Quatrain 9 from Rubaiyat of Rumi
از خاک ندیده تیره ایامان را
از دور ندیده دوزخ آشامان را
دعوی چکنی عشق دلارامان را
با عشق چکار است نکونامان را
English Translation:
From the unseen darkness of the days
From afar, not having seen the hell of lovers
How do you claim the love of the sweethearts?
What does love have to do with the fortunate ones?
"From the unseen darkness of the days": This line refers to the uncertainties and challenges of life, often seen as a dark and mysterious journey.
From afar, not having seen the hell of lovers": This line alludes to the intense pain and suffering that can accompany love, comparing it to the torments of hell.
How do you claim the love of the sweethearts?": This line suggests that people often boast about their love for someone, claiming to have love or conquered that love.
What does love have to do with the fortunate ones?": This line poses a rhetorical question, suggesting that those who are fortunate or successful in life may not truly understand the depths of love and its associated pain.