Everyone’s devotion fades with time, Ghazal 33 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 71 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi expresses the eternal and unyielding nature of the poet's love for his beloved. Saadi reflects on the timelessness of his devotion, contrasting it with the fleeting passions of others. He portrays his love as both a spiritual act of worship and a trial that surpasses even death and resurrection. The poem is filled with a sense of longing and surrender, as Saadi envisions his ultimate fate as a martyr to love, finding meaning in both life and death at the beloved’s threshold. It is a profound meditation on the transformative and transcendent power of love.

English Translation for Ghazal

Everyone’s devotion fades with time,
Except mine, which remains as passionate as the first day—and grows.

If I am unworthy of acceptance at your threshold,
Where else can I go but perish in worship at your door?

On the Day of Judgment, I will have no account to give,
For I have already endured the trials of your union and separation—what are death and resurrection compared to this?

I heard you show kindness to the weak,
This fever burns within me, yet I cling to the hope of your visit.

If you glance at me, broken as I am,
I will ascend to greatness, and Jupiter itself will envy my fortune.

I come to see you, for what courage or patience
Could make me sit without you, enduring this torment?

One day, you will surely find me completely slain,
Clutching the hem of my killer with both hands in devotion.

If Saadi’s lifeless body is carried through your street,
What an honorable life, and what a noble death in martyrdom!

متن غزل

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