New Ghazal Posted: Don't criticize the rev elers, O pure-hearted ascetic: Ghazal 80 by Hafez
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Don't criticize the rev elers, O pure-hearted ascetic: Ghazal 80 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
Don't criticize the revelers, O pure-hearted ascetic,
For the sins of others will not be written against you.
If I am good or bad, you be yourself,
Everyone reaps what they sow in the end.
Everyone seeks a lover, whether sober or drunk,
Everywhere is a house of love, whether a mosque or a synagogue.
My head is bowed in submission at the tavern door,
If the claimant doesn't understand, let him say head and door.
Don't make me despair of the past kindness of eternity,
You, behind the curtain, don't know who is good and who is bad.
It's not only me who has fallen from the curtain of piety,
My father also lost the eternal paradise from paradise.
Hafez, on the day of death, if you hold a cup in your hand,
They will take you from the tavern alley straight to paradise.
New Ghazal Posted: Now that the heavenly breeze blows from the garden: Ghazal 79 by Hafez
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Now that the heavenly breeze blows from the garden: Ghazal 79 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
Now that the heavenly breeze blows from the garden,
It's me, the joy-giving wine, and a heavenly-faced companion.
Why shouldn't a beggar boast of kingship today?
When the cloud casts its shadow as a tent and the riverbank is a banquet hall.
The meadow tells the tale of spring,
It is not wise to buy paradise on credit and the present for cash.
Build your heart's house with wine, for this ruined world
Is destined to make bricks from our dust.
Don't expect loyalty from an enemy who gives no light,
Like a candle in a monastery that is lit from a synagogue lamp.
Don't blame me, the drunkard, for my black deeds,
For he knows what fate has written on his head.
Don't withhold your step from Hafez's corpse,
For though he is drowned in sin, he is going to paradise.
New Ghazal Posted: You saw that the beloved had nothing but cruelty and oppression: Ghazal 78 by Hafez
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You saw that the beloved had nothing but cruelty and oppression: Ghazal 78 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
You saw that the beloved had nothing but cruelty and oppression,
He broke his promise and had no sorrow for our grief.
O God, don't take him away, even though he broke my heart like a dove's,
And killed me, though I had the honor of being a captive in his harem.
The cruelty to me came from my own bad fortune, otherwise the beloved,
Heaven forbid, had no custom of kindness or way of generosity.
Despite all this, whoever did not suffer humiliation from him,
Wherever he went, no one respected him.
O cupbearer, bring wine, and tell the moralist,
Don't deny us, for such a cup had no equal.
Every passerby who did not reach the threshold of his door,
Poorly cut the valley and had no path to the sanctuary.
Hafez, take the ball of eloquence, for the claimant
Had no art, nor even any knowledge.
New Ghazal Posted: A nightingale held a sweet-colored rose petal in its beak: Ghazal 77 by Hafez
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A nightingale held a sweet-colored rose petal in its beak: Ghazal 77 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
A nightingale held a sweet-colored rose petal in its beak,
And within that leaf and song, there were mournful laments.
I asked it, "What is this wailing and crying in the midst of union?"
It said, "The manifestation of the beloved has this effect on us."
If the beloved doesn't sit with us, there's no reason to complain,
A victorious king is ashamed of begging.
Our needs and coquetry don't impress the beauty of the friend,
Happy is he who has a fortunate lot with the beloved.
Arise, let's sacrifice our lives for the pen of that artist,
For all these wondrous designs were created with a compass.
If you are a disciple of the path of love, don't worry about a bad reputation,
The Sheikh of San'an pawned his robe for a winehouse.
It's time for that sweet Qalandar, who in his wandering ways,
Had the remembrance of the angels' rosary within his girdle.
Hafez's eye, under the roof of that heavenly-created beauty,
Had the manner of the Gardens of Paradise beneath which rivers flow.
New Ghazal Posted: Except for your threshold, I have no refuge in the world: Ghazal 76 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
Except for your threshold, I have no refuge in the world: Ghazal 76 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
Except for your threshold, I have no refuge in the world,
My head has no place to turn but to this door.
When the enemy draws his sword, I will raise my shield,
For our sword is nothing but a moan and a sigh.
Why should I turn away from the tavern's alley?
For there is no better custom or path in the world than this.
If time sets fire to my harvest of life,
Tell it to burn, for I am worth no more than a blade of straw.
I am the slave of the captivating narcissus of that slender cypress,
Who with the wine of her pride gives no glance to anyone.
Pursue harm and do whatever you wish,
For in our religion, there is no sin other than this.
Rein in your horse, O king of the realm of beauty,
For there is no path on which there is no seeking of justice.
Seeing traps on every side of the path,
There is no refuge better for me than the protection of her locks.
