out the latest video from admin: Divan e Hafez Episode 15, Ghazal 115 Description: An Exploration of Ghazal 11 5Hafez, the symbol of sweetness of Persian poetry, has woven a blend of profound thoughts and emotions into his ghazals. Ghazal 115 is no exception, offering a rich blend of philosophical musings, romantic imagery, and spiritual aspirations. We examine each verse line, first in Persian, then its English translation and a brief analysis.
New Blog Post: Women Poets of Persia: A Journey Through Time Check out the latest blog post from hamed: Women Poets of Persia: A Journey Through Time Persian literature boasts a rich tapestry of poetry, and within this vibrant fabric, the voices of women poets have shone with increasing brilliance throughout centuries. From the constraints of traditional roles to the freedom of modern expression, these women have used their art as a powerful tool for self-expression, social…
New Lesson Posted: Lesson 6: Ordering Food and Shopping in Persian Check out the latest lesson from hamed: Lesson 6: Ordering Food and Shopping in Persian Ordering Food Let's start with some essential phrases for ordering food in a restaurant. من می‌خواهم ... بخورم. (man mikhāham ... bekhuram): I want to eat ... لطفا منوی غذا را بیاورید. (lotfan menu-ye ghāzā rā biāvarid): Please bring the menu. من ... می‌خواهم. (man ... mikhāham): I want ...…
New Lesson Posted: Lesson 5: Essential Persian Phrases Check out the latest lesson from hamed: Lesson 5: Essential Persian Phrases Greetings and Basic Interactions Let's start with some fundamental phrases for everyday interactions. سلام (salām): Hello خدانگهدار (khodahafez): Goodbye صبح بخیر (sobh bekheir): Good morning روز بخیر (ruz bekheir): Good day شب بخیر (shab bekheir): Good night ممنون (mamnoon): Thank you خواهش می‌کنم (khāhesh mikonam): You're welcome ببخشید (bebakshid): Excuse…
New Blog Post: Expanding on Hafez's Timeless Wisdom: An Exploration of Ghazal 115 Check out the latest blog post from hamed: Expanding on Hafez's Timeless Wisdom: An Exploration of Ghazal 115 Hafez, the symbol of sweetness of Persian poetry, has woven a blend of profound thoughts and emotions into his ghazals. Ghazal 115 is no exception, offering a rich blend of philosophical musings, romantic imagery, and spiritual aspirations. We examine each verse line, first in Persian, then its English translation and…
New Video Posted: A prison of existence: Omar Khayyam's yearning for liberation, Quatrain 165 from Rubaiyat Check out the latest video from admin: A prison of existence: Omar Khayyam's yearning for liberation, Quatrain 165 from Rubaiyat Description: Omar Khayyam, the renowned Persian poet and philosopher, is celebrated for his introspective quatrains that explores the complexities of human existence. His poetry often explores themes of mortality, fate, and the search for meaning. In Quatrain 165 from the Rubaiyat, Khayyam encapsulates a profound sense of disillusionment and a yearning for escape.
New Blog Post: A Prison of Existence: Omar Khayyam's Yearning for Liberation Check out the latest blog post from hamed: A Prison of Existence: Omar Khayyam's Yearning for Liberation Omar Khayyam, the renowned Persian poet and philosopher, is celebrated for his introspective quatrains that explores the complexities of human existence. His poetry often explores themes of mortality, fate, and the search for meaning. In Quatrain 165 from the Rubaiyat, Khayyam encapsulates a profound sense of disillusionment and a yearning…
New Video Posted: Divan e Hafez Episode 14 Check out the latest video from admin: Divan e Hafez Episode 14 Description: Ghazal 110 by HafezHafez, the renowned Persian poet, often goes into the complexities of love and human experience. In Ghazal 110, he presents a beautiful exploration of age and desire. With characteristic lyrical beauty, Hafez reveals the unexpected turn of events when the passion of youth ignites within him during his twilight years. The old poet is in love and his hidden secret has been revealed.
New Ghazal Posted: At dawn, the nightingale told a tale to the morning breeze, Ghazal 130 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from admin: At dawn, the nightingale told a tale to the morning breeze, Ghazal 130 by Hafez Description: English Translation: At dawn, the nightingale told a tale to the morning breeze, Of how the love of the rose's face has done to us. From that color of her face, blood fell into my heart, And from that rose garden, I became entangled with a thorn. I am a slave to the spirit of that beloved, Who did good deeds without show or hypocrisy. I will not complain about strangers anymore, For whatever they did to me, my familiar did. If I had hope from the sultan, it was a mistake, And if I sought loyalty from the beloved, it was cruelty. Blessed is that morning breeze, Which healed the pain of night-sitters. It pulled back the rose’s veil and the hyacinth curl, And untied the knot of the bud’s robe. In every direction, the love-sick nightingale is wailing, And the morning breeze finds pleasure in the midst of it. Give tidings to the tavern-keepers, That Hafez has repented of hypocritical asceticism. Loyalty from the city's noblemen has brought me The pinnacle of wealth and pious devotion.
