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Hekayat, a distinctive genre of Persian literature, typically consists of a concise narrative or a nugget of wisdom, often embellished with poetic verses. These short tales, rich in symbolism and moral lessons, have played a significant role in shaping Persian culture and storytelling traditions.

Hekayat 4 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 4 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 16, 2024

A respected scholar engaged in a debate with one of the heretics (may God curse them). Despite all his reasoning, he could not win the argument. He threw down his shield and walked away. Someone asked him: "With all your knowledge and wisdom, how could you not win an argument …

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Hekayat 3 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 3 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 16, 2024

A wise young man was well-versed in various disciplines of virtue, yet had an introverted nature. Whenever he sat in gatherings of scholars, he kept his speech to himself. One day, his father said: "My son, why don't you also speak about what you know?" The son replied: "I fear …

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Hekayat 2 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 2 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 16, 2024

A merchant suffered a loss of a thousand dinars. He said to his son: “You must not mention this to anyone.” The son replied: “Father, I will obey your command and not speak of it. However, I wish to understand the benefit of keeping it secret.” The father said: “So …

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Hekayat 1 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 1 from Chapter 4 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 16, 2024

I said to one of my friends: “The reason I often choose not to speak is that when we speak, both good and bad can be said. And the eyes of enemies see nothing but the bad.”

He replied: "It is better that enemies never see any good."

For an …

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Hekayat 28 from Chapter 3 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 28 from Chapter 3 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 16, 2024

I heard of a dervish who had secluded himself in a cave, shutting the door to the world. In his eyes, the splendor and majesty of kings and the wealthy held no significance.

Whoever opens the door of begging upon himself,

Will remain needy until the day he dies.

Let …

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Hekayat 27 from Chapter 3 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Hekayat 27 from Chapter 3 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

By hamed on September 16, 2024

There is a story of a boxer who, frustrated by the hardships of life and overwhelmed by poverty, sought his father's permission to embark on a journey. He believed that by relying on the strength of his arms, he could grasp success.

"Talent and virtue go unnoticed until they are …

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Hekayat 26 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 26 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

A thief said to a beggar: “Aren’t you ashamed to extend your hand for a bit of silver to every mean person?”

The beggar replied:

"Extending a hand for a single grain of silver

Is better than having it cut off for a penny and a half."

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Hekayat 25 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 25 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

I saw a fat fool, wearing a precious robe, riding an Arabian horse, and with an Egyptian turban on his head.

Someone said: “Saadi! How do you see this fine silk on this ignorant animal?”

I replied:

“A donkey resembles a calf with a body that bellows.”

“A beautiful creation …

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Hekayat 24 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 24 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

A man with amputated hands and feet killed a millipede. A wise man passed by and said: “Glory be to God! Despite having a thousand feet, when its time came, it could not escape due to its helplessness.”

"When the life-taking enemy comes,

Death binds the feet of the running …

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Hekayat 23 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 23 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

A weak fisherman caught a strong fish in his net, but he did not have the strength to hold onto it. The fish overpowered him, took the net from his hands, and swam away.

It was like a servant sent to fetch water from the stream,

But the stream came …

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