Do not give the treasure of Hafez's heart to curls and moles,
For such deeds are not the limit of every darkness.
New Video Posted: Divan e Hafez Episode 11
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Divan e Hafez Episode 11
Description: The path of love is a journey in an ocean with no shore: Ghazal 72 by Hafez
New Ghazal Posted: The dream of your captivating narcissus is not without something: Ghazal 75 by Ghazal
Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
The dream of your captivating narcissus is not without something: Ghazal 75 by Ghazal
Description: English Translation:
The dream of your captivating narcissus is not without something,
The allure of your disheveled locks is not without something.
I said the liquid flowing from your lips was honey,
This sugar-coated salt of yours is not without something.
May your life be long, for I know for certain,
In the bow of your eyelashes' arrows, there is no deficiency.
Afflicted by the grief of sorrow and the pain of separation,
O heart, this wailing and lament of yours is not without something.
Yesterday, the wind passed through her neighborhood to the garden,
O flower, this tear in your collar is not without something.
Though the pain of love hides the heart from people,
Hafez, this weeping eye of yours is not without something.
New Ghazal Posted: The result of the workshop of existence and place is not all this: Ghazal by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
The result of the workshop of existence and place is not all this: Ghazal by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
The result of the workshop of existence and place is not all this,
Bring wine, for the furnishings of the world are not all this.
The purpose is the honor of the beloved's companionship, from heart and soul,
This is the purpose, and otherwise, the heart and soul are not all this.
Don’t seek the favor of the Sidrat al-muntaha and the Tuba tree for shade,
For if you look closely, O cypress of the soul, it’s not all this.
Fortune is that which comes to shore without bloodshed,
Otherwise, with effort and action, the Garden of Eden is not all this.
Enjoy the five days you have in this stage,
Be happy for a time when time is not all this.
By the shore of the sea of annihilation, we await you, O cupbearer,
Know that this opportunity, from lip to mouth, is not all this.
O ascetic, beware, do not be secure from the game of jealousy,
For the path from the monastery to the tavern is not all this.
The suffering of my burned and withered self,
Apparently, has no need for speech or explanation.
Hafez's name has accepted a good inscription, but
Before the revelers, the inscription of profit and loss is not all this.
New Ghazal Posted: There’s no glance that isn’t brightened by your radiant face: Ghazal 73 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
There’s no glance that isn’t brightened by your radiant face: Ghazal 73 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
There’s no glance that isn’t brightened by your radiant face,
No eye that isn’t grateful for the dust of your threshold.
Those who gaze upon your face are indeed insightful,
But the secret of your tresses is in no one else's head.
If my tear of sorrow turns red, what wonder is that?
Ashamed of my own deed, there is no curtain to draw.
Until a speck of dust from its breeze settles on my skirt,
There is no passing glance that doesn’t stir a storm in my sight.
Until every place doesn’t speak of the dusk of your locks,
I have heard from the morning breeze that there is no dawn.
I am distressed by this turbulent fate, or else,
No one else would benefit from your neighborhood.
From the shyness of your sweet lips, O fountain of nectar,
Now there is no sugar left, drowned in water and sweat.
It is not wise for the secret to be revealed from behind the curtain,
Or else, there would be no news in the gathering of revelers.
A lion becomes a fox in the desert of your love,
Alas, this path where there is no danger.
The water of my eye, which is grateful for the dust of your threshold,
Under a hundred favors of yours, is not dust of a threshold.
There is a little name and trace of existence in me,
Or else, there would be no trace of weakness there.
Other than this fact that Hafez is displeased with you,
There is no art in all of your being.
New Blog Post: Divan e Hafez Episode 11
Check out the latest blog post from admin:
Divan e Hafez Episode 11
The path of love is a way with no shore: Ghazal 72 by Hafez بحریست بحر عشق که هیچش کرانه نیست آن جا جز آن که جان بسپارند، چاره نیست The love ocean is an ocean with no shore,There, there is no choice but to surrender one's life. The path…
New Ghazal Posted: The path of love is a way with no shor: Ghazal 72 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
The path of love is a way with no shor: Ghazal 72 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
The path of love is a way with no shore,
There, there is no choice but to surrender one's life.
Whenever you give your heart to love, it is a moment of joy,
In a good deed, there is no need for divination.
Don't scare us with the prohibition of reason and bring us wine,
For that officer has no power in our realm.
Ask your own eyes who is killing us,
My dear, it is not the fault of fate or the crime of the stars.
One can see him with pure eyes like the crescent moon,
Every eye is not a place for the manifestation of that moonlit piece.
Count the opportunity of the way of the rogue, for this sign
Like the path to treasure, is not clear to everyone.
Hafez's tears have not touched your heart in any way,
I am bewildered by my heart, which is harder than stone.
