I wish you would veil your moon-like face, Ghazal 35 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 58 0

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This ghazal by Saadi is a poetic tribute to an unattainable beloved whose beauty and charm captivate all who behold it. Saadi marvels at the beloved’s perfection, lamenting that such divine beauty should remain hidden from undeserving eyes. The poet expresses his willingness to endure hardship and even death for a chance to serve or glimpse the beloved. Through his eloquent lines, Saadi intertwines themes of humility, devotion, and the transcendent nature of true beauty, emphasizing that only those with pure and discerning hearts can fully appreciate such divine grace.

English Translation for Ghazal

I wish you would veil your moon-like face,
So none might see it on every rooftop or in every place.

It’s not the fault of strangers; even you yourself would lose your heart,
If in the mirror, your reflection were to start.

It’s laughable to speak sweetly in your presence,
For when you smile, even sweet water would flee from your essence.

I dare not let out a sigh of longing at dawn,
Lest it disturbs the slumber of your radiant morn.

No ornament could ever add to your beauty’s grace,
No hand of adornment could refine your flawless face.

I’ve often told you not to show this visage to all,
Lest unworthy eyes upon your splendor should fall.

Again, I’ll say: this beauty, this essence that you own,
Only a discerning heart can truly be shown.

I’d face a hundred enemies for your sake without regret,
If I could find just one friend to bring me your tidings yet.

I would not mind losing my head for you, my dear,
If only to see a stray lock fall from your hair.

The sorrow isn’t that Saadi sits upon the earth,
But that he wouldn’t trouble your path with his worth.

متن غزل

دوست دارم که بپوشی رخ همچون قمرت

تا چو خورشید نبینند به هر بام و درت


جرم بیگانه نباشد که تو خود صورت خویش

گر در آیینه ببینی برود دل ز برت


جای خنده‌ست سخن گفتن شیرین پیشت

کآب شیرین چو بخندی برود از شکرت


راه آه سحر از شوق نمی‌یارم داد

تا نباید که بشوراند خواب سحرت


هیچ پیرایه زیادت نکند حسن تو را

هیچ مشاطه نیاراید از این خوبترت


بارها گفته‌ام این روی به هر کس منمای

تا تأمل نکند دیده هر بی‌بصرت


باز گویم نه که این صورت و معنی که تو راست

نتواند که ببیند مگر اهل نظرت


راه صد دشمنم از بهر تو می‌باید داد

تا یکی دوست ببینم که بگوید خبرت


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