
Saraye Sokhan offers a captivating collection of video content that explores the fascinating world of Persian literature. From animated storytelling to expert interviews and literary analyses, these videos provide a unique and engaging way to explore the rich heritage of Persian writing.


Quatrain 119 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
URL: Thumbnail: Backend: YoutubeBackend
Quatrain 119 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin on August 01, 2024

In Quatrain 119 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Khayyam says: I have solved many problems, from calculating the mass of a dust particle to the orbit of Saturn, I have solved many problems with cunning. Only one problem I couldn't solve: Death.

از جرم گل سیاه تا اوج زحل
کردم همه …

Quatrain 157 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
URL: Thumbnail: Backend: YoutubeBackend
Quatrain 157 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin on August 01, 2024

How much time we should spend on the pursuit of material possessions? In quatrain 157 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam he expresses his opinion about this. I will read the original poem in Persian and than its translation. Finally we have a brief analysis.

آن مایه ز دنیا که خوری …

Divan e Hafez Episode Seven
URL: Thumbnail: Backend: YoutubeBackend
Divan e Hafez Episode Seven

By admin on July 31, 2024

گفتم غم تو دارم، گفتا غمت سر آید … گفتم که ماه من شو، گفتا اگر برآید
گفتم ز مهر ورزان رسم وفا بیاموز … گفتا ز خوبرویان این کار کمتر آید
گفتم که بر خیالت راه نظر ببندم … گفتا که شبرو است او از راه دیگر آید
گفتم که بوی زلفت …