New Ghazal Posted: The outwardly pious know nothing of our state: Ghazal 71 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
The outwardly pious know nothing of our state: Ghazal 71 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
The outwardly pious know nothing of our state,
Whatever they say about us is of no consequence.
Whatever comes to the seeker on the path is good for them,
On the straight path, O heart, no one is lost.
Let's see what game fate will play, we'll move the pawn,
In the chessboard of the revelers, there's no room for a king.
What is this high, simple ceiling with so many designs?
No wise person in the world knows the answer to this riddle.
O Lord, what is this self-sufficiency and what is this all-powerful wisdom,
That there are so many hidden wounds and no room for a sigh?
The owner of our book, it seems, doesn't know the calculation,
That in this seal, there's no sign of "for the sake of God."
Let whoever wants to come, and say whatever they want,
There's no pride, arrogance, doorkeeper, or porter at this gate.
Going to the winehouse is the work of the sincere,
The self-serving have no way to the sellers of wine.
Whatever there is, is from our ill-formed, awkward stature,
Otherwise, your stature would not be lowered for anyone.
I am the old servant of the tavern whose kindness is constant,
Otherwise, the kindness of the sheikh and the ascetic comes and goes.
If Hafez doesn't sit on the throne, it's because of his noble character,
A lovesick sufferer isn't bound by wealth and status.
New Ghazal Posted: My eyes, weary of the world, see nothing but your face: Ghazal 70 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
My eyes, weary of the world, see nothing but your face: Ghazal 70 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
My eyes, weary of the world, see nothing but your face,
My wandering heart remembers none but you.
My tears tie the pilgrim's ihram around your sanctuary,
Though my bearded heart's blood is not pure for a moment.
Bound by the snare and cage of the wind like a wild bird,
The bird of the celestial tree, even if it seeks you, is not a bird.
If a penniless lover offers their heart,
Don't blame them for not being able to pay cash for their soul.
Eventually, whoever is not lacking in determination to seek you
Will reach that lofty cypress.
I will never speak ill of the life-giving breath of Jesus,
For no one is as skilled as your lips in animating the spirit.
I who do not sigh in the fire of my longing for you,
How can it be said that my heart is patient with this wound?
The first day I saw your flowing locks, I said,
That the disorder of this chain will never end.
It's not only Hafez's heart that is tied to your connection,
Who is there whose heart doesn't remember your bond?
New Ghazal Posted: There's no one who isn't captivated by those twin locks of yours: Ghazal 69 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
There's no one who isn't captivated by those twin locks of yours: Ghazal 69 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
There's no one who isn't captivated by those twin locks of yours,
Who passes by without being ensnared by misfortune?
Since your eyes steal hearts from the solitary,
Being with you isn't a sin on our part.
Your face must be a mirror of divine grace,
Indeed, it is so, and there's no hypocrisy in this face.
The narcissus seeks the style of your eye, what an eye!
The poor flower knows nothing of pride and shyness in its gaze.
For God's sake, don't braid your hair, for we have
No night without a hundred cries with the morning breeze.
Return, for without your face, O flame of my heart,
In the gathering of friends, there's no trace of light and purity.
Caring for strangers is the effect of a beautiful remembrance,
My dear, isn't this a rule in your city?
Yesterday I said, "My beloved, keep your promise,"
She said, "O master, you're mistaken, there's no loyalty in this promise."
If the old magician became my guide, what difference would it make?
There's no secret in any head that isn't from God.
What can a lover do if they don't bear the burden of blame?
No brave heart is a shield against the arrows of fate.
In the monastery of the ascetic and in the solitude of the Sufi,
Nothing but the corner of your eyebrow is a place of prayer.
O lute, plunged into the blood of Hafez's heart,
Your thought is surely not without the zeal of the Quran and God.
New Ghazal Posted: This week ha s passed, and it feels like a year to me: Ghazal 68 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
This week ha s passed, and it feels like a year to me: Ghazal 68 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
This week has passed, and it feels like a year to me,
How can you know the state of separation from you, such a difficult state?
People saw their own reflection in the grace of your face,
And thought that your dark locks were empty.
Milk still drips from your sugar-like lips,
Even though each of your eyelashes is a skilled killer in coquetry.
O you who are known for your kindness throughout the city,
Alas, what a strange negligence in the matter of strangers!
From now on, there will be no doubt about the purity of my nature,
For your mouth is eloquent in this matter.
They have given me the good news that you will visit us,
Do not change your good intention, for it is a blessed omen.
How can the mountain of sorrow of your separation be endured?
Weary Hafez, whose body is like a reed from wailing.
New Ghazal Posted: O Lord, whose candle is this that sets my heart aflame? Ghazal 67 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
O Lord, whose candle is this that sets my heart aflame? Ghazal 67 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
O Lord, whose candle is this that sets my heart aflame?
