Quatrain 43 from Rubaiyat of Rumi
By @hamed on December 13, 2024| 11 0
I will throw myself into the intoxication of the moment,
So that I may behold the soul of the world there.
Either I will reach my goal and desire,
Or I will surrender my head like a heart lost there.
Quatrain 42 from Rubaiyat of Rumi
By @hamed on December 13, 2024| 10 0
Since destiny had already written our separation,
Why was there all that strife and terror?
If we were bad, you were relieved of our troubles.
If we were good, remember our companionship.
Quatrain 41 from Rubaiyat of Rumi
By @hamed on December 13, 2024| 7 0
Nothing but love has been my companion,
Neither my beginning nor my end, nor my start.
My soul gives out a voice from within,
When will the lazy one open the door to the path of love for me?
Rumi - The Most Famous Sufi Poet in the World
By @hamed on December 13, 2024| 10 0
Finally, we're talking about the incredibly significant Persian sufi poet Jalal al-din Rumi. This video provides an in-depth analysis of Rumi's life, poetic themes, literary contributions, and their significance in the context of Sufism and Persian literature.
Love and Soul - Rumi | Full Poem
By @hamed on December 13, 2024| 7 0
A beautiful Poem written by Jalaluddin Rumi
Poem: " Love and Soul "
Apart from Love,
everything passes away.
The way to heaven is in your heart.
Open and lift the wings of Love!
When Love’s wings are strong,
you need no ladder.
Though the world is thorns,
a lover’s heart is a bower …
Soothe Your Soul: Persian Santoor - Healing Journey Meditation
By @hamed on December 13, 2024| 8 0
The Persian Santoor, Santur or Santour, is a traditional hammered dulcimer from Iran. In Persian music this instrument is tuned and played quite differently than I demonstrate here. I have developed my own way of playing and adopted the tuning of the Santur according to it. In this way I …
Origins of the IRANIANS
By @hamed on December 13, 2024| 9 0
The Iranian people have a long and complex history. This documentary follows their development from the origins of the ancient Indo-Iranian people and their relations to the Scythians and even modern Europeans, through the classical Persian period recorded by the Greeks and others, to the modern day, drawing on genetic …
Before Life - RUMI (Sufi Mysticism) Powerful Spiritual Poem
By @hamed on December 13, 2024| 8 0
Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, better known simply as Rumi, was perhaps the greatest Sufi mystic and the finest Persian poet of all time. He had a great influence on Muslim writing and culture.
It is believed that Rumi would turn round and round while reciting his poetry, and it is this …