
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

In the reign of the king who pardons offenses, Ghazal 285 by Hafez

In the reign of the king who pardons offenses, Ghazal 285 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 27, 2024
In the reign of the king who pardons offenses, Ghazal 285 by Hafez

By hamed on September 27, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

در عهدِ پادشاهِ خطابخشِ جُرم پوش *** حافظ قَرابه کَش شد و مفتی پیاله نوش


چندان بمان که خرقهٔ اَزْرَق کُنَد قبول *** بختِ جوانَت از فلکِ پیرِ ژِنده پوش

English Translation: In the reign of the king who pardons offenses, Hafez became a wine server and the mufti a wine drinker. The Sufi left the corner of his monastery with a wine jug, Until the censor saw him carrying a wine flask. I asked the old wine seller at …

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A voice whispered from the corner of the tavern last night, Ghazal 284 by Hafez

A voice whispered from the corner of the tavern last night, Ghazal 284 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 27, 2024
A voice whispered from the corner of the tavern last night, Ghazal 284 by Hafez

By hamed on September 27, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

هاتفی از گوشهٔ میخانه دوش *** گفت ببخشند گنه، مِی بنوش


ای مَلِکُ العَرش مرادش بده *** و از خطرِ چشمِ بَدَش دار گوش

English Translation: A voice whispered from the corner of the tavern last night, "Sins will be forgiven, drink wine." Divine grace will do its work, The messenger will bring tidings of mercy. Bring this raw intellect to the tavern, So that the ruby wine can bring his blood to a …

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At dawn, a message reached my ear from the unseen voice, Ghazal 283 by Hafez

At dawn, a message reached my ear from the unseen voice, Ghazal 283 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 27, 2024
At dawn, a message reached my ear from the unseen voice, Ghazal 283 by Hafez

By hamed on September 27, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

سحر ز هاتفِ غیبم رسید مژده به گوش *** که دورِ شاه شجاع است، مِی دلیر بنوش


رموزِ مصلحتِ مُلک خسروان دانند *** گدایِ گوشه نشینی تو حافظا مَخروش

English Translation: At dawn, a message reached my ear from the unseen voice, "The reign of the brave king is near, drink bold wine." Those who were people of contemplation and kept to the sidelines, Now speak a thousand kinds of words with silent lips. Let us sing those tales …

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She has stolen my peace, patience, and sanity, Ghazal 282 by Hafez

She has stolen my peace, patience, and sanity, Ghazal 282 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 27, 2024
She has stolen my peace, patience, and sanity, Ghazal 282 by Hafez

By hamed on September 27, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

بِبُرد از من قرار و طاقت و هوش *** بتِ سنگین دلِ سیمین بناگوش


دوایِ تو دوایِ توست حافظ *** لبِ نوشش لبِ نوشش لبِ نوش

English Translation: She has stolen my peace, patience, and sanity, That stone-hearted beauty with silver earrings. A graceful, playful wanderer with a fur cap, A delicate, wild moon in a Turkic robe. From the heat of the fire of my love's passion, I constantly boil like a kettle. If I …

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O Lord, this newly blossomed, smiling one You have entrusted to me, Ghazal 281 by Hafez

O Lord, this newly blossomed, smiling one You have entrusted to me, Ghazal 281 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 27, 2024
O Lord, this newly blossomed, smiling one You have entrusted to me, Ghazal 281 by Hafez

By hamed on September 27, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

یا رب این نوگُلِ خندان که سپردی به مَنَش *** می‌سپارم به تو از چشمِ حسودِ چَمَنَش


شعرِ حافظ همه بیتُ الْغَزَلِ معرفت است *** آفرین بر نَفَسِ دلکَش و لطفِ سخنش

English Translation: O Lord, this newly blossomed, smiling one You have entrusted to me, I entrust to You from the envious eye of the garden. Though she has journeyed a hundred stages from the path of loyalty, May the evil of the celestial sphere be far from her body and …