My life is consumed, ask who is the beloved of my soul?
Now she is the destroyer of my heart and faith,
With whom does she sleep and who is her companion?
May the wine of her ruby lips never be far from mine,
Who is the comforter of the soul and the giver of the cup?
Ask God who enjoys the fortune of that luminous candle,
And to which moth does it give its light?
Everyone casts a spell on her, but it's unknown,
Whose fairy tale does her delicate heart desire?
O Lord, who is that moon-faced king with a forehead like Venus,
What unique pearl and singular gem is he?
I said, "Alas, for the heart of the mad Hafez without you,"
She smiled and whispered, "Whose madman are you?"
New Ghazal Posted: Let the nightingale lament if it pleases the beloved: Ghazal 66 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
Let the nightingale lament if it pleases the beloved: Ghazal 66 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
Let the nightingale lament if it pleases the beloved,
For we are both lovesick and our work is to lament.
In a land where a breeze blows from the beloved's tresses,
What place is there for the scent of Tatar musk?
Bring wine so we can dye our garments with color,
For we are drunk on the cup of pride and the name of sobriety.
Dreaming of your locks is not for every novice,
For to go under the chain is the way of the rogue.
There is a subtle secret from which love arises,
And its name is neither ruby lips nor rust-colored mole.
Beauty is not merely the eyes, hair, complexion, or mole,
There are a thousand subtleties in this matter of lovemaking.
True dervishes would not buy for half a coin,
The satin robe of one who is devoid of art.
To reach your threshold is indeed difficult,
Ascension to the sky of sovereignty is arduous.
At dawn, I saw the charm of your eyes in a dream,
What a level of sleep it was, better than waking.
Do not grieve your heart and conclude, Hafez,
For eternal salvation lies in causing little pain.
New Video Posted: Quatrain 176 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
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Quatrain 176 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Description: The world, it seems, is an indifferent stage where justice often plays a minor role. This sobering reality has stirred contemplation and sorrow among thoughtful minds throughout history. In this exploration, we turn our gaze towards Robaei 176 from Omar Khayyam's renowned Rubaiyat. By examining the original Persian verse, its English translation, and offering a brief analysis, we hope to illuminate the timeless wisdom and poignant reflections encapsulated within this remarkable quatrain.
گر کار فلک به عدل سنجیده بُدی
احوال فلک جمله پسندیده بدی
ور عدل بدی به کارها در گردون
کی خاطر اهل فضل رنجیده بُدی؟
English Translation:
If the work of the heavens were weighed in justice,
Then the conditions of the heavens would all be pleasing.
And if justice were the order of things in the sky,
Then the hearts of the learned would never be grieved.
New Ghazal Posted: What is sweeter than pleasure, companionship, gardens, and spring? Ghazal 65 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
What is sweeter than pleasure, companionship, gardens, and spring? Ghazal 65 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
What is sweeter than pleasure, companionship, gardens, and spring?
Where is the wine-server? Tell me, what is the reason for this delay?
Count every happy moment as precious,
For no one knows what the end of things will be.
Life is tied to a hair; be cautious.
Be the caretaker of yourself; what is the worry of the world?
The meaning of the water of life and the garden of Eden
Is nothing but the side of a stream and sweet wine.
The veiled and the intoxicated are both from the same tribe,
Why should we give our hearts to the coquetry of anyone?
What does the sky know of the secrets behind the veil, be silent!
O claimant, what is your quarrel with the veil-wearer?
If the mistakes and errors of a servant are not considered,
What is the meaning of the forgiveness and mercy of the Forgiver?
The ascetic asked for the wine of the celestial river, and Hafez asked for a cup,
So what is the middle ground between their requests?
New Ghazal Posted: Though it's rude to display one's skills before the beloved: Ghazal 64 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
Though it's rude to display one's skills before the beloved: Ghazal 64 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
Though it's rude to display one's skills before the beloved,
My tongue is silent, yet my heart is full of Arabic verse.
A fairy hides her face, and a devil lurks in her beauty's charm;
My eyes burn in wonder at this strange paradox.
In this garden, a thornless rose has never been plucked, truly;
The light of the Prophet is combined with the flame of a lowly lamp.
Don't ask why the heavens nurture the lowly,
For giving pleasure to them is a baseless excuse.
For half a grain, I would not exchange my place in a tavern or caravanserai,
For me, a bench in the courtyard and the foot of a wine jug is enough.
The beauty of the rose-faced maiden is the light of our eyes, perhaps,
Hidden behind a glass veil and a grape-colored curtain.
I had a thousand wits and manners, O master,
Now that I am a drunken wretch, rudeness is appropriate.
