Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 040
By @hamed on September 19, 2024| 32 0
Ghazal 040 from Divan of Hafez
All thanks to God that the door of the tavern is open,
For I have a face of need at its door.
The jars are all boiling and roaring with intoxication,
And the wine that is in them is truth, not illusion.
From it comes all …
Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 039
By @hamed on September 19, 2024| 20 0
Ghazal 039 from Divan of Hafez
What need has my garden for cypress and pine?
Is our home-grown cypress any less?
O darling boy, what religion have you adopted?
That our blood is more lawful than our mother's milk?
When you see the image of sorrow from afar, you crave wine,
We have …
Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 038
By @hamed on September 18, 2024| 27 0
Ghazal 038 from Divan of Hafez
Without the light of your face, my day has no light,
And of my life, only the darkest night remains.
At the time of our farewell, I cried so much,
Far from your face, my eye has no light.
Your image would leave my eye and …
Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 037
By @hamed on September 17, 2024| 18 0
Ghazal 037 from Divan of Hafez
Come, for the palace of hope is very weak-founded,
Bring wine, for the foundation of life is ruined.
I am the slave of one whose spirit is so high,
That he is free from everything that takes on the color of attachment.
What shall I tell …
Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 036
By @hamed on September 16, 2024| 18 0
Ghazal 036 from Divan of Hafez
Since your lock of hair has fallen into the breeze,
My lovelorn heart has broken in two.
Your magical eye itself is the very essence of black magic,
But it is this fragile copy that has been ruined.
Do you know what that black mole is …
Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 035
By @hamed on September 14, 2024| 18 0
Ghazal 035 from Divan of Hafez
Go about your business, O preacher, what is this outcry?
My heart has fallen from the path, what has befallen you?
Between Him who created from nothing,
There is a moment when nothing was created.
Until her lips reach my heart, like a reed,
All the advice …
Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 034
By @hamed on September 13, 2024| 19 0
Ghazal 034 from Divan of Hafez
The arched doorway of my eye's vision is your nest,
So be gracious and descend, for this house is your home.
With the grace of your mole and your line, you stole the hearts of the mystics,
Such wondrous tricks are under your snare and bait.
Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 033
By @hamed on September 13, 2024| 19 0
Ghazal 033 from Divan of Hafez
What need has the recluse for spectacle,
When in beloved's presence what need is the meadow?
O beloved, with what need do you approach God,
That at the last moment you ask what need we have?
O king of beauty, we have burned for God's sake,
Finally …