
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

"The old wine-seller, whose mention is blessed," he said, Ghazal 100 by Hafez

"The old wine-seller, whose mention is blessed," he said, Ghazal 100 by Hafez

By @admin on August 08, 2024
"The old wine-seller, whose mention is blessed," he said, Ghazal 100 by Hafez

By admin on August 08, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دی پیر می‌فروش که ذکرش به خیر باد *** گفتا شراب نوش و غمِ دل بِبَر ز یاد


حافظ گرت ز پندِ حکیمان مَلالت است *** کوته کنیم قصه، که عمرت دراز باد

English Translation: "The old wine-seller, whose mention is blessed," he said, "Drink wine and forget the sorrow of your heart." I said, "I'll give the wine its name and shame to the wind." He said, "Accept my words, and let whatever happens, happen." "When profit, loss, and capital are all …

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My heart, in the air of Farrukh's radiant face, Ghazal 99 by Hafez

My heart, in the air of Farrukh's radiant face, Ghazal 99 by Hafez

By @admin on August 08, 2024
My heart, in the air of Farrukh's radiant face, Ghazal 99 by Hafez

By admin on August 08, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دلِ من در هوایِ روی فَرُّخ *** بُوَد آشفته همچون مویِ فَرُّخ


غلامِ همتِ آنم که باشد *** چو حافظ بنده و هندوی فَرُّخ

English Translation: My heart, in the air of Farrukh's radiant face, Is as disheveled as Farrukh's flowing hair. Besides the Indian darkness of his locks, no one else Has been blessed with the sight of Farrukh. That fortunate blackness is always A companion and confidante of Farrukh. The free cypress …

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If, according to your religion, the blood of lovers is permissible, Ghazal 98 by Hafez

If, according to your religion, the blood of lovers is permissible, Ghazal 98 by Hafez

By @admin on August 08, 2024
If, according to your religion, the blood of lovers is permissible, Ghazal 98 by Hafez

By admin on August 08, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

اگر به مذهبِ تو خونِ عاشق است مُباح *** صلاحِ ما همه آن است کان تو راست صلاح


صَلاح و توبه و تقوی ز ما مجو حافظ *** ز رند و عاشق و مجنون کسی نیافت صلاح

English Translation: If, according to your religion, the blood of lovers is permissible, Then our best course is whatever is right in your sight. The blackness of your dark locks is the creator of darkness, The whiteness of your moon-like face is the divider of the dawn. No one has …

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You, who are like a crown upon the heads of all beauties, Ghazal 97 by Hafez

You, who are like a crown upon the heads of all beauties, Ghazal 97 by Hafez

By @admin on August 08, 2024
You, who are like a crown upon the heads of all beauties, Ghazal 97 by Hafez

By admin on August 08, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

تویی که بر سرِ خوبانِ کشوری چون تاج *** سِزَد اگر همهٔ دلبران دَهَندَت باج


فِتاد در دلِ حافظ هوایِ چون تو شَهی *** کمینه ذرهٔ خاکِ درِ تو بودی کاج

English Translation: You, who are like a crown upon the heads of all beauties, It would be fitting if all the heartbreakers paid you tribute. Your two playful eyes have defeated both the Ethiopians and the Abyssinians, To the curls of your hair, China and India have paid tribute. The …

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There is no cure for our pain, O Helper! Ghazal 96 by Hafez

There is no cure for our pain, O Helper! Ghazal 96 by Hafez

By @admin on August 08, 2024
There is no cure for our pain, O Helper! Ghazal 96 by Hafez

By admin on August 08, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دردِ ما را نیست درمان الغیاث *** هجرِ ما را نیست پایان الغیاث


همچو حافظ روز و شب بی خویشتن *** گشته‌ام سوزان و گریان الغیاث

English Translation: There is no cure for our pain, O Helper! There is no end to our separation, O Helper! They have stolen my religion and my heart, and now they aim for my life. O Helper, from the cruelty of the beautiful ones, O Helper! They demand a life …

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The breeze of your curly locks keeps me perpetually intoxicated, Ghazal 95 by Hafez Shirazi