Bring me wine, for Hafez has a thousand complaints,
From the morning's tears to the midnight's plea.
New Ghazal Posted: No one has ever seen your face, yet you have a thousand rivals: Ghazal 63 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
No one has ever seen your face, yet you have a thousand rivals: Ghazal 63 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
No one has ever seen your face, yet you have a thousand rivals;
You're still in bud, yet a hundred nightingales sing your praises.
If I come to your street, it's not so strange;
For like me, there are thousands of strangers in that land.
In love, a monastery and a tavern are no different;
Wherever there is love, there is a glimpse of the beloved.
Where they make a show of monastic work,
There's the monk's bell and the name of the cross.
Has any lover ever called out without their beloved noticing?
O master, it's not a sickness; if it were, there would be a physician.
Hafez's cry—all this wailing—is not in vain;
There is a strange tale and a wondrous story here.
New Ghazal Posted: Welcome, O messenger of the longing ones, bring tidings of the Beloved: Ghazal 62 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
Welcome, O messenger of the longing ones, bring tidings of the Beloved: Ghazal 62 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
Welcome, O messenger of the longing ones, bring tidings of the Beloved,
So that I may gladly sacrifice my life for the Beloved’s name.
Ever enamored and infatuated, like a nightingale in a cage,
My parrot-like heart is captivated by the Beloved’s sugar and almonds.
Her tresses are a snare, her mole the bait of that snare, and I,
In hope of a morsel, have fallen into the Beloved’s trap.
My head will never recover from its intoxication until the Day of Resurrection,
Whoever, like me, has taken a sip from the Beloved’s cup from eternity.
I shall not speak much of my longing, for
It would be troublesome to press the Beloved further.
If I could get a handful, I would put it in my eyes like kohl,
The dust of the path that is graced by the Beloved’s steps.
My desire is for union, while the Beloved desires separation,
I have given up my own desire to fulfill the Beloved’s wish.
Hafez burns in the pain of love for the Beloved and remains without remedy,
For there is no cure for the Beloved’s restless pain.
New Ghazal Posted: O gentle breeze, if you happen to pass through the beloved's land: Ghazal 62 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
O gentle breeze, if you happen to pass through the beloved's land: Ghazal 62 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
O gentle breeze, if you happen to pass through the beloved's land,
Bring a fragrant breath from the beloved's amber tresses.
I would gladly sacrifice my life in gratitude
If you bring a message from my beloved to me.
And if, by chance, you carry no message from that exalted one,
Then bring a speck of dust from the beloved's door for my eyes.
I, a beggar, longing for union with the beloved—alas,
I can only see the beloved's form in my dreams.
My heart, like a cypress, trembles like a willow
With longing for the beloved's cypress-like stature.
Even though the beloved does not value us,
I would not sell a hair from the beloved's head for the whole world.
What does it matter if the beloved's heart is free from the bonds of sorrow?
For as long as Hafez, the lowly one, is the beloved's slave and servant.
New Blog Post: Quatrain 176 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Check out the latest blog post from admin:
Quatrain 176 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
The world, it seems, is an indifferent stage where justice often plays a minor role. This sobering reality has stirred contemplation and sorrow among thoughtful minds throughout history. In this exploration, we turn our gaze towards Robaei 176 from Omar Khayyam's renowned Rubaiyat. By examining the original Persian verse, its…
New Sokhanvar Posted: Sheikh Muslih al-Din Abu Muhammad Abd-Allah ibn Musharrif (Saadi)
Check out the latest Sokhanvar from fatemeh:
Sheikh Muslih al-Din Abu Muhammad Abd-Allah ibn Musharrif (Saadi)
Saadi Shirazi: A Master of Persian Poetry and Wisdom Saadi Shirazi, a towering figure in Persian literature, was born around 1210 in Shiraz, Iran. His keen observations of life, coupled with a deep understanding of human nature, have made his works timeless classics. Known for his extensive travels throughout the…
New Sokhanvar Posted: Khwaja
Check out the latest Sokhanvar from fatemeh:
Hafez: The Persian Master of Words Hafez, born Khwaja Shams-ud-Din Muhammad Hafez-e Shirazi, was a renowned Persian lyric poet whose works are considered pinnacles of Persian literature. Born in Shiraz, Iran, around 1325, he earned the title "Hafez" for memorizing the Quran at a young age. This later became his…
New Lesson Posted: Lesson 2: Basic Persian Words and Phrases
Check out the latest lesson from fatemeh:
Lesson 2: Basic Persian Words and Phrases
Building Your Vocabulary Now that you have a foundation in the Persian alphabet, let's start building your vocabulary. Remember, Persian doesn't have articles (like "the" or "a") and word order can differ from English. Basic Greetings: سلام (salām): Hello خدانگهدار (khodahafez): Goodbye ممنون (mamnoon): Thank you خواهش میکنم (khāhesh mikonam):…
New Ghazal Posted: That famous messenger who arrived from the Beloved's land: Ghazal 60 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from fatemeh:
That famous messenger who arrived from the Beloved's land: Ghazal 60 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
I have hope for a kind gesture from my Beloved,
For I have committed a crime, yet I hope for His forgiveness.
