
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

My eyes, weary of the world, see nothing but your face: Ghazal 70 by Hafez

My eyes, weary of the world, see nothing but your face: Ghazal 70 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 04, 2024
My eyes, weary of the world, see nothing but your face: Ghazal 70 by Hafez

By hamed on August 04, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

مردم دیدهٔ ما جز به رُخَت ناظر نیست *** دل سرگشتهٔ ما غیرِ تو را ذاکر نیست


سَرِ پیوند تو تنها نه دلِ حافظ راست *** کیست آن کِش سَرِ پیوند تو در خاطر نیست

English Translation: My eyes, weary of the world, see nothing but your face, My wandering heart remembers none but you. My tears tie the pilgrim's ihram around your sanctuary, Though my bearded heart's blood is not pure for a moment. Bound by the snare and cage of the wind like …

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There's no one who isn't captivated by those twin locks of yours: Ghazal 69 by Hafez

There's no one who isn't captivated by those twin locks of yours: Ghazal 69 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 04, 2024
There's no one who isn't captivated by those twin locks of yours: Ghazal 69 by Hafez

By hamed on August 04, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

کس نیست که افتادهٔ آن زلفِ دوتا نیست *** در رهگذرِ کیست که دامی ز بلا نیست


ای چنگ فروبرده به خونِ دلِ حافظ *** فکرت مگر از غیرتِ قرآن و خدا نیست

English Translation: There's no one who isn't captivated by those twin locks of yours, Who passes by without being ensnared by misfortune? Since your eyes steal hearts from the solitary, Being with you isn't a sin on our part. Your face must be a mirror of divine grace, Indeed, it …

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This week ha s passed, and it feels like a year to me: Ghazal 68 by Hafez

This week ha s passed, and it feels like a year to me: Ghazal 68 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 04, 2024
This week ha s passed, and it feels like a year to me: Ghazal 68 by Hafez

By hamed on August 04, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ماهم این هفته برون رفت و به چشمم سالیست *** حالِ هجران تو چه دانی که چه مشکل حالیست


کوهِ اندوهِ فراقت به چه حالت بکشد؟ *** حافظ خسته که از ناله تنش چون نالیست

English Translation: This week has passed, and it feels like a year to me, How can you know the state of separation from you, such a difficult state? People saw their own reflection in the grace of your face, And thought that your dark locks were empty. Milk still drips …

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O Lord, whose candle is this that sets my heart aflame? Ghazal 67 by Hafez

O Lord, whose candle is this that sets my heart aflame? Ghazal 67 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 04, 2024
O Lord, whose candle is this that sets my heart aflame? Ghazal 67 by Hafez

By hamed on August 04, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

یا رب این شمع دل افروز ز کاشانهٔ کیست؟ *** جانِ ما سوخت، بپرسید که جانانهٔ کیست؟


گفتم آه از دلِ دیوانهٔ حافظ بی تو *** زیرِ لب خنده زنان گفت که دیوانهٔ کیست؟

English Translation: O Lord, whose candle is this that sets my heart aflame? My life is consumed, ask who is the beloved of my soul? Now she is the destroyer of my heart and faith, With whom does she sleep and who is her companion? May the wine of her …

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Let the nightingale lament if it pleases the beloved: Ghazal 66 by Hafez

Let the nightingale lament if it pleases the beloved: Ghazal 66 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 04, 2024
Let the nightingale lament if it pleases the beloved: Ghazal 66 by Hafez

By hamed on August 04, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

بنال بلبل اگر با مَنَت سرِ یاریست *** که ما دو عاشق زاریم و کارِ ما زاریست


دلش به ناله میازار و ختم کن حافظ *** که رستگاریِ جاوید در کم آزاریست

English Translation: Let the nightingale lament if it pleases the beloved, For we are both lovesick and our work is to lament. In a land where a breeze blows from the beloved's tresses, What place is there for the scent of Tatar musk? Bring wine so we can dye our …

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What is sweeter than pleasure, companionship, gardens, and spring? Ghazal 65 by Hafez