The breeze of your curly locks keeps me perpetually intoxicated, Ghazal 95 by Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024
The breeze of your curly locks keeps me perpetually intoxicated, Ghazal 95 by Hafez Shirazi

By admin on August 08, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

مدامم مست می‌دارد نسیمِ جَعدِ گیسویت *** خرابم می‌کند هر دَم، فریبِ چشمِ جادویت


زهی همت که حافظ راست از دنیی و از عقبی *** نیاید هیچ در چشمش به جز خاکِ سرِ کویت

English Translation: The breeze of your curly locks keeps me perpetually intoxicated, The deceit of your magical eyes ruins me every moment. After so much patience, O Lord, may I be able to see one night When the candle of my sight shines in the prayer niche of your eyebrows. …

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For that enchanting beloved, gratitude is mixed with complaint, Ghazal 94 by Hafez

For that enchanting beloved, gratitude is mixed with complaint, Ghazal 94 by Hafez

By @admin on August 08, 2024
For that enchanting beloved, gratitude is mixed with complaint, Ghazal 94 by Hafez

By admin on August 08, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

زان یارِ دلنوازم شُکریست با شکایت *** گر نکته‌دانِ عشقی بشنو تو این حکایت


عشقت رِسَد به فریاد ار خود به سانِ حافظ *** قرآن ز بَر بخوانی در چاردَه روایت

English Translation: For that enchanting beloved, gratitude is mixed with complaint, If you are knowledgeable about love, listen to this tale. Every service I have done was without pay or favor, May God forbid anyone to have a master who is without grace. No one gives water to the thirsty …

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What grace it was, when suddenly a drop of your pen: Ghazal 93 by Hafez

What grace it was, when suddenly a drop of your pen: Ghazal 93 by Hafez

By @admin on August 08, 2024
What grace it was, when suddenly a drop of your pen: Ghazal 93 by Hafez

By admin on August 08, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

چه لطف بود که ناگاه رَشحِهٔ قَلَمَت *** حقوقِ خدمتِ ما عرضه کرد بر کرمت


همیشه وقتِ تو ای عیسیِ صبا خوش باد *** که جانِ حافظِ دلخسته زنده شد به دَمَت

English Translation: What grace it was, when suddenly a drop of your pen Presented the rights of my service to your generosity. With the tip of your pen, you have written my greeting, May the workshop of time never be without your number. I won’t say that you remembered me, …

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My beloved, you go so gracefully, for I follow you with my head and feet. Ghazal 92 by Hafez

My beloved, you go so gracefully, for I follow you with my head and feet. Ghazal 92 by Hafez

By @admin on August 08, 2024
My beloved, you go so gracefully, for I follow you with my head and feet. Ghazal 92 by Hafez

By admin on August 08, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

میرِ من خوَش می‌روی کاندر سر و پا میرمت *** خوش خِرامان شو که پیشِ قدِ رعنا میرمت


گرچه جایِ حافظ اندر خلوتِ وصلِ تو نیست *** ای همه جایِ تو خوَش، پیشِ همه جا میرمت

English Translation: My beloved, you go so gracefully, for I follow you with my head and feet. Walk gracefully, for I follow you in front of your beautiful stature. You said, “When will you die before me, what is the hurry?” You make a good request, for I am coming …

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O absent one from my sight, I entrust you to God: Ghazal 91 by Hafez

O absent one from my sight, I entrust you to God: Ghazal 91 by Hafez

By @admin on August 08, 2024
O absent one from my sight, I entrust you to God: Ghazal 91 by Hafez

By admin on August 08, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای غایب از نظر به خدا می‌سپارمت *** جانم بسوختی و به دل دوست دارمت


حافظ شراب و شاهد و رندی نه وضعِ توست *** فِی‌الجمله می‌کنی و فرو می‌گذارمت

English Translation: O absent one from my sight, I entrust you to God, My heart has burned, and I cherish you deeply. Until I draw my shroud under the dust of the earth, Do not believe that I will let go of your skirt. Show me the prayer niche of …

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