
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

Don't criticize the rev elers, O pure-hearted ascetic: Ghazal 80 by Hafez

Don't criticize the rev elers, O pure-hearted ascetic: Ghazal 80 by Hafez

By @admin on August 06, 2024
Don't criticize the rev elers, O pure-hearted ascetic: Ghazal 80 by Hafez

By admin on August 06, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

عیبِ رندان مَکُن ای زاهدِ پاکیزه‌سرشت *** که گناهِ دگران بر تو نخواهند نوشت


حافظا روزِ اجل گر به کف آری جامی *** یک سر از کویِ خرابات بَرَندَت به بهشت

English Translation: Don't criticize the revelers, O pure-hearted ascetic, For the sins of others will not be written against you. If I am good or bad, you be yourself, Everyone reaps what they sow in the end. Everyone seeks a lover, whether sober or drunk, Everywhere is a house of …

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Now that the heavenly breeze blows from the garden: Ghazal 79 by Hafez

Now that the heavenly breeze blows from the garden: Ghazal 79 by Hafez

By @admin on August 06, 2024
Now that the heavenly breeze blows from the garden: Ghazal 79 by Hafez

By admin on August 06, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

کنون که می‌دمد از بوستان نسیمِ بهشت *** من و شرابِ فرح‌بخش و یارِ حورسرشت


قدم دریغ مدار از جنازهٔ حافظ *** که گرچه غرقِ گناه است می‌رود به بهشت

English Translation: Now that the heavenly breeze blows from the garden, It's me, the joy-giving wine, and a heavenly-faced companion. Why shouldn't a beggar boast of kingship today? When the cloud casts its shadow as a tent and the riverbank is a banquet hall. The meadow tells the tale of …

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You saw that the beloved had nothing but cruelty and oppression: Ghazal 78 by Hafez

You saw that the beloved had nothing but cruelty and oppression: Ghazal 78 by Hafez

By @admin on August 06, 2024
You saw that the beloved had nothing but cruelty and oppression: Ghazal 78 by Hafez

By admin on August 06, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دیدی که یار، جز سَرِ جور و ستم نداشت *** بشکست عهد، وز غمِ ما هیچ غم نداشت


حافظ بِبَر تو گویِ فصاحت که مدعی *** هیچش هنر نبود و خبر نیز هم نداشت

English Translation: You saw that the beloved had nothing but cruelty and oppression, He broke his promise and had no sorrow for our grief. O God, don't take him away, even though he broke my heart like a dove's, And killed me, though I had the honor of being a …

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A nightingale held a sweet-colored rose petal in its beak: Ghazal 77 by Hafez

A nightingale held a sweet-colored rose petal in its beak: Ghazal 77 by Hafez

By @admin on August 06, 2024
A nightingale held a sweet-colored rose petal in its beak: Ghazal 77 by Hafez

By admin on August 06, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

بلبلی برگِ گُلی خوش رنگ در منقار داشت *** و اندر آن برگ و نوا خوش ناله‌هایِ زار داشت


چشمِ حافظ زیرِ بامِ قصرِ آن حوری سرشت *** شیوهٔ جَنّاتُ تَجری تَحتِهَا الاَنهار داشت

English Translation: A nightingale held a sweet-colored rose petal in its beak, And within that leaf and song, there were mournful laments. I asked it, "What is this wailing and crying in the midst of union?" It said, "The manifestation of the beloved has this effect on us." If the …

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Except for your threshold, I have no refuge in the world: Ghazal 76 by Hafez

Except for your threshold, I have no refuge in the world: Ghazal 76 by Hafez

By @admin on August 06, 2024
Except for your threshold, I have no refuge in the world: Ghazal 76 by Hafez

By admin on August 06, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

جز آستان توام در جهان پناهی نیست *** سرِ مرا به جز این در، حواله گاهی نیست


خزینهٔ دلِ حافظ به زلف و خال مده *** که کارهای چنین، حَدِّ هر سیاهی نیست

English Translation: Except for your threshold, I have no refuge in the world, My head has no place to turn but to this door. When the enemy draws his sword, I will raise my shield, For our sword is nothing but a moan and a sigh. Why should I turn …