What is sweeter than pleasure, companionship, gardens, and spring? Ghazal 65 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 04, 2024
What is sweeter than pleasure, companionship, gardens, and spring? Ghazal 65 by Hafez

By hamed on August 04, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

خوشتر ز عیش و صحبت و باغ و بهار چیست؟ *** ساقی کجاست، گو سببِ انتظار چیست؟


زاهد شرابِ کوثر و حافظ پیاله خواست *** تا در میانه خواستهٔ کردگار چیست

English Translation: What is sweeter than pleasure, companionship, gardens, and spring? Where is the wine-server? Tell me, what is the reason for this delay? Count every happy moment as precious, For no one knows what the end of things will be. Life is tied to a hair; be cautious. Be …

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Though it's rude to display one's skills before the beloved: Ghazal 64 by Hafez

Though it's rude to display one's skills before the beloved: Ghazal 64 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 04, 2024
Though it's rude to display one's skills before the beloved: Ghazal 64 by Hafez

By hamed on August 04, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

اگر چه عرض هنر پیشِ یار بی‌ادبیست *** زبان خموش، ولیکن دهان پُر از عربیست


بیار می که چو حافظ هزارم استظهار *** به گریهٔ سحری و نیازِ نیم شبیست

English Translation: Though it's rude to display one's skills before the beloved, My tongue is silent, yet my heart is full of Arabic verse. A fairy hides her face, and a devil lurks in her beauty's charm; My eyes burn in wonder at this strange paradox. In this garden, a …

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No one has ever seen your face, yet you have a thousand rivals: Ghazal 63 by Hafez

No one has ever seen your face, yet you have a thousand rivals: Ghazal 63 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 04, 2024
No one has ever seen your face, yet you have a thousand rivals: Ghazal 63 by Hafez

By hamed on August 04, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

رویِ تو کس ندید و هزارت رقیب هست؛ *** در غنچه‌ای هنوز و صَدَت عَنْدَلیب هست.


فریادِ حافظ —این همه آخِر— به هَرزه نیست؛ *** هم قصّه‌ای غریب و حدیثی عجیب هست

English Translation: No one has ever seen your face, yet you have a thousand rivals; You're still in bud, yet a hundred nightingales sing your praises. If I come to your street, it's not so strange; For like me, there are thousands of strangers in that land. In love, a …

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Welcome, O messenger of the longing ones, bring tidings of the Beloved: Ghazal 62 by Hafez

Welcome, O messenger of the longing ones, bring tidings of the Beloved: Ghazal 62 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 04, 2024
Welcome, O messenger of the longing ones, bring tidings of the Beloved: Ghazal 62 by Hafez

By hamed on August 04, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

مرحبا ای پیکِ مشتاقان بده پیغامِ دوست *** تا کُنم جان از سرِ رغبت فدای نامِ دوست


حافظ اندر دَردِ او می‌سوز و بی‌درمان بساز *** زان که درمانی ندارد دَردِ بی‌آرامِ دوست

English Translation: Welcome, O messenger of the longing ones, bring tidings of the Beloved, So that I may gladly sacrifice my life for the Beloved’s name. Ever enamored and infatuated, like a nightingale in a cage, My parrot-like heart is captivated by the Beloved’s sugar and almonds. Her tresses are …

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O gentle breeze, if you happen to pass through the beloved's land: Ghazal 61 by Hafez

O gentle breeze, if you happen to pass through the beloved's land: Ghazal 61 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 04, 2024
O gentle breeze, if you happen to pass through the beloved's land: Ghazal 61 by Hafez

By hamed on August 04, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

صبا اگر گذری اُفتَدَت به کشور دوست *** بیار نَفحِه‌ای از گیسوی مُعَنبَر دوست


چه باشد ار شود از بندِ غم دلش آزاد *** چو هست حافظِ مسکین غلام و چاکر دوست

English Translation: O gentle breeze, if you happen to pass through the beloved's land, Bring a fragrant breath from the beloved's amber tresses. I would gladly sacrifice my life in gratitude If you bring a message from my beloved to me. And if, by chance, you carry no message from …

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