New Ghazal Posted: If wine didn't erase the sorrow of my heart from my memory, Ghazal 129 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from admin: If wine didn't erase the sorrow of my heart from my memory, Ghazal 129 by Hafez Description: English Translation: If wine didn't erase the sorrow of my heart from my memory, The shock of misfortune would uproot my foundation. If reason didn't lower the anchor in drunkenness, How could the ship sail out of this whirlpool of calamity? Alas, fate has dealt with everyone in secret, For there was no one to rescue us from this deceit. We are passing through darkness, where is the Khidr of this path? May the fire of deprivation not consume our water. My weak heart is drawn towards the meadow, For my life would rather be taken by the disease of the spring breeze. I am the physician of love, give me wine, for this potion Will bring relief and take away thoughts of error. Hafez burned, and no one told his friend, Unless the breeze carried a message to God.
New Ghazal Posted: There's no beauty in this town to steal my heart away, Ghazal 128 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from admin: There's no beauty in this town to steal my heart away, Ghazal 128 by Hafez Description: English Translation There's no beauty in this town to steal my heart away, If fortune favors me, it'll take me far from here today. Where's a generous soul, so drunk on love's sweet wine, That I, a lovesick soul, could beg them to be mine? O gardener, you seem unaware of autumn's chilling breath, Alas for the day your lovely rose will face its death. The thief of time is ever watchful, never sleeps, If it doesn't steal from you today, it'll come when daylight weeps. Lost in dreams of these fleeting joys, I waste my days, Hoping someone wise will come and steal this silly play. All the knowledge I’ve acquired through forty years of life, I fear that saucy narcissus will steal it in a strife. Why does a cow's low voice make such a fuss? Who's the magician that will take the magic from this bus? The crystal cup of wine is a dam against sorrow's tide, Don't let go of it, or your grief will sweep you aside. Though love's path is a trap for Cupid’s arrow, Whoever knows the way will escape the foe's narrow. Hafez, if your beloved's coquettish glance demands your life, Abandon all else and let her steal you from this strife.
New Ghazal Posted: The moon has no radiance compared to your beauty, Ghazal 127 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from admin: The moon has no radiance compared to your beauty, Ghazal 127 by Hafez Description: English Translation: The moon has no radiance compared to your beauty, Before you, the flower has no vitality. The corner of your eyebrow is the home of my soul, No king has a more pleasant corner. What can the smoke of my heart do with your face? You know as a mirror that a sigh has no radiance. Look at the playfulness of the narcissus that bloomed before you, With its wide-open eye, it has no regard for etiquette. I saw that dark, beloved eye of yours, It has no regard for any familiar face. Give me a heavy cup, O disciple of the tavern, The joy of a dervish who has no monastery. Drink blood and sit silently, for that delicate heart Cannot bear the cry of a complainant. Go and stain your sleeve with the blood of your liver, Whoever has no way in this threshold. It's not only me who suffers the tyranny of your curls, Who is there who doesn't have that black mark? If Hafez prostrates to you, don't blame him, O idol of love, an infidel of love has no sin.
New Ghazal Posted: A soul without the beauty of its beloved has no desire for the world, Ghazal 126 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from admin: A soul without the beauty of its beloved has no desire for the world, Ghazal 126 by Hafez Description: English Translation: A soul without the beauty of its beloved has no desire for the world, Whoever doesn't have that truly doesn't have this. I've seen no sign of that beloved with anyone, Either I don't know or they have no sign. Every dewdrop on this path is a hundred seas of fire, Alas, this riddle has no explanation. The destination of separation cannot be let go of, O traveler, slow down for this path has no end. The curved lute of your stature calls you to pleasure, Listen, for the advice of the elders will not harm you. O heart, learn the way of the rogue from the censor, He is drunk and no one has this suspicion about him. Whisper in your heart the state of Qarun's treasure, which time wasted, So that your hidden gold may not be revealed. If the rival himself is a candle, hide your secrets from him, For that playful decapitated one has no restraint on his tongue. No one in the world has a servant like Hafez, Because no one in the world has a king like you.