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When the morning breeze tangled her amber-scattering locks, Ghazal 280 by Hafez

When the morning breeze tangled her amber-scattering locks, Ghazal 280 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 26, 2024
When the morning breeze tangled her amber-scattering locks, Ghazal 280 by Hafez

By hamed on September 26, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

چو برشکست صبا زلفِ عنبرافشانش *** به هر شکسته که پیوست تازه شد جانش


بگیرم آن سرِ زلف و به دستِ خواجه دهم *** که سوخت حافظِ بی‌دل ز مکر و دستانش

English Translation: When the morning breeze tangled her amber-scattering locks, With each tangle, her life was renewed. Where is a confidant to whom I can fully describe How my heart yearns during this time of separation? Time, like the face of you, has folded up like a rose petal, But …

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How delightful is Shiraz and its unparalleled situation! Ghazal 279 by Hafez

How delightful is Shiraz and its unparalleled situation! Ghazal 279 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 26, 2024
How delightful is Shiraz and its unparalleled situation! Ghazal 279 by Hafez

By hamed on September 26, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

خوشا شیراز و وضعِ بی‌مثالش *** خداوندا نگه دار از زَوالش


چرا حافظ چو می‌ترسیدی از هجر *** نکردی شُکرِ ایامِ وصالش؟

English Translation: How delightful is Shiraz and its unparalleled situation! O God, preserve it from decline. From the Rock of Paradise, a hundred tablets of God have descended, Whose clear waters bestow the life of Khizr. Between Jaʿfarābād and the place of prayer, Its north wind wafts with fragrance. Come …

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I crave a bitter wine, so potent it can fell a man, Ghazal 278 by Hafez

I crave a bitter wine, so potent it can fell a man, Ghazal 278 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 26, 2024
I crave a bitter wine, so potent it can fell a man, Ghazal 278 by Hafez

By hamed on September 26, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

شرابِ تلخ می‌خواهم که مردافکن بُوَد زورش *** که تا یک دَم بیاسایم ز دنیا و شر و شورش


کمانِ ابرویِ جانان نمی‌پیچد سر از حافظ *** ولیکن خنده می‌آید، بدین بازویِ بی‌زورش

English Translation: I crave a bitter wine, so potent it can fell a man, So that I may rest for a moment from the world and its tumult. The banquet of this lowly world-nourishing fortune holds no sweetness of tranquility, Wash the taste of greed and desire from your heart, …

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The nightingale’s sole thought is of the rose as its beloved, Ghazal 277 by Hafez

The nightingale’s sole thought is of the rose as its beloved, Ghazal 277 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 26, 2024
The nightingale’s sole thought is of the rose as its beloved, Ghazal 277 by Hafez

By hamed on September 26, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

فکرِ بلبل همه آن است که گُل شد یارش *** گُل در اندیشه که چُون عشوه کُنَد در کارش


دلِ حافظ که به دیدارِ تو خوگر شده بود *** نازپروردِ وصال است، مجو آزارش

English Translation: The nightingale’s sole thought is of the rose as its beloved, The rose thinks of how to flirt in its actions. Seduction is not merely about killing the lover, A true master is one whose heart is the servant of love. It's fitting that blood should surge in …

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If the gardener desires but five days of conversation with the rose, Ghazal 276 by Hafez

If the gardener desires but five days of conversation with the rose, Ghazal 276 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 26, 2024
If the gardener desires but five days of conversation with the rose, Ghazal 276 by Hafez

By hamed on September 26, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

باغبان گر پنج‌روزی صحبتِ گل بایدش *** بر جفایِ خارِ هجران صبرِ بلبل بایدش


کیست حافظ تا ننوشد باده بی‌آوازِ رود *** عاشقِ مسکین چرا چندین تجمل بایدش

English Translation: If the gardener desires but five days of conversation with the rose, The nightingale must patiently endure the thorn of separation. O heart, do not despair of being bound by her tresses, For when a clever bird is caught in a trap, it must endure. What is the …

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