When the cloud of your hair encircled the moon’s glow, Ghazal 132 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 67 0

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In this elegant ghazal, Saadi masterfully blends the beauty of nature with the agony of love. The poet compares his beloved's hair to a cloud surrounding the moon and laments how tears stream from his eyes in longing. Even the bitterness of rejection becomes a sweet solace when compared to his suffering. Saadi emphasizes the transformative power of love: a mere touch of the beloved brings life to the lifeless. He reveals his consuming madness, likening it to the fervor of a pen lost in creative inspiration. The ghazal captures the duality of love—its pain and sweetness—and Saadi’s devotion, expressed through poetic melancholy.

English Translation for Ghazal

When the cloud of your hair encircled the moon’s glow,
The tears from my clouded eyes began to flow.

The bitterness of your reply, though harsh to my heart,
Was sweeter than sugar to my soul torn apart.

The dew of your cheek fell upon the darkened ground,
And from that water, life for the dead was found.

Had I access to silver and gold’s embrace,
The silver of your breast would become my saving grace.

Through the window of thought, my heart gave way,
Revealing my sorrow, which deepened each day.

From longing for your face, the pen caught my craze,
And like me, with madness, it spun in a daze.

A burning ghazal surfaced within my mind,
For only in such verses, my respite I find.

متن غزل

چو ابر زلف تو پیرامن قمر می‌گشت

ز ابر دیده کنارم به اشک تر می‌گشت


ز شور عشق تو در کام جان خسته من

جواب تلخ تو شیرینتر از شکر می‌گشت


خوی عذار تو بر خاک تیره می‌افتاد

وجود مرده از آن آب جانور می‌گشت


اگر مرا به زر و سیم دسترس بودی

ز سیم سینه تو کار من چو زر می‌گشت


دل از دریچه فکرت به نفس ناطقه داد

نشان حالت زارم که زارتر می‌گشت


ز شوق روی تو اندر سر قلم سودا

فتاد و چون من سودازده به سر می‌گشت


ز خاطرم غزلی سوزناک روی نمود

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