I know He will overlook my transgression, for though
He may seem aloof, He is in fact a merciful angel.
We wept so much that everyone who passed by
Said, seeing our tears streaming, "What is this?"
That mouth is nowhere to be seen, I find no trace of it,
There is a curl of hair, but I don’t know what that hair is.
I am amazed by the image of His imagination, how it does not leave
My sight, but constantly washes and scrubs.
Without a word, Your tresses draw my heart,
Who else would dare speak or argue with Your captivating locks?
For a lifetime I’ve smelled the scent of Your tresses,
That fragrance still lingers in my heart’s nostrils.
Hafez, Your troubled state is bad, but
The fragrance of the beloved’s tresses makes Your troubles seem good.
New Ghazal Posted: I have hope for a kind gesture from my Beloved: Ghazal 59 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from fatemeh:
I have hope for a kind gesture from my Beloved: Ghazal 59 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
I have hope for a kind gesture from my Beloved,
For I have committed a crime, yet I hope for His forgiveness.
I know He will overlook my transgression, for though
He may seem aloof, He is in fact a merciful angel.
We wept so much that everyone who passed by
Said, seeing our tears streaming, "What is this?"
That mouth is nowhere to be seen, I find no trace of it,
There is a curl of hair, but I don’t know what that hair is.
I am amazed by the image of His imagination, how it does not leave
My sight, but constantly washes and scrubs.
Without a word, Your tresses draw my heart,
Who else would dare speak or argue with Your captivating locks?
For a lifetime I’ve smelled the scent of Your tresses,
That fragrance still lingers in my heart’s nostrils.
Hafez, Your troubled state is bad, but
The fragrance of the beloved’s tresses makes Your troubles seem good.
New Ghazal Posted: Our devotion and the threshold of the Beloved: Ghazal 58 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from fatemeh:
Our devotion and the threshold of the Beloved: Ghazal 58 by Hafez
Description: English Translation
Our devotion and the threshold of the Beloved
Whatever befalls us is a result of our devotion to Him.
I've seen none like the Beloved, though I've compared Him to moon and sun.
I've placed mirrors before the Beloved's face.
What can the gentle breeze say of my narrow heart?
It's as twisted as the petals of a rosebud yearning for you.
I am not a mere jug in this tavern of the wise,
Many a palace in this world is just a pile of stones and jugs.
Did you perhaps comb your amber-scented tresses?
For the wind has become like musk and the dust like amber.
Every flower petal in the meadow is an offering to your face,
Every cypress by the river is sacrificed to your stature.
The eloquent tongue is too weak to describe this yearning,
What hope is there for a broken, useless pen?
Your face has entered my heart, I shall find my desire,
For a good omen follows a good sight.
Hafez's heart is not now inflamed with lust,
But is marked from eternity, like a wild tulip.
New Ghazal Posted: That dark-haired one with whom the sweetness of the world resides: Ghazal 57 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from fatemeh:
That dark-haired one with whom the sweetness of the world resides: Ghazal 57 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
That dark-haired one with whom the sweetness of the world resides,
With wine-dark eyes, a smiling lip, and a joyful heart.
Though sweet-tongued kings are many,
She is the Solomon of her time, with the seal of authority.
With a beautiful face, perfect artistry, and a pure heart,
Naturally, the hearts of the pure of both worlds are with her.
The dark mole on her wheat-colored cheek
Holds the secret of that grain which led Adam astray.
My beloved has decided to journey, God help her companions,
What shall I do with my wounded heart, which has its balm in her?
To whom can I say this, that that hard-hearted one
Killed us, but also has the breath of Mary's Jesus?
Hafez is one of the believers, cherish him,
For he has a very generous and noble spirit.
New Ghazal Posted: My heart is the tent of his love: Ghazal 56 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from fatemeh:
My heart is the tent of his love: Ghazal 56 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
My heart is the tent of his love,
My eye is the mirror of his beauty.
I, who cannot comprehend the two worlds,
Am under the burden of his favor.
You and the Tree of Paradise, and we and the stature of the beloved,
Everyone's thought is according to their worthiness.
If I am stained, what wonder is that?
The whole world is witness to his purity.
How can I be in that sanctuary where the morning breeze
Is the guardian of the sanctity of his privacy?
Let not the sight of my eye be without his thought,
For this corner is the place of his solitude.