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The dream of your captivating narcissus is not without something: Ghazal 75 by Ghazal

The dream of your captivating narcissus is not without something: Ghazal 75 by Ghazal

By @admin on August 05, 2024
The dream of your captivating narcissus is not without something: Ghazal 75 by Ghazal

By admin on August 05, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

خوابِ آن نرگسِ فَتّانِ تو، بی چیزی نیست *** تابِ آن زلفِ پریشانِ تو، بی چیزی نیست


دردِ عشق ار چه دل از خلق نهان می‌دارد *** حافظ این دیدهٔ گریانِ تو، بی چیزی نیست

English Translation: The dream of your captivating narcissus is not without something, The allure of your disheveled locks is not without something. I said the liquid flowing from your lips was honey, This sugar-coated salt of yours is not without something. May your life be long, for I know for …

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The result of the workshop of existence and place is not all this: Ghazal by Hafez

The result of the workshop of existence and place is not all this: Ghazal by Hafez

By @admin on August 05, 2024
The result of the workshop of existence and place is not all this: Ghazal by Hafez

By admin on August 05, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

حاصلِ کارگه کون و مکان این همه نیست *** باده پیش آر که اسبابِ جهان این همه نیست


نام حافظ رقمِ نیک پذیرفت ولی *** پیش رندان رقمِ سود و زیان این همه نیست

English Translation: The result of the workshop of existence and place is not all this, Bring wine, for the furnishings of the world are not all this. The purpose is the honor of the beloved's companionship, from heart and soul, This is the purpose, and otherwise, the heart and soul …

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There’s no glance that isn’t brightened by your radiant face: Ghazal 73 by Hafez

There’s no glance that isn’t brightened by your radiant face: Ghazal 73 by Hafez

By @admin on August 05, 2024
There’s no glance that isn’t brightened by your radiant face: Ghazal 73 by Hafez

By admin on August 05, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

روشن از پرتوِ رویت نظری نیست که نیست *** مِنَّت خاکِ درت بر بصری نیست که نیست


غیر از این نکته که حافظ ز تو ناخشنود است *** در سراپای وجودت هنری نیست که نیست

English Translation: There’s no glance that isn’t brightened by your radiant face, No eye that isn’t grateful for the dust of your threshold. Those who gaze upon your face are indeed insightful, But the secret of your tresses is in no one else's head. If my tear of sorrow turns …

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The path of love is a way with no shore: Ghazal 72 by Hafez

The path of love is a way with no shore: Ghazal 72 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 05, 2024
The path of love is a way with no shore: Ghazal 72 by Hafez

By hamed on August 05, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

راهی است راهِ عشق که هیچش کناره نیست *** آن جا جز آن که جان بسپارند، چاره نیست


نگرفت در تو گریهٔ حافظ به هیچ رو *** حیرانِ آن دلم که کم از سنگِ خاره نیست

English Translation: The path of love is a way with no shore, There, there is no choice but to surrender one's life. Whenever you give your heart to love, it is a moment of joy, In a good deed, there is no need for divination. Don't scare us with the …

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The outwardly pious know nothing of our state: Ghazal 71 by Hafez

The outwardly pious know nothing of our state: Ghazal 71 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 05, 2024
The outwardly pious know nothing of our state: Ghazal 71 by Hafez

By hamed on August 05, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

زاهدِ ظاهرپرست از حالِ ما آگاه نیست *** در حقِ ما هر چه گوید جایِ هیچ اکراه نیست


حافظ ار بر صدر ننشیند ز عالی‌مشربیست *** عاشقِ دُردی‌کش اندر بندِ مال و جاه نیست

English Translation: The outwardly pious know nothing of our state, Whatever they say about us is of no consequence. Whatever comes to the seeker on the path is good for them, On the straight path, O heart, no one is lost. Let's see what game fate will play, we'll move …

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