The scent of flowers and the song of birds arise, Ghazal 44 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 53 0

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This ghazal by Saadi blends nature’s beauty with the transcendence of love, showcasing the poet's devotion to the beloved. The arrival of spring signifies joy and renewal, yet Saadi declares that his contentment depends solely on the presence of the beloved, not on external beauty. He contrasts the divine artistry reflected in the beloved’s face with the hardness of hearts untouched by love. The poem also touches on themes of longing and the misunderstood nature of love's suffering, emphasizing that only those far from its depths can dismiss its intensity. Through vivid imagery and heartfelt expression, Saadi elevates love as a sacred and transformative force.

English Translation for Ghazal

The scent of flowers and the song of birds arise,
It is the season of joy and the time for open skies.

Autumn’s steward scatters leaves on the ground,
While the breeze’s artist decorates the meadow all around.

We care not for gardens or blooming retreats,
Wherever you are, that place feels complete.

They say gazing upon beauty is forbidden,
But not this gaze, where no sin is hidden.

In your face lies the divine artistry untold,
As clear as water in glass does unfold.

I would blind my wandering, envious eye,
So it sees only truth where you lie.

Any heart untouched by love for you,
Is harder than stone—unyielding, too.

One day, the wet and dry within me shall burn,
From the fire that boils beneath passion’s churn.

They say Saadi’s endless lament is unwise,
But they know not the depth where our pain lies.

The one who rests calmly by the shore,
Cannot fathom the stormy sea at its core.

متن غزل

بوی گل و بانگ مرغ برخاست

هنگام نشاط و روز صحرا‌ست


فراش خزان ورق بیفشاند

نقاش صبا چمن بیاراست


ما را سر باغ و بوستان نیست

هر جا که تویی تفرج آنجا‌ست


گویند نظر به روی خوبان

نهی‌ست نه این نظر که ما راست


در روی تو سر صنع بی چون

چون آب در آبگینه پیدا‌ست


چشم چپ خویشتن برآرم

تا چشم نبیندت به جز راست


هر آدمیی که مهر مهرت

در وی نگرفت سنگ خارا‌ست


روزی تر و خشک من بسوزد

آتش که به زیر دیگ سودا‌ست


نالیدن بی‌حساب سعدی

گویند خلاف رای دانا‌ست


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