Every new flower that adorns the meadow
Is from the effect of his color and fragrance.
Majnun's turn has passed, and now it is our turn,
Everyone has their turn for five days.
The kingdom of love and the treasure of joy,
Whatever I have is due to the blessing of his endeavor.
If my heart and I are sacrificed, what does it matter?
The goal is the safety of his well-being.
Do not see my outward poverty, for Hafez
Has a heart that is a treasure trove of his love.
New Lesson Posted: Lesson 1: Introduction to the Persian Alphabet
Check out the latest lesson from fatemeh:
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Persian Alphabet
Understanding the Basics Persian, or Farsi, is written using a script derived from Arabic. While it might seem daunting at first, with practice, you'll be surprised at how quickly you can grasp it. Key Points: Right-to-left: Persian is written from right to left, unlike English. No capital letters: Persian doesn't…
New Ghazal Posted: The curve of your tresses is a snare for both faith and disbelief: Ghazal 55 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from fatemeh:
The curve of your tresses is a snare for both faith and disbelief: Ghazal 55 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
The curve of your tresses is a snare for both faith and disbelief,
A mere glimpse of your beauty is proof of this.
Your beauty is a miracle of loveliness, but
The tale of your glances is a clear enchantment.
Who can bear the life from your coquettish eyes?
They are always on the lookout with their bow.
A hundred blessings on those black eyes
Which are so magical in slaying lovers.
What a science is the science of love's celestial sphere
Where the eighth heaven is the seventh earth.
Do you think the slanderer has gone and taken your life?
His reckoning is with the noble scribes.
Hafez, do not feel safe from the snare of her tresses,
For she has stolen hearts and is now in the bonds of religion.
New Ghazal Posted: My eyes, filled with tears, are bloodshot: Ghazal 54 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from fatemeh:
My eyes, filled with tears, are bloodshot: Ghazal 54 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
My eyes, filled with tears, are bloodshot,
See how the people are in their longing for you.
Thinking of your ruby lips and your wine-drunk eyes,
From the cup of sorrow, I drink a ruby wine of blood.
If the sun of your beauty rises from the east of the mountain pass,
My fortune will be auspicious.
The tale of your sweet lips is the speech of Farhad,
The curl of your tresses is the station of Majnun.
Seek my heart, for your stature is like a cypress that attracts hearts,
Speak, for your words are delicate and harmonious.
O saki, bring me relief from afar with a cup of wine,
For the pain in my heart is from the cruelty of the turning sky.
Since the day the beloved river left my eyes,
The hem of my garment is like the Jihun River.
How can my sorrowful heart be happy?
By choice, when it is beyond my control.
Hafez, in his unconsciousness, seeks his beloved,
Like a pauper who demands the treasure of Qarun.
New Ghazal Posted: I am one who finds the corner of the tavern his monastery: Ghazal 53 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from fatemeh:
I am one who finds the corner of the tavern his monastery: Ghazal 53 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
I am one who finds the corner of the tavern his monastery,
The prayer of the Magian sage is my morning incantation.
If I have not the morning song of the lute, what does it matter?
My tune at dawn is the sigh of my apology.
I am free from king and beggar, thanks be to God,
A beggar at my beloved's door, a king is my state.
My purpose in mosque and tavern is your union,
God is my witness, I have no other thought.
Unless the sword of fate strikes my tent, or not,
Fleeing from the door of fortune is not my custom or way.
Since the day I set my face toward this threshold,
The summit of the sun's throne has been my resting place.
Though sin was not our choice, Hafez,
Be polite on the path, say that it is my sin.
New Ghazal Posted: For days, the idol of my beloved has been my religion: Ghazal 52 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from fatemeh:
For days, the idol of my beloved has been my religion: Ghazal 52 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
For days, the idol of my beloved has been my religion,
The sorrow of this affair is the joy of my sorrowful heart.
Only the eye of the soul can see your face,
And this is far beyond the capacity of my worldly eye.
Be my beloved, for the beauty of the heavens and the ornament of the world
Are from your moon-like face and my Procyon-like tears.
Since your love taught me the art of speaking,
Praise and admiration of me has become the world's refrain.
O God, grant me the wealth of poverty,
For this grace is the reason for my honor and respect.
O preacher, do not sell this greatness to the bailiff,
For the dwelling place of the sultan is my humble heart.
O Lord, who is the viewer of this Kaaba of my desire?
For the pilgrims of its path are my rose and jasmine.
Hafez, do not tell the tale of the majesty of Parviz anymore,
For his lips have drunk from the cup of my sweet king.
