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Hekayat, a distinctive genre of Persian literature, typically consists of a concise narrative or a nugget of wisdom, often embellished with poetic verses. These short tales, rich in symbolism and moral lessons, have played a significant role in shaping Persian culture and storytelling traditions.

Hekayat 22 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 22 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

I heard of a wealthy man who was as famous for his miserliness as Hatim al-Tai was for his generosity. Outwardly, he was adorned with the riches of the world, but his inherent stinginess was deeply rooted. He would not give a piece of bread to save a life, nor …

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Hekayat 21 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 21 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

I heard of a merchant who had one hundred and fifty camels loaded with goods and forty servants.

One night on the island of Kish, he invited me to his room.

He did not sleep all night, talking incessantly about his worries: “This partner of mine is in Turkestan, and …

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Hekayat 20 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 20 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

They tell the story of a miserly beggar who had amassed great wealth.

One of the kings said to him: “It appears that you have boundless wealth, and we have an important need. If you assist us with some of it, it will be repaid when the revenue comes in, …

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Hekayat 19 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 19 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

One of the kings, along with a few of his close companions, was hunting in the winter and found themselves far from any habitation as night fell. They saw a peasant’s house.

The king said: “Let us spend the night there to avoid the cold.”

One of the ministers said: …

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Hekayat 18 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 18 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

I had never complained about the turns of fate or frowned at the revolutions of the heavens, except for the time when I was barefoot and could not afford shoes. I entered the mosque of Kufa, distressed, and saw a man who had no feet. I gave thanks for the …

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Hekayat 17 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 17 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

Similarly, a traveler lost his way in the vast desert. His strength and provisions were exhausted, though he had a few dirhams with him. He wandered for a long time but found no way out and eventually perished from hardship. A group of people found him, with the dirhams placed …

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Hekayat 16 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 16 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

An Arab, in the desert, overcome by extreme thirst, was saying:

"Oh, I wish that before my death, I could achieve my desire,

A river that reaches my knees, and I could fill my water skin."

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Hekayat 15 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 15 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

I saw a Bedouin in the circle of jewelers in Basra, recounting his story: “Once, I lost my way in the desert and had no provisions left. I had resigned myself to death when suddenly I found a pouch full of pearls. I will never forget the joy and excitement …

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Hekayat 14 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 14 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

Moses, peace be upon him, saw a dervish who had become naked and was lying on the sand.

The dervish said: “O Moses! Pray to God, exalted be He, to provide me with sustenance, for I am at the end of my endurance.”

Moses prayed and left.

A few days …

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Hekayat 13 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Hekayat 13 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

By hamed on September 09, 2024

They asked Hatim al-Tai: “Have you ever seen or heard of anyone more noble-hearted than yourself in the world?”

He replied: "Yes! One day, I had sacrificed forty camels for the Arab nobles. Then, I went out to the desert for a need and saw a woodcutter gathering a pile …

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