
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

O Sufi, pluck a rose and give it to the patched garment, Ghazal 275 by Hafez

O Sufi, pluck a rose and give it to the patched garment, Ghazal 275 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 25, 2024
O Sufi, pluck a rose and give it to the patched garment, Ghazal 275 by Hafez

By hamed on September 25, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

صوفی گُلی بچین و مُرَقَّع به خار بخش *** وین زهدِ خشک را به مِی خوشگوار بخش


ساقی چو شاه نوش کند بادهٔ صَبوح *** گو جامِ زر به حافظِ شب زنده دار بخش

English Translation: O Sufi, pluck a rose and give it to the patched garment, And give this dry asceticism to pleasant wine. Leave your ascetic pretensions and ecstatic utterances on the path of the lute's melody, Give your rosary and your coarse woolen cloak to wine and the wine drinker. …

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Hold the wine cup around the tulip and be without hypocrisy, Ghazal 274 by Hafez

Hold the wine cup around the tulip and be without hypocrisy, Ghazal 274 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 25, 2024
Hold the wine cup around the tulip and be without hypocrisy, Ghazal 274 by Hafez

By hamed on September 25, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

به دورِ لاله قدح گیر و بی‌ریا می‌باش *** به بویِ گُل نفسی همدمِ صبا می‌باش


مریدِ طاعتِ بیگانگان مشو حافظ *** ولی معاشرِ رندانِ پارسا می‌باش

English Translation: Hold the wine cup around the tulip and be without hypocrisy, Be a companion to the morning breeze with the scent of flowers. I’m not telling you to drink wine all year round, Drink wine for three months and be pious for nine. When the old sage of …

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If you’re a true, loyal friend, be steadfast in your covenant, Ghazal 273 by Hafez

If you’re a true, loyal friend, be steadfast in your covenant, Ghazal 273 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 25, 2024
If you’re a true, loyal friend, be steadfast in your covenant, Ghazal 273 by Hafez

By hamed on September 25, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

اگر رفیقِ شفیقی، درست پیمان باش *** حریفِ خانه و گرمابه و گلستان باش


خموش حافظ و از جورِ یار ناله مکن *** تو را که گفت که در رویِ خوب، حیران باش؟

English Translation: If you’re a true, loyal friend, be steadfast in your covenant, Be a companion for the house, the bath, and the garden. Don’t let the wind tangle your beloved's disheveled locks, Don’t say that the hearts of lovers are always troubled. If you desire to be a companion …

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Return, and be the companion to my lonely heart, Ghazal 272 by Hafez

Return, and be the companion to my lonely heart, Ghazal 272 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 25, 2024
Return, and be the companion to my lonely heart, Ghazal 272 by Hafez

By hamed on September 25, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

باز آی و دلِ تنگِ مرا مونس جان باش *** وین سوخته را مَحرَمِ اسرارِ نهان باش


حافظ که هوس می‌کندش جامِ جهان بین *** گو در نظرِ آصفِ جمشید مکان باش

English Translation: Return, and be the companion to my lonely heart, Be the confidant of this burnt-out soul's secrets. From that wine sold in the tavern of love, Give me two or three cups and say, "It's Ramadan." You've set fire to your ascetic robe, O seeker, Strive to be …

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I have such a complaint about her dark tresses, don't ask, Ghazal 271 by Hafez

I have such a complaint about her dark tresses, don't ask, Ghazal 271 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 25, 2024
I have such a complaint about her dark tresses, don't ask, Ghazal 271 by Hafez

By hamed on September 25, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دارم از زلفِ سیاهش گِلِه چندان که مَپُرس *** که چُنان ز او شده‌ام بی سر و سامان که مَپُرس


گفتمش زلف به خونِ که شکستی؟ گفتا *** حافظ این قصه دراز است به قرآن که مپرس

English Translation: I have such a complaint about her dark tresses, don't ask, For I've become so disheveled because of her, don't ask. No one should abandon heart and religion for the hope of loyalty, For I'm so regretful of this, don't ask. With just a sip that harms no …