New Lesson Posted: Lesson 4: Verb Tenses in Persian Check out the latest lesson from admin: Lesson 4: Verb Tenses in Persian Understanding Verb Tenses In Persian, as in English, verb tenses indicate when an action happens. While the system might differ in structure, the concept remains the same. The Present Tense We’ve already introduced the simple present tense using the prefix mi-. Let's recap: Simple present: Used for habitual actions, general…
New Sokhanvar Posted: Hakim Abul-Qasem Ferdowsi (Ferdowsi) Check out the latest Sokhanvar from admin: Hakim Abul-Qasem Ferdowsi (Ferdowsi) Ferdowsi: The Bard of Persia Abul-Qasem Ferdowsi (c. 940-c. 1020) stands as one of the greatest literary figures in Persian history. Hailing from the village of Pazh, near the city of Tus in Khorasan, Iran, he was born into a family of Iranian landowners. Though details of his early life…
New Ghazal Posted: The true beloved is not one with curly hair and a lean waist, Ghazal 125 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from admin: The true beloved is not one with curly hair and a lean waist, Ghazal 125 by Hafez Description: English Translation: The true beloved is not one with curly hair and a lean waist, But be the servant of that beauty who has that [unique] quality. Though the manner of houris and fairies is delicate, The good is that beauty and delicacy that [your beloved] has. O smiling flower, understand the spring of my eye, For it has a pleasant flow in hope of you. Who can carry news of your beauty? For the sun there Is not a horse that is in someone's hand with reins. My heart was reassured when you accepted my words, Yes, yes, the words of love have a sign. The curve of your eyebrow in the art of archery Has taken the heart of anyone who has a bow. On the path of love, no one has been certainly privy to the secret, Everyone has a suspicion according to their thought. Don’t compare the miracles of the tavern-dwellers to the mullahs, Every word has its time and every point its place. The clever bird doesn’t build a nest in its meadow, Every spring has an autumn following. Don’t display your riddles and points to Hafez, My pen also has a language and an expression.
New Ghazal Posted: The one w hose hyacinth locks have a radiant glow: Ghazal 124 by Hafez Shirazi Check out the latest ghazal from admin: The one w hose hyacinth locks have a radiant glow: Ghazal 124 by Hafez Shirazi Description: English Translation: The one whose hyacinth locks have a radiant glow Still toys with the hearts of lovers. You pass over your own slain like the wind, What can be done? For life is fleeting. The moon-like sun of her face, behind a veil of curls, Is a sun that has a nebula before it. My eye has sent a flood of tears to every corner, So that the cypress of your stature may have fresher water. Your playful glance sheds my blood in error, May it have the chance to think rightly. If the water of life is this, that it has the lips of a beloved, It is clear that Khidr's share is a mirage. Your drowsy eye intends to take my liver, Perhaps the intoxicated Turk has a desire for kebab. My sick soul does not ask anything of you, Happy is the weary one who has an answer from a friend. When will her intoxicated eye, which has ruin in every corner, Glance towards the weary heart of Hafez?
New Ghazal Posted: Whoever regards the side of the people of God, Ghazal 122 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from admin: Whoever regards the side of the people of God, Ghazal 122 by Hafez Description: English Translation: Whoever regards the side of the people of God, God will protect him from calamity at all times. I will not speak of the beloved's story except to the Beloved, For a familiar one will keep a familiar secret. O heart, make your living in such a way that if your foot slips, Your angel will hold you up with both hands in prayer. If your wish is that your beloved may not break the covenant, Guard the thread so that she may keep it. O gentle breeze, if you see my heart on that curl, Out of kindness, tell her to keep a place for it. When I asked her to guard my heart, what did she say? What can a servant do? God will protect it. My head, gold, heart, and soul are sacrificed for that beloved Who will keep the right of the conversation of love and loyalty. Where is the dust of your path so that Hafez May keep it as a souvenir of the gentle breeze?
New Ghazal Posted: Whoever has a collected heart and a lovely beloved: Ghazal 121 by Hafez Check out the latest ghazal from admin: Whoever has a collected heart and a lovely beloved: Ghazal 121 by Hafez Description: English Translation: Whoever has a collected heart and a lovely beloved Has found fortune as a companion and prosperity as a neighbor. The threshold of the realm of love is much higher than reason. Only one who has their life in their sleeve can kiss that threshold. Her sweet, narrow mouth must be Solomon's kingdom, For the imprint of her ruby seal has the world beneath its gem. With ruby lips and a dark mole, since she has both, I praise my beloved, whose beauty has both. Do not look down on the weak and feeble, O benefactor, For the head of the pleasure gathering has a beggar as its guest. While you are on the earth, consider ability a treasure, For there are many periods of weakness beneath the earth. The prayer of the needy is for those who torment body and soul, For who sees good in that harvest whose reaper is ashamed? O gentle breeze, tell a secret of my love to that beautiful king, That a hundred Jamshids and Kay Khusrows are slaves to the least of me. And if he says he does not want, like the impoverished lover Hafez, Tell him that kingship has poverty as its companion.
New Sokhanvar Posted: Molana Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad (Rumi) Check out the latest Sokhanvar from admin: Molana Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad (Rumi) Rumi: The Mystic Poet Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, more commonly known as Rumi, was a 13th-century Persian poet, Islamic scholar, and Sufi mystic whose profound spiritual insights and lyrical poetry continue to resonate centuries after his death. Born in Balkh, present-day Afghanistan, around 1207, Rumi hailed from a family of…