The Beauty of Persian Rubaeis Beyond Omar Khayyam
When one thinks of Persian poem form of Rubaei, the name Omar Khayyam often comes to mind, especially his famous Rubaeis (quatrains). However, the rich sweetness of Persian literature is adorned with many other poets who have also crafted captivating Rubaeis. These poets, each with their unique voice and style, have contributed significantly to the world of Persian poetry. Here are some of the most notable ones:
New Ghazal Posted: The ruby of my beloved's lips, so parched, is now drunk with blood: Ghazal 51 by Hafez
Check out the latest ghazal from fatemeh:
The ruby of my beloved's lips, so parched, is now drunk with blood: Ghazal 51 by Hafez
Description: English Translation:
The ruby of my beloved's lips, so parched, is now drunk with blood,
And to see her, giving my life is my task.
Shame on that black eye and those long lashes,
Whoever saw her steal hearts and denies my claim.
O caravan, don't pack your bags at the mountain pass,
For that road is the dwelling place of my beloved.
I am a slave to my own fate, in this drought of loyalty,
Love for that intoxicated wanderer is my buyer.
The drum of the flower's fragrance and her saffron-scattering tresses,
Are the grace of a single whiff of my perfumer's scent.
O gardener, don't drive me away from your door like a breeze,
For the water of your rose garden is from my rose-like tears.
My beloved ordered a sherbet of sugar and rosewater,
Her narcissus is the physician of my sick heart.
The one who taught Hafez the art of the ghazal,
Is my sweet-talking, rare-speaking beloved.
New Video Posted: Divan e Hafez Episode 10
Check out the latest video from admin:
Divan e Hafez Episode 10
Description: In this video we discuss Ghazal 21 form Divan e Hafez, in which Hafez poetically depicts the complex nature of love.
New Video Posted: Quatrain 90 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Check out the latest video from admin:
Quatrain 90 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Description: Omar Khayyam proposed a radical yet simple solution to conflict: a universal embrace of happiness and joy. He symbolized this ideal with wine, a metaphor for the elixir of life's pleasures. If individuals and societies prioritized seeking fulfillment and living life to its fullest, as Khayyam encouraged, perhaps the frequency of quarrels and wars would diminish. Those inclined towards conflict are often driven by anger and hatred, a dangerous combination that can lead to reckless disregard for human life.
New Video Posted: Quatrain 89 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Check out the latest video from admin:
Quatrain 89 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Description: They say, those who are pious, that is, those who seem pious, say: The person who dies will rise again in the same state, meaning everyone will be revived in the same condition in which they died. We are, constantly with wine and a beloved, that is to say, we spend our time constantly with wine and a beloved. May they raise us in the same state (with wine and a beloved) on the Day of Resurrection.
New Video Posted: Quatrain 6 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Check out the latest video from admin:
Quatrain 6 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Description: Quatrain 6 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is one of the most famous Robaei from him. I encourage you to be with me till the end and also write your opinion in the comments.
New Video Posted: Divan e Hafez Episode Nine
Check out the latest video from admin:
Divan e Hafez Episode Nine
Description: Ghazal number 26 from divan e Hafez
New Video Posted: Quatrain 9 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Check out the latest video from admin:
Quatrain 9 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Description: Now that the flower of your fortune is in bloom
Time, a fleeting thief, steals moments precious, Khayyam's ninth quatrain wisely advises; grasp life's chances with eager hand, before its sands are spent.
New Video Posted: Quatrain 8 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Check out the latest video from admin:
Quatrain 8 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Description: The Clouds Weep: Quatrain 8 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
The clouds weep upon the green that without red wine, life should not be seen. This is the theme of quatrain 8 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
New Video Posted: Quatrain 34 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Check out the latest video from admin:
Quatrain 34 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Description: In Quatrain 34 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, he says that this world and the life on it that we have, is like a circle that no one can find its start or end. The cycle of coming and going is going on constantly non stop. What is this coming and going for? Let’s read the poem in Persian first and then its translation.
در دایرهای که آمد و رفتن ماست
او را نه بدایت است، نه نهایت پیداست
کس دم نزند در این معنی راست
کاین آمدن از کجا و رفتن به کجاست
Here's the translation of the quatrain from Omar Khayyam to English:
Within this circle where we come and go, Neither beginning nor end can be found.
No one speaks about the true meaning of this, From whence this coming, and where this going.
New Video Posted: Divan e Hafez Episode 8
Check out the latest video from admin:
Divan e Hafez Episode 8
Description: Divan e Hafez Episode 8. In this video we will read a ghazal from Divan of Hafez that he is speaking to a beloved and tries to earn her love.
گفتم کیم دهان و لبت کامران کنند
گفتا بچشم هر چه تو گویی همان کنند
I said, "When your mouth and lips may bring me satisfaction." She replied , "Okay, I shall do as you say."
She replies here sarcastically, you just ask and my lips and mouth is yours. It means that it is not that easy to ask me and I will say Okay.