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Don’t ask me of the love-sickness I’ve endured, Ghazal 270 by Hafez

Don’t ask me of the love-sickness I’ve endured, Ghazal 270 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 24, 2024
Don’t ask me of the love-sickness I’ve endured, Ghazal 270 by Hafez

By hamed on September 24, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دردِ عشقی کشیده‌ام که مَپُرس *** زهرِ هجری چشیده‌ام که مَپُرس


همچو حافظ غریب در رَهِ عشق *** به مَقامی رسیده‌ام که مپرس

English Translation: Don’t ask me of the love-sickness I’ve endured, Or the poison of separation I’ve tasted. I’ve searched the world and in the end, I’ve chosen a beloved, don’t ask me why. My tears flow like water towards the dust of their door, Don’t ask how much. I heard …

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O heart, a companion on the journey of good fortune is enough for you, Ghazal 269 by Hafez

O heart, a companion on the journey of good fortune is enough for you, Ghazal 269 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 24, 2024
O heart, a companion on the journey of good fortune is enough for you, Ghazal 269 by Hafez

By hamed on September 24, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دلا، رَفیقِ سفر بختِ نیکخواهت بس *** نسیمِ روضهٔ شیراز، پیکِ راهت بس


به هیچ وِردِ دگر نیست حاجت ای حافظ *** دعایِ نیمْ شب و درسِ صبحگاهت بس

English Translation: O heart, a companion on the journey of good fortune is enough for you, The breeze of the Shiraz rose garden, a messenger on your path is enough. Wander no more from your beloved's abode, O dervish, For the spiritual journey and the corner of your monastery are …

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A rosebud from the garden of the world is enough for us, Ghazal 268 by Hafez

A rosebud from the garden of the world is enough for us, Ghazal 268 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 24, 2024
A rosebud from the garden of the world is enough for us, Ghazal 268 by Hafez

By hamed on September 24, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

گُلعِذاری ز گلستانِ جهان ما را بس *** زین چمن سایهٔ آن سروِ روان ما را بس


حافظ از مَشْرَبِ قسمت گِلِه ناانصافیست *** طبعِ چون آب و غزل‌هایِ روان ما را بس

English Translation: A rosebud from the garden of the world is enough for us, And the shade of that cypress with flowing locks from this meadow is enough for us. I am far from the company of hypocrites, A heavy jug from the world’s heavyweights is enough for us. They …

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O gentle breeze, if you pass by the banks of the Aras River, Ghazal 267 by Hafez

O gentle breeze, if you pass by the banks of the Aras River, Ghazal 267 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 24, 2024
O gentle breeze, if you pass by the banks of the Aras River, Ghazal 267 by Hafez

By hamed on September 24, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای صبا گر بُگذری بر ساحلِ رودِ اَرَس *** بوسه زن بر خاکِ آن وادی و مُشکین کُن نَفَس


نامِ حافظ گر برآید بر زبانِ کِلکِ دوست *** از جنابِ حضرتِ شاهم بس است این مُلتَمَس

English Translation: O gentle breeze, if you pass by the banks of the Aras River, Kiss the soil of that valley and make your breath fragrant. The abode of Salami, whose wind always brings us a hundred greetings, Is filled with the sound of camel drivers and the ringing of …

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My heart, restless and wild like a gypsy, is filled with passion, Ghazal 266 by Hafez

My heart, restless and wild like a gypsy, is filled with passion, Ghazal 266 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 24, 2024
My heart, restless and wild like a gypsy, is filled with passion, Ghazal 266 by Hafez

By hamed on September 24, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دلم رمیدهٔ لولی‌وَشیست شورانگیز *** دروغ وَعده و قَتّال وَضع و رنگ آمیز


میانِ عاشق و معشوق هیچ حائل نیست *** تو خود حجابِ خودی حافظ از میان برخیز

English Translation: My heart, restless and wild like a gypsy, is filled with passion, Full of false promises and deceptive appearances. A thousand robes of piety and ascetic garb are nothing Compared to the torn garment of a moon-faced beauty. I will take the thought of your mole with me …

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