Hekayat 18 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 22, 2024 by @hamed 35 1

English Translation for Hekayat

Excessive anger leads to fear, and untimely kindness removes awe. Do not be so harsh that people grow weary of you, nor so lenient that they become bold towards you.

Harshness and gentleness together are best,
Like a physician who both cuts and heals.

A wise person does not take excessive harshness,
Nor weakness that diminishes their value.

Neither exalts oneself unduly,
Nor entirely submits to humiliation.

A shepherd said to his father, "O wise one,
Teach me one elderly piece of advice."

He said, "Be kind, but not so much,
That the sharp-toothed wolf becomes emboldened."

متن حکایت

خشم بیش از حد گرفتن وحشت آرد و لطف بی وقت هیبت ببرد. نه چندان درشتی کن که از تو سیر گردند و نه چندان نرمی که بر تو دلیر شوند.

درشتی و نرمی به هم در به است

چو فاصد که جراح و مرهم نه است

درشتی نه گیرد خردمند پیش

نه سستی که ناقص کند قدر خویش

نه مر خویشتن را فزونی نهد

نه یکباره تن در مذلت دهد

شبانی با پدر گفت: ای خردمند

مرا تعلیم ده پیرانه یک پند

بگفتا: نیکمردی کن نه چندان

که گردد خیره گرگ تیز دندان

@hamed Nov. 22, 2024, 6:54 p.m.

Saadi's words emphasize the balance in our behavior, advocating for a measured approach to both kindness and firmness. His wisdom is timeless, offering guidance on how to maintain respect and authority without becoming too harsh or too lenient.