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Hekayat, a distinctive genre of Persian literature, typically consists of a concise narrative or a nugget of wisdom, often embellished with poetic verses. These short tales, rich in symbolism and moral lessons, have played a significant role in shaping Persian culture and storytelling traditions.

Hekayat 14 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 14 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 17, 2024

An unpleasant-sounding man was loudly reciting the Quran. A wise man passed by and asked him, "How much are you paid for this?"
He replied, "Nothing."
The wise man then said, "Why do you trouble yourself so much, then?"
The man answered, "I am doing it for the sake of …

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Hekayat 13 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 13 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 17, 2024

There was a man in the mosque of Sinjar who would call the adhan (the call to prayer) voluntarily, but in such a way that the listeners were repelled by him. The caretaker of the mosque was a just and kind-hearted ruler who didn’t want to hurt the man’s feelings. …

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Hekayat 12 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 12 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 17, 2024

A preacher with an unpleasant voice thought of himself as having a melodious one and would shout uselessly. He would say that the cawing of the crow of separation was hidden in the beauty of his melodies, or that the verse "Indeed, the most hateful of voices" referred to him. …

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Hekayat 11 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 11 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 17, 2024

An astrologer entered his house and saw a stranger sitting with his wife. He started cursing, shouting, and causing a commotion. A wise person who was aware of the situation said:

"How can you know what’s happening in the highest skies,
When you don’t even know who’s in your own …

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Hekayat 10 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 10 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 17, 2024

One of the poets went to the leader of a band of thieves and praised him. The leader ordered that the poet's clothes be stripped off and that he be driven out of the village. The poor man, now naked, walked through the cold. Dogs started chasing him. He wanted …

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Hekayat 9 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 9 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 17, 2024

I was hesitant about buying a house. A Jew said to me, "After all, I am one of the caretakers of this neighborhood. Ask me about this house, as it truly is, and buy it, for it has no defects." I said, "Except that you are my neighbor!"

A house …

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Hekayat 8 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 8 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 17, 2024

A few of Mahmud's servants asked Hasan of Maymand, "What did the Sultan say to you today regarding such-and-such matter?" He replied, "It should not be hidden from you either." They said, "What the Sultan says to you is not appropriate to be told to people like us." He said, …

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Hekayat 7 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 7 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 17, 2024

I heard one of the sages say: No one has ever admitted to their own ignorance, except for the person who interrupts someone else speaking and begins their own speech before the other has finished.

Speech has a beginning and an end, O wise one,
Do not bring one word …

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Hekayat 6 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 6 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 17, 2024

Sahban Wa'il was regarded as unparalleled in eloquence because he would speak for an entire year before an audience without repeating a single word. And if repetition occurred, he would express it in a different way. Among the courtesies expected of the companions of kings, this is one of them. …

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Hekayat 5 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 5 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 16, 2024

Galen (a famous ancient physician) saw a fool grabbing the collar of a scholar and disrespecting him. Galen said, "If this fool were not ignorant, his situation would not have escalated to this point with wise men."

Two wise people will not have hatred or conflict,
And no wise person …

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